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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. You didn't imply that Cam should avoid references to primates lest he be mistaken for a racist?
  2. Age of consent is 17 or lower in every state but Delaware. That wannabe Chris Hansen better check his facts!
  3. Starting a sentence with "Ummm...." is a great way to sound like an adolescent girl about to launch a tirade about how she wanted a mocha latte skim and not a chocolate mocha frappucino. And you think Donkey Kong Suh would think that Cam was calling him an ape in way to suggest racial inferiority rather than just making fun of his name?
  4. What were you implying?
  5. This is the most entertaining thread on the board right now. If this one gets closed due to your whining I will tell duck you're a lonely single woman who is interested in getting stoned and digging up old outhouses.
  6. BillsFan-4-Ever has the moral high ground here by way of outrage. FireChan better dig deep and find some Kony 2012 level righteousness if hes going to retake the lead. Stay tuned.
  7. Cam Newton hates black people.
  8. Legality is a reflection of societal standards. It has everything to with the NFL's code of conduct which should serve as a complement to state and federal law. Don't you remember nothing? You don't know my sister.
  9. So there's no reason to think any of this actually happened but you believe it nonetheless?
  10. Per usual, duck's opinions are in no way reflective of what has happened, what is known, or what was reported.
  11. I don't buy that explanation for a second. No way Harbaugh was only one watching those tapes. There had to be a second viewer. Perhaps "Grassy" Chuck Noll?
  12. I thought he was just sick of answering the same questions. Every reporter is trying to figure out whether hes going to play and Cam and the Panthers don't want to tip their hand. Name, rank and serial number. Or in this case, the Lions, protection and Donkey Kong Suh. I've been referring to him as Donkey Kong Suh since his days in Nebraska. Glad to know I'm not alone.
  13. I loved it. More respect for Cam now.
  14. If he goes, it will be for trying too hard to appease the public rather than just staying the f@#$ out of it and passing the buck to law enforcement as the league has usually done. "This is a legal matter. We will leave it up to the courts. League policy says 2 game ban. We will examine the policy more closely in the offseason."
  15. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/09/10/giants-co-owner-says-roger-goodells-job-not-in-jeopardy/
  16. It was comical listening to Goodell address that question. Basically, "No, we didn't need to see it on video to hand out an indefinite suspension. The video doesn't change how terrible the incident was. But after seeing the video we immediately handed out an indefinite suspension."
  17. Wow, you are lost. Just because the NFL has such policies doesn't mean they have any responsibility to you or society at large to mete out punishment. WTF is so hard to understand?
  18. Apparently the NFL should be deputized to act as a complement to our judicial system in cases where the law just doesn't go far enough and in that role, Goodell and the NFL have failed therefore public flogging for all.
  19. And you came to that conclusion based solely on my acknowledgement that said system exists??? Do go on. Right, which is why the NFL commissioner is not a f@#$ing substitute for the judicial system. Rape, as was used in the last terrible example, will be punishable by law as dictated by society. Its not the NFL's responsibility to administer any particular punishments.
  20. Yes. Yes it is. In fact, its the only way to responsibly hand out punishments. You're aware that we still have a judicial system, right?
  21. Just because the NFL may have the power to take a stand and change perception does not mean that its their responsibility to do so. Fact is the NFL has absolutely no responsibility to take a stand on this or any issue. It isn't Goodell's job to shape American society as he sees fit. Declaring that Goodell should lose his job for failing to take actions which are completely outside of his responsibilities as commissioner of the NFL is absolutely absurd. A more appropriate criticism of Goodell would be already having gone too far in that direction rather than not far enough.
  22. I just want to make it clear that I'm the most outraged and think Goodell should be tried for crimes against humanity.
  23. We don't need to think about issues. Just call for everyone's head. Rice, Harbaugh, Bisciotti, Goodell should all be fired and made to run the gauntlet.
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