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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Transgendered Oompa Loompas dress up as that pig from the Drew Carey show for Halloween?
  2. Well when you put it that way, its still just not even remotely correct. In fact it makes a stronger argument for the complexity of the QB position and has no bearing on the relative quantity of talent at the respective positions.
  3. I thought NePolian syndrome was when you couldn't stop yourself from telling your boss that his daughter is a c@#$?
  4. Well thats just wrong.
  5. I clicked on the link provided and it was just a vdeo of boyst teaching his dog a new "trick". The production value is horrible.
  6. I would also fire the people who fired Hackett. Can't have any Hackett sympathizers in the organization.
  7. We could have put most of yesterday's points into an escrow account to be used at a later date and we would have if Russ and El Pegual were willing to take the tax hit today. Cheap!!
  8. That was my first thought too. Imagine my confusion when I looked into the matter more and saw that John Skelton is a free agent right now. We don't even have to trade for him. We can just sign him.
  9. The only thing more amusing than watching birdog get his face kicked in on a daily basis is seeing him show up the next day and claim the intellectual high ground.
  10. I also hope we go run heavy against the Jets awesome D line while avoiding their crippled secondary. PFF is gospel.
  11. BK is and has always been a Canadian company at heart. That sweet, sweet ~26% statutory tax rate. In a totally unrelated matter, buy MTY.TSX. Bid that motherf@#$er up not because of the incredible margins and fundamentals but because I own it.
  12. Is anyone arguing that sales tax should be raised to 40% because rich people buy more stuff and equality and fairness?
  13. Is it worth bring up that the money for this hypothetical investment subject to dividend and capital gains tax was already taxed as income at a progressive rate? In the interest of fairness and equality, how many times should we be taxing that same dollar and at what rate?
  14. Most of the M&A activity we've seen in the past few years has been a byproduct of tepid growth and strong cash balances. With fewer opportunities for internal investment we see firms try to expand their range of services/products. It seems like I've read that same narrative across every industry outlook over the past 4 years.
  15. What are you talking about?
  16. Which will never work. Not with 12 size-font.
  17. Don't do that thing you do and say all these things that you're just going to regret later. I know you're hurting inside and I feel bad too, but I'm just not that into you.
  18. Dance, monkey! Most of your ilk struggle to understand me. I've actually treated you with restraint the many times I could have responded to your juvenile insults about career and education or the many times I could've called you out on the hysterical irony of your posts. I may reconsider since you're insistent on making things personal over some issue I've long since forgotten about.
  19. Wow, thin skinned doesn't even begin to describe. Still freaking out about a Tommy Boy reference which in no way was directed at or meant to insult you. You are either highly paranoid or desperate for my attention. Tsk, tsk.
  20. I see you're feeling like your usual self. Thin skinned as ever and perceiving insults which simply aren't there. Playing grammar games will not go well for you, but by all means, feel free to embarrass yourself.
  21. Did you even read that article? There's no mention of flu shots and adult-onset autism. http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1888718,00.html
  22. What about the autism concerns with vaccines such as the flu shot?
  23. Flu shots have been linked with government mind control operations and adult onset autism. No thank you.
  24. Trade Mario to Ole Miss for Bo Wallace, a backup guy and a 5th round pick in 2015.
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