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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Ball position is just one aspect. When was the runner down and did he maintain possession of the ball?
  2. Maybe. Theres an incredible skill component to hockey too. Being a great skater and great athlete is not necessary to be a great hockey player. The greatest hockey player of all time had a training regimen of 6 pushups in the offseason. https://russianmachineneverbreaks.com/2023/08/13/wayne-gretzky-six-pushups-92-goals/
  3. Totally agree. Everything about the construction of this roster up until this offseason was about scoring fast, getting leads, and rushing the passer/forcing turnovers. That strategy made a lot of sense. Of course Von got hurt and didn't bounce back and we couldn't quite execute the rushing the passer part but we could score. Then after the Miami game, which was a masterful show of what this team was designed to do, we couldn't score fast, slow or otherwise and ball control became the symptom rather than the plan. I am highly skeptical of this team trying to chew clock and put together methodical drives. Yes, they have done it. When you no longer have the option to score fast you do what you must. And Josh was highly reluctant to accept that we couldn't score fast. Denver, New England, and NY Giants were all games where our inability to score quickly left us having to defend with 2 minutes left and no chance to answer. The KC game we were in no mans land. Theres no way we really intended to salt 8 minutes of game clock and punch in a TD at the buzzer. No way that was the plan. When you give yourself fewer drives by design you better score TDs every possession and play stingy defense otherwise you don't keep pace with premier offenses. If this is really the plan for the 2024 offense then the plan sucks.
  4. I am an amateur but I have spent countless hours soaking up as much as I can on this website. Its a lot like here but without all the weirdos and #######s. In other words, its nothing like TBD and not nearly as fun BUT it is useful. https://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php There is even a great thread where a dude who owns a highly regarded pizza shop in Buffalo, Jay's Artisan Pizza, is helping people re-engineer a classic Buffalo style pie. https://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php?topic=30764.0
  5. Proofing and fermentation get used interchangeably but proofing is specifically that fermentation taking place after the dough has reached its final form. I don't consider a ball of dough to be the final form whether its thin crust or pan. I would refer to that step as cold fermentation (or room temp fermentation) but I know that others call that step proofing. Pan pizza includes a distinct proofing phase after shaping and stretching the dough in the pan but before baking which is what I believe 716 was referring to. This step is only a few hours at room temp. You don't stretch a thin crust pie out to 16" and then let it rise again for a few hours was my point. Any pizza place operating in New York or Buffalo worth visiting is fermenting or proofing dough for at least a good 8 hours and likely closer to 24 or 48. I believe the legendary DiFara makes a same day dough while places like L'Industrie are rumored to ferment 72 hours. Lucali rolls out their dough with a wine bottle and even in pizza crazed Brooklyn people wait in line for hours. I wouldn't want to push all that gas out of the dough after spending so long letting it ferment but no one pays for my pizzas. My friends are all free loaders.
  6. Theres no reason to proof a thin crust pizza. It would cease to be thin and no clue how you would get it on and off a peel when its time to cook. Whether its NY thin, New Haven, or Neapolitan, you ferment until optimal, you stretch, then you cook immediately for best results.. Pan pizzas from sicilian, to grandma, to Detroit, to an old school pizza hut style, and to a lesser extent chicago style require proofing in the pan since you push so much air out of the dough during the spreading/stretching process. Without the proofing step the crust would be dense and chewy. Totally agree that Buffalo style is a close relative of Sicilian with the main differentiator being the amount of cheese, the sweetness in the sauce, and the use of cup n char pepperoni. I basically use the same dough recipe for making Sicilian, Detroit, Buffalo style, and classic pan pizzas (home cook; not a professional) which goes to show that they all have a common ancestor. The rest of the differentiation, which is noticeable, is in ingredients, proportions, and process.
  7. The toast and table tap is common in my social circle with taking shots. I don't know why we do it but we all do. EDIT: I just googled it and apparently the table or bar tap is toasting the bar/house for their hospitality.
  8. Prince Street is a Sicilian slice. Its basically a focaccia with sauce and toppings. There are sicilian pies all over the tri-state area with long histories. Buffalo pizza, like most other thicker american style pizzas, is a cousin of Sicilian pizza. Buffalo pizza uses way more cheese than what you get on a Prince Street slice (cheese on top of sauce rather than sauce on top of cheese like at Prince Street), has a sweeter and thicker sauce, and the dough is lower hydration which produces a smaller crumb. Its a denser more bread like crust than the airy focaccia style Sicilian (at least the original Bocce's recipe is). I know the Prince Street pizzas are cooked in a black steel pan with a decently high rim, swimming in olive oil, so the dough essentially deep fries in the oven. I could be wrong but I thought classic Buffalo style pizzas were cooked on a greased pan with a short rim. I don't think its accurate to call everything with a cup n char style pepperoni on it a Buffalo style.
  9. I appreciate Claypool taking the interview and giving us his thoughts. I didn't love a lot of his answers as to what has gone wrong in his career. Its like he tried to say what he was supposed to say and mostly stayed on script but couldn't quite execute. Totally nitpicking here but in my anecdotal experience, people who are still a few hard bounces away from seeing the light are compelled to defend themselves and never quite arrive at the hard truths. He still couldn't help himself from insinuating that his past two teams weren't the right fit and that the Phins and Bears didn't know how to use him. Didn't talk about putting in the work to run a full route tree, issues of maturity, discipline on the field, dedicating himself to his craft or any of the main reasons why he is quite likely looking at his last chance to salvage an NFL career. That dude wore out his welcome with a guy who dealt with Antonio Brown, Le'Veon Bell, and Roethlisberger at the height of their combined egomaniacal, non-consensual, stupidity. And he managed to do it in 2 short years. If he can't crack top 6 in this WR room then I don't think he gets another opportunity. He didn't sound to me like a guy who is living with that reality but 8 minutes with media in OTAs is far less important than the conversation he had with Beane and McDermott.
  10. On second thought, maybe you should put all your savings into that time share in Destin we were talking about.
  11. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/40192905/chase-claypool-mission-right-now Claypool is on a mission.
  12. Pretty much every roster Rex Ryan coached could have gotten into the post season with any semblance of discipline.
  13. As far as you're concerned, yes. Now go get your shine box!
  14. You don't have to guess what political group I belong to while you declare I am trying to censor an article to protect my political group and all the while you aren't grouping me or anyone else and you're definitely not ascribing motives...like censorship...because of the political group I belong to? Got it. Thank you for clarifying. Ya know, maybe you should stick to calling me a racist. I think you got a little too far over your skis today. In our shared commitment to combatting censorship, real or otherwise, I am resharing the article. Come all and read this brilliant selection from @4merper4mer's curated list of topical articles. Behold its relevance. Bask in its wisdom. Daresay I like it even more than yesterday's timeless think piece titled "Garfield - Love for Lasagna - 3/18/1982". https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/readers-opinion/guest-commentary/article288545627.html
  15. Well at least you aren't grouping anyone while you clumsily guess at my political "persuasions" and attribute sweeping motives there from. Declaring an article to be void of meaningful content is no more a form of censorship than your suggestion that the article makes its author look bad and silly. I have not, in any way, restricted anyone's ability to consume that nonsense above or any other such nonsense and you know that. I imagine that defending the patently stupid is essentially reflexive to you at this point, a form of self preservation, but you simply must to stop conflating these misguided efforts with some form of principled defense of censorship or our first amendment rights. You are no more defending our constitutional rights than a dog barking at cars.
  16. His commencement speech may have inspired articles suggesting Butker is the lost Lindberg baby or that he fathered a love child with Elvis Presley. While there is a tangential connection in that these articles all involve Butker, these ridiculous articles would be equally irrelevant to any conversations taking place between functioning adults. But since you insist, I will get you and Bob started as we discuss this highly worthy and relevant piece of journalism: Should Butker be cut and the Chiefs be punished by the.....league I guess...and forced to cut him but then also forced to replace him with a woman?? I think the fans would love this slapstick interjection of social justice and sports. It really put the Manitoba Sea Squirrels on the map when they let a woman kick a PAT. Think about what it could do for struggling NFL attendance? The Sea Squirrels aren't just some random bums either. They are right in the mix for the Loonie Division. Hey, maybe Butker should be court ordered to be Megan Rapinoe's butler?!? That sounds like a sitcom. A topical and relevant sitcom.
  17. I must have missed the part of this thread where replacing Butker with a golden retriever because its "good for business" was being entertained. While I disagree that this article has any merit or relevance to the topic at hand, I do agree that it is worth your time and undivided attention and I am heartened that we see eye to eye on this issue. And on that note, I'll leave you guys to it. Looks like you, Lonnie, Clayton, @Bob Jones, and Jugdish will have lots to talk about!
  18. The same people who boycotted the NFL over Kaepernick are now buying Butker jerseys. Both sides agree, freedom of speech is paramount so long as we like the message.
  19. LOL at hail mary defense. Do you have any idea how many hail mary's almost connect but don't every week? There's a reason why its the lowest % play in football. Its always so close yet so far. And it was pretty well defended in Arizona. How many more guys do you want around the ball? Perhaps McD should have coached Hyde or Tre to be taller. I am really struggling to see how any of this relates to your McD = Jauron argument. Looks like you have abandoned that (if so, smart) but lets not pretend that this discussion started over my impassioned defense of McD. Jauron was the most conservative coach the franchise has seen and played every game not to lose. McD leads the league in going for it on fourth down. Jauron regularly punted the ball away from inside the 50. He was the least inspiring person to ever walk into OBD. If you still think McD=Jauron then we can add it your growing list of spicy takes.
  20. I guess its a good thing that football games are not measured by things that almost happened. Keep digging.
  21. If any one of our dlinemen could truly separate themselves from the pack we just might see less of a rotation. I think we would see exceptions to the rotation if we had a prime TJ Watt or Chris Jones on the roster.
  22. Lewis did better? He won zero playoff games in his 16 years behind the bench. Joe Gibbs had great success in an era where QB play was not nearly as important as it is today. I have no idea what world you live in where Aikman was not a franchise QB. He is enshrined in the hall of fame. Flacco was a top third QB. In any given year he was putting up Eli or Cam type numbers. Prime Flacco is a far cry from Tyrod or Cassel. Shanahan is the only coach in the modern NFL who has had continual success without a franchise QB. Granted he ***** the bed when it mattered even with a franchise QB. Run twice and kick a field goal and he would have a super bowl ring.
  23. I don't expect to see much of a difference this year relative to the last 3. We may see growth in the way he handles his young coordinators. Does he let them do their thing or does he take over the D and the play calling when things aren't going well? My biggest concern with McD is that his defense has been completely exposed in our last 3 playoff losses. Without 11 healthy starters and a strong rotation of contributors this defense is barely a speed bump for the Chiefs and Bengals when the games matter. I don't see McD coming out with game plans that are confusing or stifling the league's premier offenses even when they're playing without several starters on their offensive line. Meanwhile the Bengals defense made our offense look like they were playing together for the first time all year. I'm probably wrong, but it looks like McD trots out his base defense and if that isn't working then we are properly screwed.
  24. And McDermott dragged Tyrod Taylor to the playoffs. He has had one losing season in his career and it was Allen's rookie year. Belichick got fired after 2 more years with Mac Jones. Ask @PBF81 about how much credit Belichick should get for going 11-5 with Cassel when Sparano won the division that year playing the same schedule. Lazy initial argument, bad counter. So I guess Shanahan is the only objectively good coach in the modern NFL and everyone else just got lucky with a franchise QB.
  25. Every head coach without a franchise QB is Dick Jauron based on record. Bill Belichick is now Jauron. Great point.
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