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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. We just put the whole league on notice. If you play your AHL squad, we will show no mercy.
  2. Animals grieve too. Keep your cat unless your son would prefer to take her.
  3. This is sad but I get it. It was a little better under Granato but this team was so tough to watch win or lose through many of these drought seasons. Sloppy hockey can be fun to watch, bad hockey can be fun, but the Sabres had literally no entertainment value for years on end. Krueger made it unbearable. I hope the Sabres turn it around and you can rekindle your passion for the team because turning to baseball is the most depressing thing I have ever heard.
  4. You know what they say about the weather in Buffalo....If you don't like it just wait 5 minutes and shut up about the weather. It sucks most of the year and everybody knows it so just shut up about the damn weather! Its not very helpful in this conversation but thats what people are saying.
  5. Freddy was a pleasure to watch even at the end of his career. He could no longer run away from LBs but there he is dumping hall of fame candidate Luke Kuechly like hes nothing and gaining another 5 yards when he should have had nothing. Hes so smooth it looks like slow motion.
  6. Every AFC East team: Miami, NYJ, and Pats* in that order presently. Every AFC team that is a threat to win the conference. Its not personal, mostly business. The Cowboys and Eagles, (unless they're playing a divisional opponent or the Chiefs) Leafs, Bruins, Golden Knights, Flyers, Lightning
  7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how noticeable was his disappointment?
  8. Block of store brand cheddar cheese, a quart of whole milk, and a pack of Newports.
  9. It means we had 4 pets at the beginning of the year and now we have 3. We will likely have 4 again sometime soonish. On average we have 3.5.
  10. I think for this household (2 adults, no kids, 3.5 furry boys) $5 million is somewhere close to the figure where I would consider going part time at work for the next 10 to 15 years and retiring early.
  11. Trumaine Edwards is basically still a rookie and rookies are basically still 19.
  12. Listen, my grandma could get fake breasts tomorrow, but that doesn't make her 22 again if ya know what I'm saying..
  13. Yeah but thats just our depth. As long as we stay healthy we're young and golden!!
  14. Worst. Holder. In. The. League. Period. Wasn't that the criticism? Bojo had a lot of detractors here.
  15. Trap music, trap house, trap queens, trap traps. It only follows that there would be trap games. I'm kinda surprised you didn't know that.
  16. Is the USFL a haven for really accurate kickers who don't want to make that much money?
  17. If Josh Allen keeps playing out of his mind, I think Lamar is a lock for a 3rd MVP.
  18. Thats why you mark them at birth! Drs are always switching up babies for the lolz.
  19. Those are the most valuable losses of the last 5 years though.
  20. Whenever you can overpay for a passer/playmaker turned 4th line grind guy and the league's worst fighter, you do it. Seems like a decent guy and I admire his willingness to do what it takes to stay on an NHL roster but we can find guys who actually fit that 4th line grinder role and are difficult to play against. Develop him like a top 6 forward deserving of a first round draft pick or let him walk, in my opinion. I am not losing any sleep over this move, but I don't get the plan for Krebs. It all seems haphazard.
  21. And if you had the ball down by 6 with 2 mins left in the super bowl, who do you want as your QB: Josh or Lamar? Hell, if you found yourself up by 10 with 15 minutes left in a regular season game, who do you want as your QB: Josh or Lamar? I don't think a single person arguing that Lamar is the second best QB in the league based on his MVP wins would actually pick Lamar in these situations or if starting a franchise from scratch.
  22. Chiefs played better competition so far. I don't think their wins were convincing but they're bigger wins against teams which factor to be in the race for #1 seed in the AFC. We looked good in our wins but I don't know if we have played a team that will make the playoffs. I think KC has beaten two playoff teams so far.
  23. Moving forwards its Joe Burrows, Eric Woods, and Robert Rainforests and anyways thats the way we likes it.
  24. You don't need to develop when you can win championships by starfishing and letting your teammates do all the work. That dead fish effort isn't cutting it in the pros.
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