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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Looks like Melvin heard you.
  2. Gostkowski might be sharing an apartment with Bass soon if he doesn't get it together. This is some ugly football.
  3. They picked a QB and now Rodgers turned the clock back 4 years. All offseason people were hyping Rodgers decline and he looks like a new man. The Packers are playing 4D chess. Next level mind games.
  4. OBJ, Jarvis, Hunt, Chubb, Njoku, Hooper and they score 6 points. Unbelievable.
  5. Did I invent details from the broadcast to suit my position? You see a ball clearly going between the uprights in that video and picture? You believe the angle we have is better than the view of the official which was right underneath the upright?
  6. I heard them say it was close. No one said it was good. This video is hardly definitive. The refs were standing under the uprights, they called it no good. You think this shot with no depth clearly shows the ball going between the uprights when its over the upright at best? I guess you see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear.
  7. I didn't see you on broadcast. What endzone and how did you get up there?
  8. You really need to be concerned when interior lineman are not racking up insane stats. How many catches did Oliver have? Rushing yards?
  9. We do not have to be patient nor should we be. This is a team built to take the division, host a playoff game, and make a run. There is no room for a kicker we can't count on. Kicks inside 50 yards need to be nearly automatic at the NFL level. If he costs us a game, hes gone.
  10. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/sports/football/nfl/bills/2020/09/13/tyler-bass-buffalo-bills-rookie-kicker-field-goal-called-no-good-referees/5786688002/ I don't know how anyone can watch that video and say the kick was good.
  11. The yards per attempt, like YAC, is another funny stat and mild dig at his performance. Getting more offense while attempting passes closer to the LOS sounds like a great way to sustain drives. There wasn't much need to go deep when guys were open 5 to 10 yards downfield and we were consistently in manageable down and distance. Allen didn't have to convert 3rd and 12 all day long like he has needed to do in other games. When Brady and that Pats did it was a precision offense.
  12. Its a funny stat. Lack of YAC probably means that ball placement and accuracy were issues and that was certainly the case in Allen's first two seasons. Too much YAC and it must be amazing individual performances by the WRs. It couldn't be that Josh audibled into a great play that saw John Brown running one the distance. Allen should have had even more YAC but he put the pass to Beasley low and behind and Cole had to stop. If Brown keeps running his route maybe Diggs racks up some YAC on the 20 yard completion. YAC supports whatever story you want to tell.
  13. For the years the Bills have been incapable of executing or stopping a screen play. Yesterday were the best executed screen plays we have seen since Gailey. Josh delivered each of them with touch which was encouraging.
  14. WTF are you even talking about? Zero amendments have been relinquished. Kneeling on 9/11 for a false flag? Are you referring to 9/11 as a false flag or suggesting that people knelt on 9/11/2020 for a literal fake flag? And what does any of this gibberish have to do with Baker Mayfield standing for the anthem?
  15. Allen is on record stating he doesn't settle into a game until he has taken his first hit. I like the called runs and Allen didn't take much contact on most of them. His biggest hits were ones to the head and the awkward shot at his ankles while he was in the pocket. He simply needs to hold on to the ball. Fumbling can be corrected. Tiki Barber knows all about that. The offense opened the game with empty backfields. I believe they attempted one run on the first drive. Daboll's plan was to attack a weak Jets secondary and he did it all game. Greggo's plan was to stop the run and keep Allen contained, make Allen win with QB play. Allen made them pay all day long.
  16. What has gotten lost as the most extreme claims get all the attention is that questionable use of force, unnecessary shootings, and people dying in similar manners to George Floyd have been happening around the country and it isn't exclusive to black people. These cases do not attract as much media attention. These cases demand a national discussion on use of force, adoption of body cams, and why its so hard to apparently get rid of bad cops. Instead we are all arguing about whether the police as an institution is systemically racist which is rather absurd given the makeup of the police force itself. The raw data that I have seen doesn't seem to back up the narrative that black people are killed by police more often than other races when viewed as a function of violent crime incidence by race. We still can't pretend that there aren't racist cops out there. I've seen a handful of stories the past week or two alone of officers caught using racist language. There is also a discussion on racial bias that is valid and should be happening. There are studies showing clear evidence of disproportionate sentencing by race and gender. Racial bias in our legal system is real and cannot be ignored. Thats just sentencing. There is a whole system at play determining whether cases are investigated, charges are filed, prosecutors pursue cases, etc. If we see clear evidence of bias in sentencing its fair to question whether there is bias at play in each of the other steps. The Arbery case is a great example of many of these factors coming together. Why did it take months for charges to be filed or an arrest to be made? Had that case not gone all the way up the chain as a result of national outrage from the video being leaked it would have stayed a local issue and there would have been zero repercussions. How many times does this happen around the country? Would this case have played out the same were the victim white? Do black lives matter as much as other lives in the eyes of the law?
  17. Politics has no place in football! *spends all day in the politics section of a football board*
  18. PPP needs to do a much better job of eating its own. Years ago blatant stupidity was not tolerated just because posters found themselves on the same side of the political spectrum. Today its teams. Every time I check in down here I see things like #Plandemic videos being shared, claims that George Floyd's murder was a hoax and a false flag operation, blatantly racist sentiment. This garbage flies by without scrutiny, without contest. If someone has the temerity to suggest a police officer has acted with impropriety you have a feeding frenzy on your hands. DC Tom would be rolling in his grave if he saw how Twitter is the primary source of information down here now. People used to get blasted for posting wikipedia links.
  19. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/2016_roster.htm Quite a few of the starters are still around. Tyrod LeSean O'Leary Goodwin Robert woods Watkins Glenn Cog Miller Dareus Hughes Preston Brown Darby Gilmore Lawson Robey Coleman
  20. Where does this team go from here? I guess we have to hope that Skinner bounces back after the worst statistical year of his career. Okposo also had the worse statistical year of his career but I am less optimistic that his game has much more upside. There is $15 million in cap tied up in their 23 goals and 42 points from last season. We have 5 UFAs in Simmonds, Vesey, Zemgus, Frolik, and Larsson none of which is a big loss. Olaffson, Reinhart, and Pilut are restricted free agents. So we hope Cozens is ready to go, Ralph and Skinner can get on the same page, Dahlin and Ristolainen come back from the offseason looking Scott Neidermayer and Chris Pronger, reshuffling the 3rd and 4th line provides a spark, and that after eye surgery Hutton can see the puck clearly from the bench while Ullmark establishes himself as a legit starter at age 28?
  21. Is anyone else concerned that Cody Ford is starting at two line positions? I thought he struggled at times playing just Right Tackle. I really don't think Ford should be responsible for 2 or 3 linemen/pass rushers on any given play at this point in his development.
  22. You stated that attacking someone's intelligence is the tool of a fool. You also called me a fool, thus attacking my intelligence. The natural implication now is that you are a fool. I'm not even mad. I'm just impressed.
  23. You have a real talent for highly convenient interpretation of text. The point of that statement is virtue signaling by definition is a hollow, disingenuous act. Your view of this action and many others exposes your underlying bias, that Kaepernick's campaign and similar causes are of questionable legitimacy. Sentiments that you rarely pass up an opportunity to express. You view it as another fleeting cause celebre that organizations attach themselves too to win "woke points". Any support could have no other motivation than winning cheap woke points since the movements are without merit. You cannot accept that organizations act on matters of social justice in earnest. That's why you and others label it all incorrectly as virtue signaling. Virtue signaling is not a catch all for political statements you disagree with pertaining to social matters. When Brees wraps himself in the flag and waxes poetically about his patriotism why isn't that virtue signaling? Why aren't the "I support our troops" stickers virtue signaling? Blue lives matter? Pro life bumper stickers? This might be the most beautifully ironic statement crafted today.
  24. You really can't suggest I am the one arguing the minutiae when your point revolves around the inner workings of EA's proprietary player rating system. Virtue signaling as a term needs to be retired. It is the bastion of cynical nitwits but you are free to continue to label anything in the realm of social justice as virtue signaling. I mean, what other motivations could a person or entity have for supporting ridiculous causes like Kaepernick's police brutality campaign, equality, and justice except trying to signal their moral superiority and elevate their public standing? I mean, no one actually believes this crap, right? It would be easier to accept the premise you understand and can identify virtue signaling if you weren't still struggling with homonyms.
  25. The message needs to be disingenuous not the player rating. The message appears completely in line with the rest of EA's corporate policy and messaging. Is their corporate DE&I policy virtue signaling? They overrate players all the time based on their public image. Every year some rookie who the public loves gets an absurd rating because EA knows what fans want. Is the entire profit motive virtue signaling? Virtue signaling was a thin premise to begin with, the best example of which was viral slacktivism. People on social media changing their status to Kony2012, Paris backdrops, RIP Harambe and other cheap displays of outrage. The term is wildly overused and has no meaning when any public statement, action tangentially related to social justice is written off as virtue signaling. In the very link I provided, it has been argued that the act of calling out virtue signaling is a form of the offense unto itself.
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