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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. We should be able to outscore Fitzmagik and the Phins even without 2 starting LBs. If we can't, we simply aren't a very good team, and that's what scares me.
  2. The Social Dilemma on Netflix was a great watch.
  3. I would say trolling is filling a thread with pseudoscience, bull####, and hair brained conspiracy theories and calling it proof. As far as your involvement in this thread, we get it bruh, everything is a conspiracy and it goes all the way to the top! Tinfoil hats and all that.
  4. I'm trolling? Dude claims he triangulated the kick and its "virtually impossible" the kick missed. I asked to see his work. Are we all supposed to take his word for it? Definition of triangulation 1: the measurement of the elements necessary to determine the network of triangles into which any part of the earth's surface is divided in surveyingbroadly : any similar trigonometric operation for finding a position or location by means of bearings from two fixed points a known distance apart Turns out the triangulation was he watched the video same as you and I and guesstimated some distances but did no math. If trolling is asking basic questions to someone, who as it turns out was talking out of their ass, then guilty as charged.
  5. You have provided no math. Based on your calculations how far inside the upright must the ball have been?
  6. You claim to have triangulated the position of the ball and its virtually impossible the kick was no good. Triangulation by definition requires mathematical calculations so I don;t think asking for your work is unreasonable. How about this, where was the ball when it hit the netting (i.e., how far outside the right upright) and what is the distance from the upright to the netting?
  7. Don't be modest; show your work. Lets see the trajectory of the ball, distance from upright to netting, distance from where the ball struck the netting to right upright, height of the ball when striking the netting, distance from where the ball struck the netting to where the netting is lined up with the right upright, spin rate, coefficient of drag, wind speed, etc.
  8. One poster in this thread "triangulated" the position of the ball and was able to determine the kick was good. Ask @GG for his math.
  9. Show me the triangulation you performed.
  10. I'm dismissive of the thought process. 1. OP asserts the call was wrong but can't prove it. 2. Asserts the official has no clue and can't even admit it was a very close call. 3. Because the call was wrong (which hasn't been established) immediate action is needed. 4. Here are the actions needed. Its a house built on sand but it has a lot of people eager to move in. Congrats on the new house! I'm busy the day of the housewarming party.
  11. Take it up with the OP whose entire supposition is that the call was wrong and clearly wrong at that. This is the underlying premise for this thread and the call for immediate action. That premise has widely been accepted by a number of participants. I don't think it is unreasonable for those calling for immediate action to first demonstrate there is a real problem with poor officiating on field goals.
  12. This issue hasn't even met the criteria of being a problem until someone can demonstrate any one of these calls was incorrect. Until then the only known issue is fans whining about the outcome of judgement calls which is an immutable fact of sport. I agree that we could use tech to solve a non-issue in the sport and clarify 2 to 5 field goal calls per decade at the pro and collegiate levels. How much investment and effort that is worth is debatable.
  13. Did you read the OP? The original title contained the words "Immediate Action".
  14. I've watched it many times. Looks like a close call and one that was left up to referee judgement due to an errant kick. I do not see proof of a grievous mistake or anything necessitating a call to arms like the OP demands.
  15. The point of this thread is that there is a major problem with field goal officiating in the NFL specifically with good field goals being ruled as misses. The proof is 2 close calls and some crap that happened in the NCAA, 4 or 5 instances in televised football over the past decade none of which is proven to have been an example of a missed call. No one has successfully established there is a real problem with field goal officiating. If you want to talk about using tech to address non-issues in the game, be my guest but that isn't the premise of this thread.
  16. Prove it was good, mmmkay. Sure, please share it.
  17. No. The guys with the best view ruled it no good and there is no video evidence available to definitively prove otherwise.
  18. In which one of these instances were points taken off the board due to referee errors? People are actually arguing that because some fans were disappointed at the outcome of close calls that the referees must have been in error.
  19. So 2 times in 8 years this is a concern. Meanwhile baseball fans have to deal with this same issue 300 times a game. Non-issue.
  20. Field goal officiating is not a problem in the NFL. If the ball isn't clearly through the uprights then you live with the results. If judgement calls on kicks over the uprights become an issue for a team then the far bigger issue is the kicker.
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