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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. direct snap to Singletary or Knox as eligible offensive tackle?
  2. Being in the same division as Mahomes would suck. Texans is attractive. The division is wide open and only one team has a premier QB.
  3. I was saddened to see that Richmond's and Duff's both closed in Rochester, NY among others. Richmond's was always a stop for me when back home. So far here in Houston my favorite places have weathered the storm ok.
  4. They have the horses to make Tom regret playing this season.
  5. I'm still waiting for your low effort trolling to improve. Neither of us should hold our breaths.
  6. Looks like he can play receiver.
  7. Looks like his dad has re-taken control of his social media: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2923611-report-dwayne-haskins-strip-club-trip-investigated-by-wft-after-photos-surface
  8. He didn't smile on draft day?!?!? Well then, that changes everything. Rooting for injury just doesn't go far enough in my opinion. I'm praying for death or dismemberment. Are you aware that he didn't smile on draft day? ??
  9. Clearly, its everyone else who has hurt feelings. You're a model of composure in this sea of chaos.
  10. Won't own your own statements and will put any one who criticizes your hot takes on ignore? Color me impressed. What's on the agenda for this afternoon, wunderkind? Emancipating yourself from your "A-hole" parents?
  11. Holding a grudge against a player who left in free agency after the Bills declined to offer him a new contract is new levels of petty and celebrating injuries is classless. Own it.
  12. Meh. Wake me up when Allen says hes bigger than Jesus or tears up a picture of the pope during his SNL monologue
  13. That is disgusting!! I have never heard of such a thing. I just asked my boss what that is and he wont even look at me now! What kind of porn are you and @machine gun kelly watching?!?!?!?! Go back to Brazil, perverts.
  14. What is the pornographic slang of the Chiefs name?
  15. Insurance commercials.
  16. Whaley traded back before selecting Manuel and got a second and third round pick which became Kiko and Goodwin.
  17. This thread is chock full of irony. Its rife with cancel culture, which is hilarious because many of the same people calling for his job bemoan all the "censorship" on social media and have declared cancel culture to be the greatest existential threat to this republic. How many people outraged by Foxworth's comments will say something ***** about Californians or Texans for their states general political leanings without batting an eye? Or take a shot at Floridians for being stupid white trash without a giving it a second thought? Peak irony is when swaths of people who are generally immune to nuance immediately sniffed out the "hes calling us racist!" dog whistle in the quote below. Domonique might not like me because of the actions or politics of some of you and I could not care less. I'm far more interested in how many people will be so chafed by my opening words that they won't read this far and will call me out on my joke at Florida man's expense with a snappy "gotcha" retort as if it wasn't 100% intentional.
  18. Foxworth brought that up. That is rather important thing to address if we are going to discuss what Foxworth actually said rather than what many people here hope he said in order to satisfy their thirst for outrage. How have you interpreted those words to mean I endorse condemning ALL Bills fans?
  19. This is an iambic pentameter Bills board. Always has been, always will be. Maybe this type of ***** flies on Patriots boards, but not here!
  20. Bills Mafia literally started with a bunch of Twitter Warriors who banded together to fight Adam Schefter. I don't think every fan base has that distinction. Then there's the dude who made the news by flying to Baltimore to "confront" a radio host.
  21. Its not that they're disproportionately racist. Bills fans are disproportionately thin skinned, belligerents, with inferiority complexes, who actively seek out slights, real or perceived, against their city, football team, and QB and have now developed a reputation for freaking out at sports related personalities. And if you spend a few minutes cruising the average profile of a BillsMafia member who is telling you to kill yourself your chances of finding highly enlightened political opinions are high.
  22. Need more information to decide. How does our 2-point conversion and hail mary defense look in this game? Do we win with style points or is it in fact a moral loss?
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