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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. That parody account sure did well to get Patrick's little brother involved in the videos.
  2. What is your argument? That Wilson would be happier with the Seahawks and more incentivized to play if he took less upfront money, which we have already established that players want as much as possible as quickly as possible, and more money later on? I fail to see how signing a less favorable contract would make him happier later on but you do you.
  3. Taking lower financial compensation by spreading money out over the life of a non-guaranteed contract is interesting incentivization. Pretty much very major contract is structured front loaded. Players agents negotiate for as much guaranteed money as they can get paid out as quickly as they can get it. Why do you think that is?
  4. Working relationships generally have a shelf life. Little things build up over a decade and sometimes its just time to move on. Especially when Seattle has come close a number of times but hasn't been able to make it back to the big game. Carroll and management is probably looking at what they could do with a rookie QB contract like when they went to Super Bowls with Wilson and Wilson is thinking about what he could do if he got the Brady/Manning treatment and ran the offense.
  5. Not familiar with the time value of money, I see. I can assure you Russel's representation is acutely aware of it.
  6. If the reports are true I bet they'd trade him in a heartbeat for the #1 pick this year and either some players or draft capital.
  7. Yeah dude, its weird. Personally, I wouldn't get with a woman who looked like ANYONE'S MOM let alone a woman who looked like my mom and my mom is f@#$ing hot!
  8. I thought KC was going to blow Tampa out. I never imagined KC offense could be so ineffective. I really wonder if the Britt Reid stuff shook the HC because Andy Reid had no answers. The defense unraveled due to offensive and Special Teams ineptitude. It was a complete undoing. Looked a lot like role reversal from the AFCCG except Bills special teams didn't ***** the bed.
  9. You can buy fractions of BTC, BCH, ETH and most other ones. Few people are buying whole Bitcoin at $45k a pop. You can buy in whatever increment is worth it to you assuming it covers transaction fees which are increasingly steep.
  10. Its hard to maintain your faith in the NFL.
  11. Clearly, you are not too familiar with the volatility of even the most stable crypto currencies. Why would DOGE ever get the nod over BTC, BCH, LTC, XRP or any of the dozens of others that were designed to be actual forms of currency as opposed to say a joke?
  12. There are only 2 or 3 QBs who can put up double digit points in this league.
  13. It is a crypto currency based on a meme. It was started as a joke, literally. It has no use case. No one it accepts it as payment and it has never been considered a store of value. Like all crypto currencies it is subject to pump and dumps on unregulated markets. Good luck.
  14. That would have been huge but the offense failed to do anything afterward and that shanked punt after the special teams holding call sucked the life out of the defense. They got it back together for a bit and forced a field goal attempt until another special teams penalty gives Bucs a first down. Tampa scores a TD the very next play. That was game over. Defense completely lost their composure after that sequence. Offense did nothing to lift them.
  15. I would say the Bucs defense holding the Chiefs to single digit points was a bigger difference than the Bucs 145 yards running.
  16. How much you buying?
  17. A lot of the people who were saying hold at all costs had no intention of actually taking their own advice. Legitimate financial advice never comes with a caveat that you shouldn't take profits.
  18. 2 words for you: Tom..........................Cruise
  19. Do you guys really want him after what he did to EJ? I think he will go to Green Bay. Its close to home and maybe he and Rodgers can give each other the support they both need to come out as gay.
  20. https://www.barrons.com/articles/gamestops-short-sellers-are-fleeing-bulls-may-want-them-back-51612287815?mod=hp_LEAD_2 Wait, were other long hedge funds the actual winners here? All that GME money flowing into THCB and CCIV has been nice.
  21. I'm guessing one Co-OC handles the day to day stuff and the other Co-OC focuses on the big picture stuff.
  22. I'm pretty sure the people who started this campaign and realized they could harness the power of weaponized autism to unload their shares to militant bag holders who are just proud to be part of "the movement" are anything but stupid. There are legions of people online convinced they are part of a "movement" or part of history when the market is, has been, and will always be a zero sum game, every man for himself. When you hear words like "no one sell!" thats advice for you, not them. The last time I heard "no one sell" was Enron leadership coordinating their exit. It was only a matter of time
  23. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-01/gamestop-short-interest-plummets-in-a-sign-traders-are-covering According to IHS and S3 short interest is way down as of Monday. You sure retail isn't selling?
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