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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Capacity protocols and mask requirements, among others. Do you have a point or are you just trying to play "gotcha"?
  2. Boomer bars? Only one of us here is a boomer. I'm a millennial according to my date of birth. The bars I avoided are known Covid hotspots among the early 20s crowds, as in I know multiple people who can trace Covid back to those bars which are all shutdown by the Texas liquor authority for breaking Covid protocols. Does Covid avoid hacky sack circles at Umphrees shows?
  3. I live in the city of Houston. All the ugly stuff is reserved for the bad parts of town. Texas got back on its feet quickly and I have been comfortable with the way the local businesses have handled it. I've been going to bars and restaurants regularly since last May. I avoid the young bars which were Covid hot spots and really only self-quarantined before we were going to be in contact with elderly members of our families.
  4. I don't watch college ball much so I normally go from "well, thats not what I expected" conveniently ignoring the fact that my expectations were poorly defined and based on nothing and then I read everything and get convinced we fleeced the field.
  5. We are 13 hours away from saying "WTF were you thinking!?!?!" and 24 hours away from saying "OK, after sleeping on it and doing some more research on the guy, I really am starting to like the pick".
  6. The Bills MIGHT take a first round round CB or RB and they are also linked to an undersized Penn State pass rusher who gets no sacks and I am about one straw away from being so f@#$ing done with this team.
  7. Because moving to the burbs so I talk about lawn care with the neighborhood cool dads and maybe hit the nearest Chili's on Fridays for date night with the missus sounds like a fate worse than never ending pandemic.
  8. There's no way that Teddy B and the 6th round pick they gave up takes them out of the QB market if someone falls to them.
  9. Since you feel you've been duped I will personally pay for your next big fight night Pay-Per View experience. All you need to do is attend this free, no pressure seminar about the benefits of owning a time share.
  10. He was considered in the honorable mention category. The list is only the Top 5. Did you read it?
  11. Based on the consistent vomit emojis some of you have a real disdain for free markets and private property rights.
  12. TBD is going to be thrown in front of the train known as post draft Bill in NYC after we take another first round CB or RB.
  13. Lance is 1 inch shorter and 10 lbs lighter according to the internet.
  14. Only the guys with Celiacs. The rest of us are cool.
  15. Sounds like its going great in Europe. https://www.si.com/soccer/2018/04/19/european-football-future-leagues-competition-epl-la-liga-bundesliga-serie-a-ligue-1 Premier league has no draft and a team from Manchester has won 17 titles in 28 seasons. Every other league has a dynasty which makes the Patriot's success success look like a brief run of good luck.
  16. They gave the shot to you in the shoulder??? Well then....
  17. I would not be upset if Granato gets a shot at head coach next year. Let me make my case for Donny as HC: 1. His years in USA Hockey Development and Wisconsin and the current play of our young guys suggests he can actually develop young talent. As it looks like we are facing another rebuild so this is valuable experience. 2. He has no affiliation with the International Monetary Fund, the UN, or the World Economic Forum 3. He comes from a big hockey family. He played, he has coached at all levels, his brother and sister were accomplished players, his brother in law was kind of a douche but he played in the NHL. In summary, hes a mudder. His father was a mudder, his mother was a mudder. Its in his veins. 4. He has never coached, managed, or been in the front office of a soccer club. 5. Sabres hockey is currently more enjoyable than watching any team Bylsma, Housely, or Krueger put on the ice. 6. He is American and not German-Swiss-Canadian in that order. 7. I do not trust that Kevyn Adams and the Pegulas will make a better choice. This was a decision by default and its the best coaching decision they have made since buying the Sabres. 8. He turned Jeff Skinner's game around 360 degrees.
  18. I got my second pfizer shot this morning and my ass is sooooo sore. The first dose wasn't so bad, just mild tenderness, but this one I can barely sit down LOL.
  19. To be fair, OP is one of the other people I named when I said I would avoid anyone you guys recommend and here he is advocating that we draft someone from one of the nation's largest producers of poultry. I suppose, great minds think alike? I forget how the rest of that goes.
  20. Dude, your friends are soft. Half of my crew is on death row. Word to your mother.
  21. Or we could remember the last 47 Aldon Smith situations and just assume this isn't the sole case of mistaken identity.
  22. https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/what-is-the-madden-curse/
  23. I enjoyed This Is A Robbery on netflix. Docuseries about an art heist. The Q Anon docuseries on HBOMax is also fascinating. I feel like its really bringing me a lot closer to understanding many of my fellow TBDers.
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