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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. From what I recall, Harrison played his best ball later in the year after spending some time on the inactive list. I am optimistic he will have his best season this year.
  2. Maybe it wasn't a share but you are the reason it popped up on my feed and I watched it and now I am worse for having seen it.
  3. Don't you roll your eyes at him. I spent ten minutes watching some vapid chick boil a tennis ball, glue googly eyes to it, and shove her car keys into it because you shared it on facebook and 24 hours later I am still furious! You are in no position to judge.
  4. Well, that depends. What does your cousin look like? Would I find her hot or side hug material? Pics?
  5. All entertainment everywhere includes eating and drinking.
  6. It looks like you accomplished your mission. I don't see anything close to a pun.
  7. It really is a shame that the Bills gender quota is getting in the way of another coach's son getting an assistant coaching position based on merit, of course.
  8. Many of you worried about hiring the most qualified applicant have overlooked certain synergies in the hire. Statistically speaking, Sophia earns 70% as much as her male counterparts. There are serious cost savings to be realized with more women in the workplace. Its an operational advantage and just sound business.
  9. You have zero evidence that any discriminatory hiring practices have taken place.
  10. Unqualified men get hired all the time for a variety of reasons. I find it hard to muster the outrage that one unqualified woman may get hired solely based on gender.
  11. Carrier was actually started in Newark, NJ. That makes a lot of sense because once you get out to Central New York you're entering the Jersey Jets/Giants country. One more reason why Syracuse sucks. There is no question what NFL team is #1 in Rochester. https://www.syracuse.com/axeman/2013/01/is_syracuse_a_buffalo_bills_or.html https://www.syracuse.com/axeman/2015/10/is_syracuse_a_bills_or_a_giants_town_hint_its_neither.html
  12. Continuity is overrated when you're talking about returning Ducasse, Bodine, Miller, and Mills, that's for sure. Having 4 new guys learning the scheme and getting on the same page with each other could take a few weeks for the whole to equal the sum of the parts. Heres to hoping thats the case.
  13. And run the risk of getting of getting scooped?!?!
  14. Before this past season I wonder where McDermott would rank in aggressiveness because he called a pretty conservative game his first years when our offense was anemic and our defense was our strength. Kinda funny how quickly things change when our offense is our strength and our defense was a liability at times.
  15. I would love to watch current Tyrod play against us. I still appreciate old Tyrod after a few years of watching EJ be just as reluctant to throw the ball without any of the deep touch or mobility.
  16. There is the meat hot sauce on top which makes it. That is the defining flavor of a plate. Its also a trademarked dish so while some joint may slap together mac and cheese, hashbrowns, and a hotdog and call it something like a trash or garbage pile, thats not a garbage plate. Btw, I've never seen anything close to an abomination like that and I lived in Rochester for 30 years. If you really want to go down this road and apply the same logic elsewhere we could discredit a lot of our favorite foods. - Buffalonians were hardly the first people or culture to deep fry a chicken wing. Putting hot sauce and butter on it is some Michelin level technique right there. What is the defining flavor? Oh right, a Louisiana style hot sauce. - Beef on weck is a roast beef sandwich. How many roast beef sandwiches existed before Buffalo slapped roast beef on an overly salty kaiser roll and called it their thing? - A chicago dog is a boiled hot dog but it has pickles and tomatoes on top. What a feat! - The Pittsburgh sandwich is just another sandwich except with effing french fries in it. - The LA staple the French dip. Somehow they figured out how to roast beef , perhaps stealing secret from buffalo?, and instead of slapping it on a salty roll they dip it in the braising liquid to make the bread wet and unstable. Brilliant. I'd rather just enjoy all these humble treats rather than focus on what they are not. The first thing people actually associate Rochester with is Kodak which you might remember as being one of the most recognizable, iconic global brands of the 20th century. Kodak was hand in hand with Coca-Cola on a world level. Bausch & Lomb and Xerox were also synonymous with Rochester. Now its Wegmans as those once proud companies have crumbled. Syracuse is a "never ran" in this discussion. Also, Syracuse is a shithole. No one in Rochester is envious of Syracuse.
  17. Do we know where Tebow lands on the issue of vaccination? Is he getting vaccinated or does he need to see more "evidence"?
  18. That was my fear with getting into COIN. Would it be linked to the price of crpyto and it looks like that is the case in these early days. I would think that COIN's cash flows would not be effected much by the underlying price of crypto and would be linked more to trading volume. However, in periods after crypto crashes we see lack of investor interest and much lower trading volumes. My view on crypto is now to wait until we see a new bottom, cost average down and just forget about my holdings until everyone I know and my own grandma starts telling me all about how dachsund coin is going to be the new global reserve currency and take profits. Rinse, wash, repeat.
  19. Coinbase always used to crash whenever prices spiked or cratered back in the day. Its concerning that its still prone to crashes whenever you would most want to buy or sell.
  20. Coinbase still doing that? Thats not encouraging.
  21. It would suck for all my fellow Rochesterians to no longer be able to easily attend camp but the whole era of SJF training camps was abysmal. First year without a SJF camp and we go to the AFC Championship game. Why chance it? I'm not superstitious but I am a little stitious.
  22. The rest of that sentence would suggest you do not get the tongue in cheek.
  23. Public Service Announcement: Not everyone needs or should have a podcast! Thank you.
  24. I am super cheap. I'm so cheap I am still wearing the same pair of Ferragamo's five years later. Had them reconditioned rather than buy a new pair. Grilled some king crab legs this weekend and literally scraped the shells clean. Can't let a single morsel of meat go to waste. Crab legs don't grow on trees ya know.
  25. I think Jim Kelly was a good QB and its not his fault we lost 4 consecutive super bowls. Jim Kelly was a very good quarterback.
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