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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Predatory lenders targeted minority neighborhoods. This is well documented. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-foreclosures-race/racial-predatory-loans-fueled-u-s-housing-crisis-study-idUSTRE6930K520101004 https://www.huduser.gov/publications/pdf/unequal_full.pdf They specifically address violent backgrounds in the analysis.
  2. Its not just laws we need to focus on but the differential treatment of people under the same laws. Look at the disparity in sentencing by race and gender. In the NFL, the rule book is the same for all teams. But if we had to play the Patriots 16 times a year with Walt Coleman calling the games, an impartial rule book doesn't mean the game is fair. This is just one example. https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/demographic-differences-sentencing
  3. Tight End U is a party school and always has been. Thats fine if Dawson wants to have some fun and manage a Chili's one day. Wake me up when he gets serious about his craft and enrolls in an accredited program.
  4. If BLM had murdered a cop or several cops, like those fine folks at the capitol this place would have its first 10,000 page thread. Retracted due to total inaccuracy. Should have just stuck with questioning your grasp on reality for suggesting 1/6 was a false flag.
  5. Boys will be boys. These patriots just got a little over zealous and tried to force their way onto the senate floor to stop a democratically elected individual from being voted into office. Whats the big deal? Its not like they're the human scum who occupied public spaces and protested without a permit like we saw last summer. Pepper spray and beatings was too kind for them if you ask me.
  6. The biggest gaps were our offense had zero answers for the Chiefs pass rush and our defense could not even slow down Kelce. The passing game stalled and we had no run game or screen game to counter with. Mahomes found Kelce at will in both games that kept so many drives alive. 4 TDs in the two meetings last year.
  7. He had a great run until he murdered his neighbors in Belize and fled the country.
  8. What do gay people eat?
  9. You would let @Blokestradamus fart in your dinner. That's just your thing, man.
  10. Beasley opting out would be awful. The only silver lining is that we have Sanders who I think could fill that role but isn't nearly as elusive. Pretty sure Beasley had zero drops last year. He also hauled in a number of spectacular catches in clutch situations. Josh looked to him often when we really needed a play.
  11. I think all QB play will take a step back this year with crowd noise to contend with. Was it ever easier to operate an NFL offense than last year?
  12. How many simple poles does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Four! One to hold the lightbulb and three to turn the ladder.
  13. There are several people who are advancing a theory that Nassib has only now decided to come out publicly as a ploy to save his spot on the roster. They will tell you he's a fringe player doing anything he can to hold on and his decision to create a "media circus" makes it nearly impossible to cut him now. Those sneaky, lying, no-good homos and their dirty tricks!!
  14. Not in year 2 of a 3 year deal with dead cap of $9.25 million.
  15. Are you really suggesting that anything that looks at a man sexually is a woman?
  16. Gay men are not women.
  17. The simple theater of it?
  18. On your high school beach trip you made sand castles? How many games did you win?
  19. What is highly constructive is for everyone to share with us what Carl could have done differently to make the experience of him living the rest of his life as an out gay man more comfortable for them personally.
  20. Ben holds onto the ball forever and takes a lot of unnecessary hits. Its my biggest concern with Allen's play as he has the same tendency to extend the play and as a result he takes some big shots.
  21. Lots of people. Among the people who care are other players wondering if they'll be accepted by their teammates if they share their private lives, the neanderthals who polluted the Buffalo Bills Pride Month release with abhorrent comments on social media, the material % of NFL players who said they would not be comfortable with a homosexual in the locker room, everyone who jumped in this thread to downplay the event of the first active NFL player to come out as non-newsworthy because some former player came out long after their playing days or because Michael Sam was on the practice squad, you, me, the LGBTQ community, the guys who think that supporting Carl Nassib can only be some shallow act of "virtue signaling", the guys who think that Pride month is an assault on their "traditional family values". In summary, lots of people GAF. "Cam" tell who didn't read the press release.
  22. What is your point about the "qualifier"? If Nassib is the second NFL player in the history of the league to come out as gay is that old news? Also, are you quoting yourself?
  23. How does a gay man keeping his personal life a secret help the community or unite anything? Why do you feel "these types of things" are counter productive?
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