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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Plus it rained this year on the holiday weekend. Last year it didn't rain. Biden bungled the weather.
  2. The sheets in my hotel room aren't as soft as they used to be and the air isn't as sweet anymore! ***** you, Biden!! Laughable.
  3. He said he has screened in porch information. Take whatever that means with a grain of salt.
  4. I am concerned about Granato's lack of experience in managing a soccer club. If my research is correct, Don has zero EPL experience. He can't even play FIFA 2020!!
  5. Isn't inflation the sole purview of the Fed? The Fed whose monetary policies are independent of the executive? Soaring home prices are a factor of limited supply and cheap debt. The stock market is in the stratosphere, every speculative investment like crypto and meme stocks has had their day, I think we are seeing a rebalancing into safer assets like real estate. There are also a ton of cash flush americans after 18 months of pandemic who now find out they will be working from home forever and want to upgrade their living space. Home improvement sales have been through the roof since March of 2020. Lumber prices are through the roof. Not everything that happens during a presidential term is because of the president.
  6. I don't know. I think leading by example is generally good.
  7. There is a group who continue to prosper greatly from the status quo who have a vested interest in writing off climate change as a hoax and emissions controls, renewables, conservation as pinko commie, unamerican propaganda.
  8. I think if you buy into the false choice of either A: climate change is all man made or B climate change is only a natural process, then you are playing right into the hands of those who want to politicize an existential threat to our way of life for their own personal gain.
  9. Must be why glaciers are growing and the snow pack in the Sierras is setting records every year.
  10. Exactly!! I'm not f@#$ing woke!! I actually held and still hold many opinions on the topic of race relations in America that sound a lot like yours. I have found that despite color blindness under the law there remains lots of room for inequity. Biases in our systems and institutions doesn't mean everyone is a racist bent on screwing over POC but if the outcomes screw over one group of people while favoring another I don't think the screwed are going to take a lot of solace in the explanation "its not overt racism, just a collection of individuals acting on unconscious bias that means you need to go to jail a lot longer than other Americans!". I don't think our institutions (police, courts, legal system) are systemically racist or built on racism but as we have discussed, they can produce outcomes that are ostensibly consistent with something resembling systemic racism. I am sure you are going to ask what we do about the situation and I don't have any answers. But pretending there isn't a problem because our laws are color blind is definitely not it. Acknowledging inequalities seems like a good start no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Silencing the crackpots who claim conditions today are the same or worse than the 1940s also seems like good start.
  11. Instead of sticking your head in the sand for 29 more years you are one step closer to accepting the world for the way it is and has been. There are more such examples just waiting for you to discover. I like how "woke" is defined as possessing knowledge of anything that runs counter to your worldview. Someone must be a real activist to be open to new information and post it on this board. Share anything that is inconvenient to this narrative that everyone gets treated the same in America and its inevitable that those without any form of rebuttal will go to their safe spaces and start yelling "woke", "virtue signaling", "CRT". These terms are so misused that they have no meaning anymore.
  12. You're welcome. I am glad you learned something today despite your complete reluctance to do so. Who do you think prosecutors work for?
  13. People have biases. Systems and institutions are governed by people with unconscious or conscious biases. It doesn't mean these people are necessarily racist or sexist but they may act in a way that results in outcomes that are anything but fair. There are many examples of it. In this day and age it takes a certain amount of resolve to neither be aware of or acknowledge the existence of these biases. We can I think we solve it by arguing that it doesn't exist and isn't a problem until we're all blue in the face. Interesting study done by Yale linked below that addresses your previous concerns. The data is out there: https://www.yalelawjournal.org/article/mandatory-sentencing-and-racial-disparity-assessing-the-role-of-prosecutors-and-the-effects-of-booker A summary with links to academic sources like the one above https://www.sentencingproject.org/publications/un-report-on-racial-disparities/
  14. You think lack of perfect data is a material weakness. Makes me wonder how you formed your core beliefs in the first place.
  15. I implore you to do a modicum of research and go find some facts, any facts, pertinent to the matter that you won't summarily dismiss.
  16. Then go find it and share it with us. Perhaps that data isn't available. I believe we have already established that there are clearly different outcomes in sentencing based on gender despite consistent laws, as you so aptly pointed out. Why is it so hard to believe that there could be bias in the system based on race in a country where blacks couldn't use the same bathrooms as whites 70 years ago?
  17. Very true. According to the left: Bush was a fascist war criminal and now he's sympathetic. Romney was the worst kind of "vulture capitalist" and somehow to blame for the financial crisis of 2008. Now hes the only republican with any decency. Trump will somehow be seen as more reasonable than whoever comes next. You can count on it. On the other hand, according to the right: Obama was a secret muslim trying to ruin the country from the inside and a dirty communist. He still is. Biden is a dirty communist and will be long after he leaves office. The Clinton's are murderers, child traffickers, and rapists and their nefarious deeds have only gotten worse since leaving office. I'm not sure what the takeaway should be. I guess the right just has more endurance for this type of thing?
  18. They raided Running Back State last weekend and stole all their jock straps. This was retaliation for RBS stealing their mascot, a miniature french poodle named Tebow.
  19. What part of the below text from key findings says to you that prior criminal history was omitted?
  20. Maybe reading the text and thinking about the facts presented for more than a minute would be more fruitful than crying "political agenda!" after a cursory scan of new information.
  21. What are you talking about? That finding is clearly stated in the summary. Its #4.
  22. Predatory lenders targeted minority neighborhoods. This is well documented. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-foreclosures-race/racial-predatory-loans-fueled-u-s-housing-crisis-study-idUSTRE6930K520101004 https://www.huduser.gov/publications/pdf/unequal_full.pdf They specifically address violent backgrounds in the analysis.
  23. Its not just laws we need to focus on but the differential treatment of people under the same laws. Look at the disparity in sentencing by race and gender. In the NFL, the rule book is the same for all teams. But if we had to play the Patriots 16 times a year with Walt Coleman calling the games, an impartial rule book doesn't mean the game is fair. This is just one example. https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/demographic-differences-sentencing
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