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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Would you have sex with your mom to save your dad's life?
  2. Milano was having a rough game before his back to back stops. After the All 22 film came out much of blame I had laid on Edmunds appears to have mostly been Milano missing his gaps.
  3. https://buffalonews.com/sports/sabres/sabres-casey-mittelstadt-undergoes-surgery-expected-to-return-this-season/article_e24c852c-59d2-11ec-9de3-932ca2f8b63a.html https://www.nhl.com/sabres/news/mittelstadt-undergoes-successful-surgery-december-10-2021/c-328861000 Shoulder surgery per NHL.com
  4. "Business decisions" are made by defenders who choose to go for arm tackles rather than get run over. I don't think I've ever seen a thread started with less conviction.
  5. A first round RB would look great getting hit in the backfield.
  6. Can't wait to read RGMe's gripping account about how his lack of success was everyone's fault but his own.
  7. I do.
  8. Ukka Pekka Lakkonennekakkkakaka has been called up from Rochester. Hes got a few days to outdo Subban.
  9. The chip comes with a little booklet which has different levels of achievement based on no water/milk for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, etc., culminating at 1 hour. Its stupid since if you make it through 15 minutes you're free and clear so whats the difference between 20 and 60 minutes?
  10. Have a poncho or rain shell and stay dry at all costs. Let the alcohol take care of the cold.
  11. I did it recently. I didn't think it was the killer that people on YouTube make it out to be. I did it without drinking any liquids for an hour as the challenge reads. The real pain is done about 10 minutes in. After an hour I had a sip of beer and thats when things got ugly. I could feel the heat start to build in my stomach so I ate some dairy, I think some yogurt, to settle things down. The burning turned into noticeable pain and cramping until I puked up scorpion pepper oil. I'm pretty sure that was the "gut slash" sensation they describe in the booklet. I had been drinking since 10AM that day because of college football so that might not have helped me take on the challenge. On the heat scale, I'd put it around Dave's Insanity perhaps? It was not the hottest thing in my house. Torchbearer's Garlic Reaper or Last Dab Apollo hold that distinction. @Gugny the One Chip would stand out noticeably in a bowl of Doritos. You'd have to mix a few kinds of chips together and break the one chip into smaller pieces.
  12. Why cry when you can spread Dolphins propaganda?
  13. Its a three man race right now and its going to be a photo finish but FilthyBeast, Gene, and newcam are all bringing their A game this morning.
  14. I have looked at all the evidence. The NFL has been actively promoting Brady and all things Patriots as the face and image of the league for 20 years and you expect me to believe they decided to make the Patriots a WWF style heel with fake scandals to sell tickets? Fines, lost draft picks, suspensions, competitive disadvantage all to sell tickets. Spygate was a black eye for the league. All just for narrative and entertainment. Why is it so hard for you Pats fans to accept the easiest explanation?
  15. I'm just offended he's making visits to the same rub'n tug joint as guys making minimum wage. If your net worth is measured in millions you shouldn't be laying on the same surface 5 minutes after a guy working at Delta Sonic just got a happy ending. Rich people hire escorts and they make house calls to the penthouse suite of fancy hotels. Kraft very obviously has a poor person kink where he revels in wallowing in lower class stink. Its disgusting.
  16. Its all just been a witch hunt, eh? Goodell went from Kraft's lackey to having it out for the Patriots. Nothing to see here...
  17. The Titans have Henry who everyone fears and AJ Brown who is tough to cover. Without Henry the Titans are reeling. I can't think of any single player the Pats have who is so critical to their success, but I haven't watched a ton of the Pats this year. The Titans are toast without Henry and Brown.
  18. I still can't believe that Girgensons hit the shaft of a stick on an open net that deflected off the cross bar and stayed out of the net. And right after Olofsson rocketed one off the crossbar. Not long after the broadcast team remarks on how they can't believe its still tied and its 5-4 Panthers seconds later.
  19. Emotion has no place in football. It used to be a man's game! Now its spirit week at cheerleading camp.
  20. Everytime you get the urge, punch yourself in the balls. That will stop them quick.
  21. The people who were maliciously labeled 'deplorable racists' didn't exactly vindicate themselves when they elected and continue to support Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert who openly hold and defend bigoted views. The silence from the rest of Republicans who were so salaciously called deplorable racists is interesting. Seems that standing up to lunatics like Boebert and Green after they fire off some racist tweets is a politically dicey move since they have the backing of Trump who has a history of similar comments.
  22. But the refs have already handed New England the game and its T-minus 106 hours until kickoff!
  23. I love it. This team fell on its face right out of the gate as front runners. Last year they thrived on being the underdogs.
  24. These kids have all been cucked by their vidya games and its weirdest thing ever. I just got my original NES back and the only way I'm watching another man play Duck Hunt on my old Nintendo is if he tapes my eyes open after he kills me. Also he will need to figure out how to get the gun to work. It doesnt work on modern TVs.
  25. And Allen lost the Boise Auto Parts and Foot Massage Bowl back in 2017. Who cares?
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