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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Whenever anyone posts a screen shot of a tweet instead of linking the tweet you do need to question whether its real. Also, how someone found Janel Forsythe's private account with no followers. And then finally, who gives a ***** what one person with no followers thinks? The musings of one person of no important is not a political movement. Sharing these types of things under the premise that these are "popular leftist views" is pure propaganda.
  2. He loves hockey, and many have speculated that is a part of the problem. He has made poor hiring decisions in the front office and I believe he had his hand in some horrible FA signings and we all know the result. He let qualified people run the football ops. Even though the NFL is a better business to be in I bet Terry would take a Cup win over a super bowl given the choice.
  3. ChiefsPlanet is a forum dedicated to discussing the latest snuff films that just so happens to get interrupted with football talk.
  4. Hes basically still a rookie...
  5. I thought there might be some discussion of this little thing going on in Russia here but its still the same Biden vs. Trump mud wrestling as every other thread. And one guy freaking out about masks and covid.
  6. I would not agree. There are at least two crusty old timers who are very clearly threatened by the idea of other people making fast returns. If you aren't threatened by this idea then the logical conclusion is my post isn't directed toward you. But you felt compelled to respond defensively so.... Like I said, thats for you to sort out. I had no idea you had posted in this thread other than to issue a warning to Turk and Adams. You are confused as to who is making this personal. Nice threats.
  7. If you felt my post was aimed at you so be it. Thats your issue to sort out.
  8. The crypto market operates much differently than equity markets. Your comparisons to traditional equity markets are way off. There are no fundamentals, no earnings releases, no EPS targets, no cash flows, its almost 100% actively traded, theres no regulations, no watchdogs. The guy says he has a setup that he trades to grind out daily profits and showed you the results. I understand you don't want to make love to Big Turk on a private beach. We all do.
  9. The only comedy is coming from the crusty old timers who for whatever reason are deeply threatened by the idea of crypto trading and think any returns above your large cap index and bond fund must be a ponzi scheme. This isn't the right thread for your Dave Ramsey advice.
  10. Wait a minute....do you think the super bowl half time show might not actually be live? Like maybe this one and every one before it has just been dudes with unplugged guitars and cold mics lip syncing along to their hits??? I want a congressional investigation.
  11. The interwebs is big mad at Stafford for being the worst person of all time. Its why this thread was created.
  12. And there we have it.
  13. You don't know what irony is. Nice try though.
  14. Let me ask you this...what is the flight velocity of an unladen goose?
  15. What were his facial expressions when this was announced? How long after the announcement did he wait to drink or eat?
  16. His reaction to the situation looks strange at best and cold at worst but I think its silly to read anything more into it. Had Stafford "rubber necked" and gawked at the injured woman, it would probably be seen as a sign of compassion and I doubt a thread ever starts. Morbid curiosity like gawking could easily be mistaken as empathy. Similarly, a reflex triggering disgust in that situation could look like a cold response. I've witnessed plenty of people turn away from compound fractures. This thread exists purely as a judgement based on a 5 second clip where people assume to know what he was thinking and his level of care. I find humor in the idea that morality could be defined as taking 2 steps forward instead of 5 steps back and the number of seconds waited before sipping water. Obviously, that is an absurd way to judge a person's character but that is all the information we have to go on so that is what is truly being debated here. I find even more humor in this argument since both actions, stare and express concern facially or walk away, are equally meaningless to the outcome. We could start a whole new chapter of etiquette "How to Properly do Absolutely Nothing in an Emergency Situation". The "frat" descriptor in the title and some of the reactions make it obvious that some people have a vested personal interest in painting Stafford as a bad guy and that interests me. Schadenfreude aimed at a person who has no controversial past that I'm aware of is always fascinating. Some people just like to see the privileged fall, or in this case, walk away from a fall. Playing devils advocate and parody about virtue signaling and the other stuff is just me having fun with this thread.
  17. I know the distinction. Go correct some of your other pals who are now walking parodies of people that use the same 5 words to avoid any critical thought. They could benefit from some clarification. As for dime store psychology, go back upthread and debate the people suggesting Stafford is a psychopath. This thread was born of judgement and slander from the formation of the title and one can only question why. Matt "frat" Stafford has no prior history of similar behavior that I am aware of so why now are people reveling in what a scumbag he must be? Good thing you have reserved all judgement while still outlining how a "good human" handles certain situations.
  18. Empathy and compassion are dangerously close to virtue signaling and thats about the worst thing a person can do. Callous indifference to others well being is basically patriotism and let me tell you hwat...these colors don't run.
  19. Is someone forcing you to watch it?
  20. A lot of people need to feel morally superior to the famous and successful. Its a coping mechanism for dealing with mediocrity when you can assume that people must sell their soul for success. I deal with mediocrity the old fashioned way with copious amounts of alcohol like my father and his father before him.
  21. Looked like he said "oh my god" to me. Thats a reaction. How long does he need to gawk before he walks away to be a good person?
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