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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. I've seen estimates as high as ~25% of equipment destroyed or lost. Tell it to the same 20 people who continue to explain gas prices in terms of the presidency whenever a democrat holds the executive and suddenly lose interest when a republican sits in the oval office.
  2. Price movements in global commodity markets are NOT solely a function of the US presidency no matter how many times you guys claim it to be.
  3. Fortunately, Russian incompetence and Ukranian mud might take care of Putin's regime without US or NATO intervention. Should Putin not retain power through this fiasco, we just need to hope that whoever/whatever fills the power void is a better option. Recent history has often made us miss the dictator we knew after we were made familiar with the new chaos. One thing is certain, its going to be interesting!
  4. I thought this was a thread about NBC's next reality show "America's Next Top Masked Blind Singer Show Us What You Got So We Can Smell Your Voice"
  5. Nope. I did not follow the Q drops. You should just stop 5 posts ago and admit you know nothing about QAnon. I will concede to your expertise in trans bathrooms.
  6. Say it 5 more times and you'll still be just as embarrassingly wrong as the first time. Repeating yourself over and over without offering anything resembling facts or arguments is not an effective form of debate/discussion.
  7. He isn't saying that at all. And if he is, hes still wrong. The true believers were not driven by the MSM. Q is not a MSM creation. Q was born in the deepest recesses of the internet. Q wasn't confined to 8chan/8kun. Twitter and YouTube were the biggest vehicle for Q spread. Every social media site had Q Ambassadors like our own Deranged Rhino who helped all manner of impressionable people follow the bread crumbs from the ostensibly plausible to the downright insane.
  8. I recall. How many thousands of people took to the streets due to transgender bathrooms? How much trans bathroom merch was sold? How many trans bathroom rallies took place? Did hashtag #TransBathrooms become the rallying cry of "patriots" across the nation? Sure, there was some media sensationalism with Q but we cannot accurately compare a movement like QAnon to a talking point du jour like trans bathrooms.
  9. Q was a real phenomenon. I mean, it was utterly fake and driven by some American incels turned sexpats in the Philippines who consorted with known midgets and ran edgelord image board, but it had real followers. It had enough real followers that Q caught a foothold in mainstream politics. To write off Q as a red herring and overblown media sensation is wildly incorrect.
  10. Crisis actors are the people some of our old pals like Dante used to blame at any mass shooting event in this country. It was all staged, from Sandy Hook to Vegas to Orlando to...well, too many to count. No one died, the kids, the parents, the grieving people on the scene, all crisis actors. Pure theater, and they would have gotten away with it too if they hadn't been caught by internet sleuths using the same actors at multiple events. What are the IQ implications for the millions who followed Q? The Q Drops thread started by Deranged Rhino was the longest active thread on TBD for years. Maybe the longest thread in TBD history. SDS was running a significant Alt-Right conspiracy website disguised as a Bills forum until the great schism.
  11. Hes betting on himself and going all in. When he starts something he commits 100%. If you want to take the Baja first you must burn the donkeys.
  12. Did they agree to higher standards of hygiene?
  13. If Greenpeace and ANTIFA storm the capitol, expect even harsher sentencing. The basic, immutable math at play here, whether it be the US, Iraq, Russia, is if you low class slobs think you can pool your power and rise up against the powers that be, you will be made an example of.
  14. Preston Brown never came off the field until we let him walk.
  15. You really need to be a football expert to opine on how much $$ constitutes generational wealth.
  16. Why is this on mainboard?
  17. When you're hanging out with the Clintons on Epstein's rape island, you are the establishment.
  18. Got a source? Troughs with strategic circular sinks for overflow capacity minimized lines. You can fit way more people around a trough/sink as long as everyone agrees to the social contract* than you can in a row of single urinals. *Don't make it weird if you accidentally touch tips.
  19. A noble 4% return embiggens even the smallest portfolio.
  20. Everything Kyler does is cringe worthy. Such a douche.
  21. Heard this at the home opener tailgate from a member of the Associated Press that covers the Bills and Sabres.
  22. Kim wants to be done with the Sabres. Terry won't sell. He loves hockey no matter what the poorly informed in this thread will have you believe.
  23. Its not universally smart negotiating. Its one option in the toolbox and it depends on the position from which you're negotiating.
  24. They're all short. Bruce Springsteen isn't allowed on any of the rides at Six Flags. Not tall enough.
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