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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. I am sure the Pegulas are already sick and tired of being a perennial contender.
  2. 90% of Bills Mafia is aspirational Florida Man.
  3. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/33745927/dallas-cowboys-kelvin-joseph-was-suspect-vehicle-murder-investigation-shoot-attorney-says Well that's completely understandable. I can't tell you how many times I was just an unwitting passenger in a car that was committing a drive by shooting, to my surprise. Coulda happened to anyone really... I don't see how he doesn't catch a suspension or a lengthy sit on Goodell's Exempt list. I will save the legal analysis for TBD's Law & Order fan club.
  4. This is a tip of the hat to many similar threads where the TBD crime lab has dissected videos, contemplated charges, and traveled around in a van solving mysteries.
  5. No way. Beane is basically like those weird albinos in Minority Report that can detect crime before it happens.
  6. https://www.totalprosports.com/2022/04/15/footage-released-allegedly-showing-cowboys-cb-kelvin-joseph-fighting-man-who-was-shot-killed-video/
  7. I like how he rhymed power with power. 👌
  8. Sounds like she settled a long time ago but congrats on the win.
  9. Kinda makes you pine for the good old days of clutching, grabbing, neutral zone trap unwatchable hockey when goalies were a dime a dozen.
  10. Screwing the fans is one thing I'm sure Goodell and the league can come to peace with. Don't see how Snyder survives screwing the other owners.
  11. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/33724271/congress-says-washington-commanders-appear-broken-financial-laws-owes-money-visiting-teams-season-ticket-holders
  13. Its difficult to take anything a hockey player says at face value since they are so well versed in diplomatic answers that don't make waves. Except for Eichel of course, who can't put in a drive through order without sounding like an ass.
  14. I found this thread interesting. Levi has a history of doing the unexpected when it comes to his career and where he plays. I guess we shouldn't read that much into it.
  15. The people saying things like that have a number of dystopian fantasies that they are eager to act out.
  16. Nice interview. The CliffsNotes for anyone who doesn't have time to watch.
  17. Ya know, in case the opposing QBs try to hurt our star linebacker Tremaine. We need a Marty McSorely, Bob Probert type out there to let those WRs know they can't touch our Safeties or there will be consequences...big consequences.....the fighting kind of consequences.... with the face punch....for THEM!! Eddie Shore?
  18. Its not even a proposal. Its something he was able to pull off in a mock draft.
  19. What point are you trying to make with hyperbolic claims about the safety of riding the subway? 3 million people ride the MTA per day. You make it sound like they're all playing Russian roulette. You're still safer riding the train all night in Manhattan than you are walking around downtown Buffalo or even Rochester late at night. By the way, crime rates are up all over the country. I doubt that's a factor of NYC politics. I've already explained why people are leaving HCOL areas. This is also happening all over the country which is no surprise. Its also not a factor of NYC politics. And then we have the housing market. If people are flooding to Long Island and house prices are only up 5% consider it a win. People are paying 25% over ask in Rochester f@#$ing New York, and waiving inspections to get in first. I won't even tell you whats happening in Austin, Tampa, Phoenix and a bunch of other southern cities. You obviously think that what is happening all over the country is unique to NYC. When you view everything through the lens of politics you arrive at funny opinions. Like advancing narratives that Chicago is basically Aleppo and a day in NYC is like reenacting The Warriors. The pandemic has been a great reckoning. Many people are reevaluating their priorities and former working lives after a year of furloughs, homeschooling children, and lockdowns. Many people got more sleep, rest and time to take care of themselves during Covid which has them rethinking the whole rat race. Among job candidates, remote work opportunity and work life balance are the two top priorities now. Half are willing to take a lateral move or even a pay cut for this flexibility. Business have found out fully remote work is a viable option. As a result, the job market for white collar professionals is now national rather than local (it might even be international as I am frequently getting contacted from headhunters based out of the UK now). Lower income positions are generally not afforded this luxury as their jobs still require proximity to the office/job site. Its no surprise that people are now realizing theres an opportunity to make NYC or Silicon Valley money while paying a Texas or Florida cost of living. Its no surprise that after 2 years of Covid restrictions, destruction and displacement of the service/hospitality industry, and another generational widening of the wealth gap between haves and have nots that crime rates are up. But sure, I'm just peddling ideology and this is all unique to NYC and their no good, dirty politics.
  20. I assume its about disruptions in global commodity markets due to the war in Ukraine. Ukraine produces a ton of wheat, fertilizer, and other agro products. As does Russia. Lebanon, for example, gets 90% of their wheat and cooking oil from Ukraine. Ukraine's most productive farmland is all in the east which is most effected by the war. There is little doubt this war will put real strain on global food supplies. How much it will affect us here in the US, I have not clue. Its either that or OP saw a golden goat cross paths with 3 man on black horses and the end times are nigh.
  21. 5% over ask would make Long Island the coldest real estate market in the nation. Waiving inspections, buying site unseen, houses selling in hours has been the norm in all hot metro areas. 3.3 million took the MTA on March 31st. I'm guessing at least half of them lived. Crime rates are up all over the country. This isn't specific to NYC. With remote work opportunities people no longer need to live to close to the workplace. Its driving people from all HCOL areas to lower cost of living areas. The narrative is the same across California, NY, Illinois. Thats the migration. No discussion of politics is necessary.
  22. I actually think one of his biggest issues is not putting enough air under the ball on the deep shots. Specifically the sideline Go Route. He throws these low angle ropes and if hes off on trajectory it sails 10 yards over the WRs head. Meanwhile you watch a guy like Russel Wilson drop moonballs over the WRs shoulder and into a basket. The moonshot gives the WR a chance to adjust speed and track the ball to be the in the right place at the right time. Allen does well in deep passes like a Post where there is an X axis component but he has missed some huge opportunities on the vertical routes. He continues to improve in ball placement on the shorter routes and is vastly improved at protecting the football on these passes, protecting his WRs, and giving them a chance at some YAC.
  23. Dotson is intriguing. I watched a ton of Penn State the last 2 years and while he was often college open due to blazing speed and defensive breakdowns he also made some ridiculous catches. Like the first one in this video. He has great hands and plays fast but he is undersized for the NFL.
  24. I don't disagree, because this is what reasonable criticism looks like. Popping off about "McCoach's" personnel decisions is just silly. Much like our lofty offensive rating, the #1 defense doesn't really tell the whole story. Pass rusher was the biggest need on the roster. And it concerns me too that every year Dline remains a problem area. Beane has done a great job building this team but he his free agent signings on the Dline have not worked out well to date.
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