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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Stop pirating movies ya boob!
  2. Give them all guns. No soft targets.
  3. Pats fans feeling confident heading into 2022-2023.
  4. Why the ***** would anyone move to Brownsville? Hate to burst your bubble, but the one time every 25 years south texas gets snow, Brownsville gets it. Pick Houston like a normal person.
  5. Its the same tired argument from dudes who rarely leave the area. They are comparing the girls they see at the Pig and Whistle in Cheektowaga to a sampling of the one time they went to South Beach. Or some anecdote of walking around Manhattan. Same thing every time this gets brought up.
  6. I'm surprised interception and beard aren't on the list. The algo must be broken.
  7. He gave it his all. You hear his old teammates talk about him and everyone says they would run through a wall for Fitzy because he would do it for them. A guy like that who puts the team first and understands his role will have a roster spot as long as they are able to perform.
  8. Fine, Chandler can go but not before David Nelson. Donald Jones makes it over my dead body.
  9. He played lacrosse at Penn State I think. Says more that Lee Smith 4th or 5th billing.
  10. If Morse goes up so does Lee Smith.
  11. How do you pronounce asterisks? Is it a "shhhhhh" sound?
  12. This is "you guys" territory. Sometimes "yous guys".
  13. Not to mention that vets have already been trained for a very different mission. Heres a little discussion of vets who are now police officers. https://www.themarshallproject.org/2018/10/15/police-with-military-experience-more-likely-to-shoot
  14. Who said it was the explanatory variable? Turning school shooters into celebrities in a country where you could buy an AR-15 at WalMart proved not to be a very good idea.
  15. Whats your point?
  16. They portrayed Dylan, Eric, and Cho like commandos. Non-stop pictures of them holding their weapons, dressed in their all black outfits or camo, posing with knives. They aired manifestos and even made them sympathetic with the bullying angle. It legitimized them and their actions. Psychologists begged CNN and other news outlets to stop covering the killers in that light but what bigger story is there than mass violence? It has inspired many copy cats. Paint them as the cowardly losers they are or just ignore them. It wasn't.
  17. Thats like being the edgiest Gumble brother.
  18. The media coverage of Columbine and VA Tech did irreparable harm to the country.
  19. I hope it wasn't spent on arming them with military grade weapons, armored personnel carriers, and grenade launchers. Whats the point of militarizing small town police forces if they're just going to sit on their hands when the action starts? Fiscal responsibility NOW!
  20. Are we going to rehash this again? Someone call @C.Biscuit97 to tell us about the time he went to Miami!
  21. OP is a troll.
  22. Fine. But I'm not compromising on Mumblety Peg.
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