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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. I was just in Chicago. Stayed in River North area and I'm still digging bullet fragments out of my back. I tripped on so many corpses running for cover. Its amazing that its still the 3rd biggest city in the country and an economic power given that its been reduced to a Kabul like hellscape. I love hearing about how awful all major cities are from people who are referring to Jamestown when they say "I'm going downtown today". Better put my wallet in my front pocket cause these pickpockets in Elmira are no joke!
  2. The derisive use of AAVE was a really nice touch in making your point. Pure class. Got any more impressions?
  3. At least @ the people you are insulting. Gutless. And I have never mentioned Ngo once on PPP. Sorry you and others had so much riding on Julie Kelly as legitimate that you need to make this personal. "Everyone I don't like is a lib!!" is enduring war cry of people who have nothing in particular to offer. But if you want to trade cheap shots, you just might earn my attention yet.
  4. Think you're having a nice day??? You're not!!
  5. I agree, their threads are often juvenile and add little to nothing to the discourse. My guy wasn't on the ballot.
  6. This thread is as juvenile as it gets. Wouldn't you agree?
  7. I am in.
  8. I didn't have a ton into crypto but I really wish I had stuck with my plan to invest and forget about it. Instead after 2 years of watching abysmal charts I cashed out well before peak in this latest cycle. If you can afford to wait 3 or 4 years, an investment at $20k or below is likely to net you a good return if history is any indicator. Granted you might still lose half if you buy in today before you get back to even. What gives me pause is that the crypto markets were supposed to be inverse to stock market movement or at least not correlated. Instead we see crypto crashing during times of high inflation, increased commodity prices, and global instability. Is that a result of the large influx of institutional cash into the game? I don't know, I'm just a casual observer.
  9. Whatever helps them sleep at night. Fully rested, Tampa does not have the skaters to keep up with the Avs. Tampa's only hope is to slow down the game and win the puck possession game. Its going to have to be system rather than matchups. I don't know how they do it. Stack the blue line?
  10. TBD Crime Scene Investigative Unit >>>> TBD Buffalo General: Major Trauma Unit I don't think Major Trauma is going to get a second season.
  11. Insurrectionist is a direct reference to the source documents and interview with Nichols wife you linked. https://amgreatness.com/2021/11/18/terror-in-the-capitol-tunnel/ God forbid I use the same language they do....when quoting them! More cop outs. Can't stand by your ***** arguments. See you next time you peddle more drivel from AmericanGreatfarce.com. Next time, make sure you read the ***** you post so you recognize it when its quoted.
  12. Julie describes the event as Nichols just minding his own business who was then compelled to action by the brutality of police. Its exactly as I laid it out. Innocent bystander trying to save a little old lady who was apparently on a lot of methamphetamine. A quote from the Julie masterpiece you linked: Thats a fanciful story and unfortunately it yet again minimizes his actions and omits most of the facts of what he did that day and why he is facing charges. Believing everything Julie tells you is really working out well. It is fun to watch you squirm and try to wriggle your way out of yet another untenable position and preserve what little dignity you have left. Tossing out "strawman", total deflection, and appeals to emotion. Its unbecoming. I don't care about his wife's sob story. Did it tug on your heartstrings? Dude was caught on tape, red handed and documented his crimes on social media. Notice neither his lawyer or his wife deny any of the charges. They just stick to the script that hes a veteran and couldn't possibly be an insurrectionist. He's far from the only vet facing charges. Jail sucks. I would not advise pursuing a course of action that lands you there. Start a prison reform thread and show some concern for the 2 million other people serving hard time in the country with the highest incarceration rates in the world. Check out these political prisoners held without bail for years. https://calmatters.org/justice/2021/03/waiting-for-justice/
  13. A few hours ago, you disagreed with something in one of my posts and instead of engage in discussion you derisively called me a "liberal" and stormed off.
  14. This is actually a reasonable discussion featuring differing viewpoints so far. But if you're feeling left out of this circle, perhaps you'd feel more comfortable in one of the 25+ active threads where the intelligentsia of this board are sharing the latest twitter memes, new twists on Lets Go Brandon, and vigorously congratulating each other for their various witticisms and strokes of creativity?
  15. https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1356236/download Another innocent bystander and political prisoner. Just a guy and his buddy trying to help out a little old lady. #Julie'sHeroes These guys had the foresight to post their actions on facebook and SnapChat and save the tax payers a few bucks on the investigation. I agree, release the tapes and lets see how someone who isn't Nichols defense attorney interprets the events.
  16. It was always #OccupyWallStreet for people too lazy to get out of their cars. No surprise the movement lacked stamina.
  17. Agreed. UPL is the only kid in the system right now and is he really blocked if hes splitting starts with an aging vet? Quick had 46 starts last year. That leaves a lot of starts available for a #2.
  18. You call me out unprompted, toss a few insults my way, and then declare there's no point in discussing anything with me?!?!? But its not personal.....at least I have that going for me.
  19. If you think the sources you frequent have the integrity to retract, correct, or admit any fault then I have some waterfront property in South Dakota I'd like to sell you. USA Today was the first hit when I googled one of your Jan 6 sob stories about the persecuted bystander who pepper sprayed a cop. It was corroborated by 20 other sources. For some weird reason AG had a different version. You're clearly very butthurt and making this personal.
  20. 84 more days until football season. Gotta toughen up. I love how the guy played almost his whole career in New England, won championships, but on twitter hes 100% Bills Mafia.
  21. What were you saying about spoonfed narratives?
  22. Did the double take. Invested far too much time in it. Didn't find anything of substance. Do you think Ray Epps is part of a federal entrapment or false flag operation?
  23. The video shows him doing that the night before. I haven't seen any video of him doing it during the rioting or insurrection. And no one has been charged with inciting a riot or inciting insurrection based on what I have seen below. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases I have seen charges like this filed for people actively cheered on encouraged assaults on police officers. This is DR's latest persecuted hero, Brandon Straka. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1441146/download Do you really think this Ray Epps fact pattern is compelling evidence of a federal conspiracy? Three people out of the thousands who were there were not charged. This is the basis of the conspiracy theory. As I type this, I'm embarrassed I ever gave it the time of day. But every now and then I feel compelled to follow the Q drops just to make sure there is nothing at the end of the rainbow.
  24. You stand by the AG article? Worrell didn't commit a violent crime? Link below for the lazy: https://amgreatness.com/2021/03/15/capitol-investigation-seeks-to-criminalize-political-dissent/ How about these facts which were already linked for you? https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1379556/download This is the guy Julie Kelly and AG claim is an innocent bystander in her moving sob story. You can review similar files for Caldwell and everyone else facing charges. Or you can stick with AG who claims no one did anything wrong. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1471016/download If Ray Epps were caught assaulting police I'm sure he would also face charges "even though he didn't enter the capitol". There is no point in discussing anything with a person who cannot admit basic truths like when they linked to a bad article. Tons of misinformation out there. I don't know why you continue to go back to the well for more.
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