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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Came here to post the Bears game. Also, 2018 Ravens for worst season opener. Peterman goes full Peterman. 47-3.
  2. And all that amounts to nothing. Meanwhile you have a couple videos of unidentified persons removing snow fencing and thats proof of a multi-agency, governmental conspiracy to entrap and imprison political foes. The burden of proof is something else.
  3. He had one good year with a couple of lucky interceptions and then he basically never played for us again because his feets were sore. Women all over the country wear the most unpractical shoes they can find but still manage to do dishes and make sammiches despite foot soreness. I have not heard of a planter fuschia injury since that bum left for New Orleans. I'd sooner see his jersey line the troughs than memorialized on our precious wall of fame.
  4. Did you ever find bugs bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?
  5. Thats the post of the day. The bar usually isn't set very high down here, but thats a winner.
  6. OK, you win and you totally owned the more educated, higher earning, idiot libs with that zinger. Print it out and hang it on the fridge for the wife to see.
  7. If you think the highest income Americans are the ones looking for loan forgiveness then I guess that makes sense.
  8. Women just can't be trusted, man. I advise all of you to continue to be wildly unattractive to them.
  9. Like pubes on a can of coke.
  10. Dane Cook was never funny. Yes, I've seen the one about the sneeze and the one about holograms. They both suck. He was only popular because girls think hes cute. Pete Davidson is heroin Dane Cook. Lost in Translation has no redeeming value as entertainment. Pretending to like it doesn't make you smart.
  11. I thought his apology was terribly insincere. He spent more time bitching about holding and calls that went against him. Including a 7 year long complaint.
  12. Thats interesting. Pro-choice is prevalent amongst the more educated, higher income, and younger population. Pro-life is most popular among low-income, less educated Americans. https://news.gallup.com/poll/244709/pro-choice-pro-life-2018-demographic-tables.aspx
  13. They wanted every goal reviewed.
  14. If you need attention this badly, try one of the dating apps. Or threaten Biden on facebook.
  15. Well if you cannot post this in the appropriate thread can you at least make sure it is coherent?
  16. Law and order https://freakonomics.com/podcast/abortion-and-crime-revisited/#:~:text=ABC%3A The Supreme Court today,legal in all 50 states.
  17. Can you confine this stream of consciousness to one of the many Covid threads?
  18. Generally speaking, this is not true.
  19. I've never been to Chicago. I went to Times Square once in the 1980s when it was still gross. That experience and a carefully curated twitter following that feeds me stories of violence and decay in Democrat run cities has shaped my views of urban America. Its a nightmarish, hellscape there.
  20. I can picture it now: ANTIFA and BLM have ransacked the capitol in protest of a Trump victory which they insist was stolen without a shred of evidence. You and BigBlitz are beside yourselves as this nothing event has been called an attempted coup by Fox News. You plead with everyone that this "rowdy tour" of the capitol shouldn't even be investigated. You are starting a GoFundMe for the legal defense of political prisoners who were jailed solely because they're democrats. You light a candle every night for Sunflower Moonbeam Rainwater, the non-binary, gender fluid Antifa hero who was shot that day by jackboot thugs. The Sabres have made the playoffs but you're too sad to watch. That was fun. Now back to reality.
  21. It was only a few short years ago that we were running out of places to store all the gasoline we were producing. Demand for gasoline has been flat for years and long-term expectations were that we had already seen peak demand. Petrochem was the only bright spot in terms of demand growth for oil and gas. This was the outlook pre-pandemic. Obviously 2 years of lockdown crushed demand for refined products. This context is important to understand what I will describe next. The industry has already curtailed CapEx after Wall Street and private equity cut them off after the shale boom and bust. Wild E&P spending on low yielding acreage was no longer going to be tolerated. The mandate has been clear, control costs and return profits to shareholders. Every super major is doing just that and it has nothing to do with Biden trying to kill the oil industry. These cost control efforts have been in place for years. Energy prices are high because there is a war in Europe and a near global embargo on the world's second largest exporter. Thats 75% of the equation. The US oil and gas industry has said unequivocally that they will not ramp up production in light of high prices. They are sticking with the game plan. People can blame that on Biden's shallow talking points but its a weak argument in my opinion. Thanks for a little discussion on the issue that isn't just "Biden's fault!!". https://www.bcg.com/publications/2019/value-creation-oil-gas-investors-trust https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/18/big-oils-bid-to-lure-back-investors-with-cash-could-ultimately-fail.html
  22. And you'd be looking or summary executions on the white house lawn.
  23. When faced with the same choice last year, I went to the East Aurora location. Everything I read suggested the North location was not as good and quality was less consistent, but I cannot personally attest.
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