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Everything posted by BiggieScooby

  1. Remember the Mason-Dixon line was Pennsylvania & Maryland border, hence everything south was Dixie (legal slavery).
  2. Look at the rest of my post jackass.
  3. This definitely would help with late season sellouts.
  4. Might I add to that buy guns & enough ammo to kill a few zombie herds.
  5. I was in Iraq when your pansy ass was watching Fox News. There were no WMDs and no they weren't transported to Syria.
  6. Not to get off subject but always thought big Ted rotating with Smerlas in the middle of early 90s 3-4 instead of Jeff Wright could have possibly won us a Super Bowl.
  7. Tom is gonna get his ass beat Sunday win or lose I want him broken.
  8. The New Normal is basically the media finally figuring out that the next 20 years will be unlike the last 20 years. The new normal will continue until private sector debt decreases from 235% of GDP to a more sustainable level where it can again grow at a modest rate. Most of this debt reduction is baby boomers paying off their mortgages and outstanding debt & the under employed and jobless defaulting on their subprime loan. Luckily for young America 50 million baby boomers will be exiting the workforce over the next 20 years creating opportunities that demographics has thus far prevented. In the meantime I encourage everyone to stay away from debt, invest in their education & businesses & personal growth & not autos & homes. Huge opportunities exist in IT & healthcare as we move into a 21st century economy. Don't listen to main street or wall street who want you to spend like its 1999, build up a cash reserve and rainy day fund and buy used goods and shop local.
  9. You can excuse Cigna, after all he did blindly believe WMDs were in Iraq.
  10. I'd sit both especially Jackson. LCL injuries lead to ACLs if not properly rehabbed. Being 2-2 at this point was predicted. It means NY Jets & Pats still own us. This is another statement game. To quote Mr. T, our defense needs to bring their PAIN game if we are to start 3-1.
  11. I saw this earlier today. I will like our chances even more if we beat New England Sunday. Go Bills!
  12. I look forward to the regular ref's gifting us a much needed win in Buffalo. William Stephen "Bill" Belichick
  13. Nice to see these kids can make an income at an early age. #OnlyInAmerica
  14. 33% of my backers understand how tough a challenge I have running against myself. Willard
  15. @DuckDodgers, I envision Inside The Beltway Tom as a 60 something white male, who is upper middle class, probably was an engineer, or CPA (something technical) due to the rigidity he approaches debate. The guy has been retired probably for 10-15 years. Ex-government worker (IRS, FBI) collecting a government pension and social security and Medicare all the while talking these programs down so long as he gets his. Feel free to respond Tommy boy.
  16. It's ironic Governor Walker's cheese head nation gets screwed by a scab ref crew forcing Walker to call for deal to get done. Walker was later joined by Wisconsin VP nominee Paul Ryan saying its time to git-r-done. This is now a crisis, and what happens when crisis strikes? You get Republicans crying for help and better regulations. This is hilarious.
  17. Defined Pensions work fine provided they are properly funded and invested conservatively in highly vetted & regulated securities. Guaranteed benefits have been assaulted by the greed of Wall Street for over 30 years. The reason many are now underfunded is because they were sold junk securities that were rated triple a before 2007. These investments represent the greatest ponzi scheme ever fleeced on the american people in the history of the U.S.. These ratings agencies (Standard & Poor's, Moody's, Fitch) are the same idiots who lowered the U.S. governments credit rating, yet they were rubber stamping MBS's, SIVs and CDOs as triple a investments.
  18. No "me thinks" my boys MDP, CBiscuit & DuckDodgers & company are working. The conservatives...not so much.
  19. How come during the middle of the day only the 1%ers are on this board with the exception of me? BHO
  20. Only a sith deals in absolutes. Obi-Wan Kenobi
  21. Dear LA Billz Fan, I stand with the 99% & the 47%. Public & Private Union ain't no difference. False Equivalency saying they are different. If you hate unions so much move to the south. Barack Hussein Obama
  22. So teachers, police and fire fighters bad. Football referees good. #OnlyInAmerica http://sports.yahoo.com/news/union-buster-walker-calls-return-142614695--nfl.html
  23. Dear Inside The Beltway Tom, I am going to make you ambassador to Liberia where you can finish Lincoln's plan of De-Africanization of America. Let Freedom Reign, Willard
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