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Everything posted by BiggieScooby

  1. Canard? Seriously how do you ignore the fact that private sector debt is 250% vs. the public sector debt of 100%? We are experiencing the fastest contraction of private sector debt in human history. The private sector is collapsing. My question to right wingers was how do you offset this? The economy has two sources of money; public sector & private sector. The private sector can create money by lending to businesses and individuals and the other is the government by running a deficit. What caused the huge private sector bubble was private sector to private sector lending which created a speculative boom, funded by speculation on rising asset prices. If the government sector attempts to run a surplus aka if the government sector tries to cut its spending this will be contractive to our economy. Government deficit cutting has sent massive ripple effects further hurting our economy. In 2009 the U.S. private sector debt was 301% of GDP. Right now its at roughly 250%. The recession will likely end in 5 to 10 years when private sector debt approaches 100% of GDP. There are 2 options here: do nothing and continue to sink, or put money to work to grow the economy.
  2. Wide receiver is Easley or Jones a number 2? This is my main concern as our WRs looked progressively worse as the '11 season wore on. Tightend Chandler and who else?
  3. VY is no savior and cannot be expected to carry a franchise. Didn't this guy try to commit suicide? He is emotionally fragile and / or immature. He is another dominant college athelete whose skills aren't compatible to the rigors of the NFL. I think he'll be lucky to beat out Thigpen for 2nd string and even if Fitz goes down we shouldn't expect him to carry the team for a prolonged period.
  4. VY provides wild cat depth, and is a viable bad weather QB since the passing game is irrelevant in 25+MPH winds.
  5. U.S. private sector debt is 250% of U.S. GDP. U.S. public sector debt is 100% of U.S. GDP. Why are the Tea Party and Mitt Romney crying about public sector (government) debt? Clearly the problem with our economy is the enormous private sector (individuals & businesses) debt. What is the Right's solution? According to Mitt Romney "freer markets, and ending regulations "mainly on banks", "more energy" (despite the fact we are producing more than ever before? Excuse me Mitt? Did you just suggest returning our country to the same rules and play book that lead us into this recession? You need a better solution on private sector debt. All GOP solutions mean more private sector risk and borrowing. This is at a time of record private sector debt - it makes no sense. Sometimes the Government is needed to stimulate the economy. Think more like FDR righties.
  6. 46% pay no income tax, but they do pay Social Securty, Medicare, tax on gasoline, sales tax, tax on utilities, telecom tax, etc. This 46% don't pay federal income tax is a tired reich wing argument.
  7. I can see the 3 safety defense of Tank Carders TCU catching on quicker, considering the pass happy nature of the NFL.
  8. My mom worked with Romo's sister in the late 80s early 90s when we lived in Conneticut. Romo was in NFL starting out and was known for being intense. Off the field he's a classy guy.
  9. These stadiums are byproducts of the growth of the sport. Coupled with the fact that many host other events, and sports they are now centers of economic interest and major areas of commercial commerce. The economic benefit from this spending is higher values of NFL teams and rising player salaries. Look no further than the NBA and NHL. In recent CBAs the owners faced with declining revenues and increased costs slashed player salaries. The NFL has been so innovative in driving revenue. Time will tell if the NFL revenues stagnate but when they do their will be a huge ripple effect. In order for the greedy NFL owners to drive revenue they will leave a dying Cleveland for Baltimore, move a game to Toronto, play a game in England, Mexico City, etc. the writing is on the wall, if revenues continue to grow only for larger markets than its inevitable that small market owners will look "outside" the market to drive revenue. Which leads me to back to Buffalo. With a deal expiring in Toronto after 2012, what better way to drive interest than to buy it by spending on player salaries.
  10. Your tax dollars? The people came out en masse to demand a recall. Walker is so far to the right the good folks of Wisconsin have rebeled against him. Walker's administration caused the recall and the people have the right to recall him. Walker will lose by a minimum of 10 points which in politics is a landslide.
  11. Why did Walker hire an attorney? Fact he's also under investigation. Over 2 million signatures fact. Walkers staffers were operating under his direction. Walker is getting what he deserves. The workers of Wisconsin are going to take him down and all the Koch Brothers money won't save him.
  12. Walker is going down in June. This guy is under investigation for abuse of county taxpayers money. Over 2 million in Wisconsin signed his recall. He is going down in flames despite all the out of state support. As for the unions they are just "people" like corporations.
  13. How is the Buffett rule regressive? Eliminate capital gains 15% tax and move it to 35%. Sounds progressively fair to me.
  14. The difference was this guy didn't get away with murder. Martin's killer walked free. By the way since when is school suspension having a record? You never got caught smoking, cheating or fighting? Question for you would you be more or less upset if this home invader got away?
  15. Specifically what social programs are you referring to. Are you referring to; head start program, food stamps, welfare aka temporary assistance for needy families (TANF), section 8 housing, unemployment insurance, social security (old age, survivor-ship & disability), medicare, medicaid, federally backed student loans, federal perkins loans, stafford loans, federal direct student loans? By and large many of these programs can be reformed and/or scaled back. Do we need to give criminals section 8 housing? clearly not. Personally I'd like to talk about the 2.3 million adults who are now imprisoned in local, state, or federal jails. The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world. At year-end 2009 it was 743 adults incarcerated per 100,000 population. The "war on drugs" is clearly a failure. Outsourcing state run prisons to private corporations is an out-cry. No wonder why these private corporations want to keep these drug laws on the books. Ron Paul is right, we should legalize drugs and put the million plus drug criminals to work rebuilding our national infrastructure. I'll let Fareed Zakaria make my final point: "In the past two decades, the money that states spend on prisons has risen at six times the rate of spending on higher education. In 2011, California spent $9.6 billion on prisons, versus $5.7 billion on higher education..... The state spends $8,667 per student per year. It spends about $50,000 per inmate per year. Why is this happening? Prisons are a big business. Most are privately run. They have powerful lobbyists and they have bought most state politicians. Meanwhile, we are bankrupting out states and creating a vast underclass of prisoners who will never be equipped for productive lives." — Fareed Zakaria, CNN, March 30, 2012
  16. Carder dominated in the bowl game vs Wisconsin. He has the mindset to be a great player.
  17. I have no problems with this. You want teammates to have your back. Chris Carter is simply stating the facts and there is a clear distinction between protecting someone as opposed to putting a bounty on them.
  18. I forgot to mention Alex "Trick Shot QB" Tanney from D3 Monmouth College was also on Stan Lee's Super Humans. Maybe Buddy can invite the others and call them his mutant X-Men to go with our Goon Squaders.
  19. Agree with Gary there comes a time to preserve yourself. The best players avoid and / or deliver the cheap shot. Some guys are just more durable and smarter. How can that be? Watch Stan Lee's Super Humans on the History Channel. There was a guy who could hammer nails and break cinder blocks with his skull. That guy is less likely to get a concussion than a guy like Trent Edwards. They measured the bone density in his skull and found out it was something like a 1/2 inch thicker than the average human. Someday the NFL combine will include tests to measure flexibility, bone density, etc. I'd be willing to wager the farm that Levitre is more durable than Wood in the aforementioned categories. Wood is a good to great player when healthy. The next 2 seasons will be critical for Wood to prove the doubters wrong.
  20. My Top 5: Talley, Tasker, Bruuuce, Freddie, Hull Bottom 5: McGahee, Henry, Edwards, Mike Williams, JD Williams
  21. Good idea. If you can somehow manage to overlay it to the techno version of the Braveheart theme song than you'd get bonus points. All kidding aside the great comeback game January '93 might be the greatest game called, on par with Al Michaels '80 US hockey over Russia. It is the stuff of legend.
  22. Wow how optimistic this board has become myself included. Hoping we don't start 5-1 or 5-2 only to tank due to lack of depth, getting out coached and incompetent front office. I figuring we win 10 games. Our defense could be dominant.
  23. The solution in Europe is creating their own Fed. Europe has no Federal Reserve.
  24. Another stat 4 million per year in addition to 100+ rating is reason Flo is gone.
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