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Everything posted by BiggieScooby

  1. http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2012/05/brian_banks_not_guilty_of_rape_play_for_nfl_chargers.php http://brianbanks.org/pursuit-of-the-nfl-2/ Brian Banks 6'3'' 245 pound wrongfully convicted Prep Star free in California. This guy was offered a scholarship to USC. He is wanting a tryout with the SD Chargers. Maybe Buddy can give him a call?
  2. Waiting for the history books to be written on Cheney. Some people say it takes 30 years of distance to view the past with any retrospect. By the time Cheney left office his approval rating was 13%, enough said.
  3. Cheney is the most corrupt VP of all-time. In all fairness he did coin the term "deficits don't matter", "was the only Congressman to not admonish the Reagan Administration after Iran-Contra came to light, and when told 2/3 of Americans were weary of invading Iraq he famously told ABC news interviewer "So." Yes Cheney is exactly who the left wants Romney to "pal around with."
  4. This is news with a spin. Obama has zero chance of winning Kentucky, this is not a big deal. Here's a breakdown of the 2008 Democratic Primary: Clinton: 459,511 65.48% Obama: 209,954 29.92% Uncommitted: 18,091 2.58% Edwards: 14,212 2.03% Voter turnout 43.0% in the 2008 election, Obama picked up 751,985 41.2% of the Kentucky vote to McCain's 1,048,462 57.4%. Again looking at the numbers it appears that Obama capitalized on all Democratic Primary voters. In the end the reality is Kentucky is very conservative and won't be in play in 2012.
  5. Gotta go with the punter. Did you specify how long their careers are? Most punters can punt till their late 30s so 15 years or so of pinning guys heavily influenced me. I also believe that you can opt to punt on a kickoff yet another good reason.
  6. 24,452 posts later your still a jackass on this web site.
  7. I can't believe Romney is 65 years old. Wow that hair dye had me fooled. Perhaps he should put some dye on those ridiculous temples. His dye job is just another "etch-a-sketch" attempt to reinvent himself. Romney's hair dye is the equivalent of Palin's lip stick on a pig.
  8. I don't care about making a name for myself but I am enjoying the friendliness of those on this board. I've been on numerous blogs and debate and by far this is the finest.
  9. As someone whose mother and mother-in-law are teachers would know, some kids are problems all year. Seems to me this teacher is liberal & the kid is conservative. We had debate in all of my classes in college & high school. So long as the teacher doesn't shout him down I'm fine with a disagreement. My opinion is this kid instigated a fight. He randomly had a recorder in his pocket. I thought cellphones had to be turned off and kept in the locker? Seriously this is another GOP diversion that distracts us from the real issues. This won't win an election, it's merely conjecture.
  10. These are wannabe tough guys who think calling him "Barry" makes them tough. Kinda like how massa called his negroes "boy"!
  11. Operation Angry Badger has got boots on the ground in the Badger state. i'm still here huckleberry.
  12. Am I the only one who thinks a week 1 loss against the Jets will help bring players and fans back to earth? We have to be a 2nd half of the season team. Fast starts are nice but strong finishes are better.
  13. The fact of the day is factual, and in fact was a relevant news story circulating through the media. In fact, if I understand this student Romney bullied was a homosexual and died in the past 5 years. Apparently the teacher took offense to the students comment which is not on this tape. I'd love to hear his comment, I'm sure the teacher and this kid have been going back and forth all year and can't wait for summer vacation.
  14. Since you asked me why folks think they are "entitled" to a graduate degree, I figured I'd bring up higher education information that I feel is relevant. The topic is totally different but I digress.
  15. Do people even read newspapers anymore?
  16. Barrett is down -6, -6, -9, -4, -5 http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/governor/wi/wisconsin_governor_recall_election_walker_vs_barrett-3056.html Barrett is closing in and the line is an 82% chance Walker wins if you like betting. Doesn't mean Barrett is finished. You never know with 2 weeks to go. Obama Romney is close with 5 months to go. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/wi/wisconsin_romney_vs_obama-1871.html +1, even, +1.6, +4 Obama The facts are Wisconsin like the many battleground states is 40% democrat, 40% republican and 20% independent. Most elections are won by bringing out the base and winning the independent vote. Barrett has a strong base and independents are known to decide in the last week. Contrary to popular belief this race isn't over.
  17. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704709304576124280473684142.html That's a Murdoch outfit reporting on for profit paying off Loans to keep default rates down. Can you say ponzi scheme? http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/02/04/142406/for-profits-data/?mobile=wp Actually for profit students account for 11% of college level education 26% of federal student loans and 44% of the defaults. That's a huge number in any regard. Do you have a clue why there are more student loan defaults? I have my reasons. Lower rates on student loans like lower rates for mortgages can help support an entire sector of our economy from collapse. If you raise rates you run the risk of excerbating defaults. Have you heard of Murphy's law?
  18. Tom Barrett has a good ground campaign & Obama is up 7-9% in the state. That coupled with unprecedented door by door campaign & youth movement spells trouble for Walker. Wisconsin is in a state of civil war and it sounds like things are tough in Packer country. My uneducated opinion is Barrett wins by 5 points.
  19. Teachers can voice their opinions as can students. My assumption is the recording is only after the kid said something which I did not hear. Either way the teacher was clearly upset makes me wonder what he said, my gut tells me it wasn't as benevolent as simply saying Obama was a bully too.
  20. If someone scores well from an accredited university, and performs well on the entrance exam and they show a financial need than certainly they should be given the loans to graduate. Very few graduate degrees default on their loans. My issue is with the "for profit" businesses like University of Phoenix, & Virginina College. So many of their students are not qualified. Many students are "sold" by their "admissions counselors aka salespeople & taught how to get government student loans. My problem is these university's by and large result in 90% of the federal student loan defaults. So in essence the buck stops with the Federal Student Loans these kids are getting for their "unaccredited" or below merit degree's. Many don't finish and many who do do not have the skills their diplomas claim they have. This is another government institution getting ripped off by greedy private for profit business in the veil of higher education.
  21. Good read. A valuable player who can play left guard at a high level & fill in at left tackle a neutralize top NFL ends. Could it be that Levitre is our #1 player? I'm starting to think so.
  22. As Jefferson said "an educated Citizenry Is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people." That is of course if you aren't counting his slaves.
  23. Winslow could be a great fit. He's not known for being an inline blocker and Gailey likes to spread the ball. If anything he'd be a good #2 behind Chandler. As Nix says "we're always looking at ways to make our team better." Winslow would be a nice insurance policy for 2 million per year. He would provide depth and is a proven guy who can catch and get yards.
  24. McKelvin Impressed me when after the 1st New England game he made a comment about his pick. He talked about how Ocho Cinco ran 2 or 3 routes and he undercut the route coz he had safety help. McKelvin obviously learned that from the coaches & applied it.
  25. Boise should look to the PAC 10. I'm not sure they could compete in sports like basketball but it be way less travel than joining the Big East.
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