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Everything posted by BiggieScooby

  1. Actually I walked across and back. I drove most of the AZ to Cali border. Even in Orange County they have border patrol check points. The Mexicans didn't even check my passport. Getting back into the U.S. was the long line.
  2. Like Bill O'Reilly so eloquently said if you implement this "some folks" are gonna shut 'er down. My answer to that is fine Mr. O. Us Generation Xers are ready for the Baby Boomers to hang 'er up.
  3. With all do respect Chef, the California border is very secure. Is it the DMZ, or Berlin Wall? No. It is a solidified fence backed by technology and one of the largest growth federal agencies (Border Patrol). It's ridiculous to think that Illegals can waltz across the border. They have tens sometimes hundreds of miles of desert to cross. Do we know the hotspots sure maybe we should put the boots on the ground to cover high traffic areas. If red states like Zona and Texas can't find the political will or resources perhaps they should ask for more federal help. Oh wait, that would require hiring more people, better wait for Romney.
  4. 3rd why don't we invade Iran? Makes logical sense to leak this out before we do so.
  5. I was only in Arizona & California. I really wanted to see that libby state California and their porous border, but to my suprise it was sealed like a drum. I must admit that a red state like Texas with all the oil revenue they are generating must have a highly secure border. I mean you have cowboys like George W, Rick Perry & Chuck Norris roaming the prarie. With cowboys like that its hard to imagine that they can't lasso 10,000 illegals per day.
  6. Football Season Nears Return To The Glory Years Conference Teams Fear
  7. Interstate 8. I even found the time to walk across to Tijuana. Our border is effectively sealed. The miles of fence I saw was solid. There are infrared hd cameras and helicopters scanning the ground. The Border Patrol is everywhere and has stops along I-8 and other routes to check for illegals. Everyone wants a secure border. What we need now is to get the cartels off our streets by legalizing drugs. The irony here is that the mainstream media wants us to believe the border is insecure. In a recent Forbes Report they mentioned Mexicans work the most hours of the day than any country.
  8. ND is rolling in new dough thanks to the new found huge oil reserves. They are hoping that they can forgo Property taxes by taxing growth, similar to Florida relying heavily upon snowbirds and tourism to eliminate state income tax. If these red states had any cojones they would abolish taxes altogether and / or move to a flat tax. Can you say 9-9-9?
  9. ALL CAPS! Oh no you didn't!
  10. Ron Paul is right. Sadly he is marginalized by the mainstream media.
  11. MDP, the Iranians are smart to arm themselves with nukes. No nuclear capable country has ever been invaded after obtaining them. With the exception of Iraq ; )
  12. Just drove the border in Arizona and California & it is stronger than ever. The problem here is there are tens of thousands who are already in the U.S. making money trafficking drugs. The solution is moving to legalize drugs and taking the money away from the criminals. Who is the biggest lobby for tough drug laws? The private corporations that operate 50% of U.S. prisons. We will never win "the drug war", but we can take a bold step to control the drug trade thru legalization.
  13. I've seen this done at government fleet stations but the general public hasn't caught up. many city and county goverments are converting their SUVs and sedans to hybrids and plug-in electric. Many transportation authority bus fleets are running on CNG. As technology improves expect to see these recharge stations matriculate to areas where affluent early adopters purchase this technology.
  14. http://cnnmoney.mobi/wk_snarticle?articleId=urn:newsml:CNNMoney.com:20120611:fed-family-net-worth:1&category=cnnm_business Key Points: 37% decline in median net worth of American family from 2007-2010. From 126,400 to 77,300. Top 10% net worth grew from 1.17 million to 1.19 million 2007-2010. Middle class families in the 40-60 percentile, median net income decreased from 92,300 to 65,900 - a 29% decline. Conclusion middle class has higher concentration of wealth in home equity and recession has impacted employment and wages of middle class.
  15. Drunk post but informative. As I've been saying our biggest threat is debt. As Secretary Paulson said at 2:00 "We borrow too much and save too little." With private sector debt at 235% of GDP, is there any wonder why business is sitting on 2 trillion in cash?
  16. 10 to 11 wins is all we need to get into the playoffs. We need to win 4 or 5 against the AFC East, and get 3 to 4 wins against the NFC West.
  17. For once we can agree on one thing.
  18. We will win this game if we find a way to out rush the Jets. Mark my words, we win if Freddy & Spiller get a buck twenty five. I am looking forward to seeing our OLine finally start pushing the Jets front 7 around.
  19. Look at all the people who smoked cigarettes in the 1950s before the Surgeon General announced they are bad. The construction workers who were exposed to asbestos before we found out its bad. To say they have no merit and therefore no case is a gross miscalculation. My bet, they are awarded a 10 billion settlement. That's 1700 players at $588,000 per player or the equivalent of one years salary in today's salary cap for a veteran.
  20. Looking back the last 20 years the teams that win the SB mostly had great lines. Average career QBs have won Super Bowls. I think Fitzpatrick is an average QB. Is that an indictment on we can't win? No way. Here's why: Jeff Hostetler, Mark Rypien, Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson are 4 Super Bowl winners who won the biggest game. The constant with these 4 QBs is solid defense, OLine, and running game, and a passing system built around their strengths as a passer. Hostetler thrived in play action and rolling out, was athletic and had a good arm, Rypien was accurate and had great receivers in Clark & Monk and a sppedster in Sanders, Dilfer was smart and reliable, Johnson was accurate. The individual constant was these guys needed to be game managers & stay away from turnovers. The most important component is accuracy and intelligence. There is no smarter QB than Fitzpatrick. The accuracy is an issue and apparently is being addressed. Fitz had a huge jump in completion percentage in '11 from a career sub .60 rate to over .61. If our defense is as good as we think it will be, and our OLine continues to improve we may not need the proverbial "franchise QB".
  21. Absolutely. Tillman & our other fallen soldiers epitomize Memorial Day. Conservative or Liberal you gotta give a shout out to those who paid the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE for the U.S.A.!
  22. Pittsburgh has had stability at head coaching and made better front office decisions.
  23. The one vote that matters is the 1 extra Republican you guys have in the supreme court. Can't wait to flip that over to a Progressive.
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