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Everything posted by BiggieScooby

  1. Chris Cooley has certainly regressed over the years and he is now 30 years old. I don't know how much this guy has left, so much would depend on his physical and most importantly his mental state. Always an engaging interview Cooley seems to be a leader on and off the field.
  2. - Wayne Powell for Congress. A man who actually served his country in the U.S. Army for 30 years, 5 years of active duty and 25 years in the Active Reserves. Also has a son who is a Major in the Army serving overseas.
  3. I believe they call this the sum of zero.
  4. I have to lay the blame on Levy. Taking a 12-10 halftime lead the Bills Knew the Giants game plan: grind out the game, and play 8 in pass coverage daring the Bills to run. The last drive of the 1st half and opening drive of the 2nd half were the ball game. Getting out scored 14-0 was the difference. (3:43-0:25 2nd qtr) (15:00-5:31 3rd Qtr) 12:47 of dead time is an eternity in football. Add in a 7:32 drive in the 4th for the Gmen and God only knows what might have been. These 3 drives accounted for 23:37 in game clock. This being said look at who we were up against: Parcells, Belichick, & Coughlin. Not too shabby that Marv & Co. almost won.
  5. Romney will need to win the white vote by 20% if he wins. With white women backing Obama 55/45 Romney would virtually need 70% of all white men to vote for him. Romney's arrogance in courting the social conservatives while opposing the Dream Act is another reason Romney trails Obama 2 to 1 among Latinos. Why else do you think Romney said what he said in Michigan? He needs the white male vote in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania & Ohio. The GOP is at a demographic crossroads -http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2012/08/27/romney-white-vote-push_n_1834670.html?utm_hp_ref=elections-2012 That my friends ain't happening and is the reason why this election can only be won by Romney via the electoral college. He will need Florida to have ANY chance.
  6. The 2013 draft will be offensive.
  7. No worries Google Dark Fiber is coming.... ; )
  8. "Big business is doing fine." Mitt Romney 8-23-12. Which is it WT?
  9. The Eisenhower Wing of the GOP is fracturing from the Tea Party.
  10. Talk about an abundance of riches; Gronk & Hernandez plus Jake Ballard.
  11. I bet Baker is done for 2012 & Keller is back in time for us week 1. Keller may likely reinjure the hamstring so it's important to press him early and often.
  12. Jackson is a good backup guy who proved last year he can be average if given a whole season.
  13. What we really need is the emergence of a bonafide #2 possession receiver. We have Stevie manning #1 and Nelson the slot #3. If TJ is as good as they hope I think he' the guy. If not Jones has shown promise a few games.
  14. If Stevie goes down I still wouldn't sign TO
  15. Preseason. Just don't want dudes getting hurt.
  16. Maybe if Romney would share some of that Mormon vote.
  17. Just another reason why Romney is polling near 0% among black voters. Mitt "The Twit" sounds like a good nickname.
  18. Nix and Gailey will do fine in '12.
  19. I'd like to see Tank Carder become the starter by week 8.
  20. Kinda like car insurance?
  21. Why is Quebec failing and Ontario booming? Any good stats?
  22. just had a good read on the canadian chiropractor situation. http://www.drkenmuel...June16FINAL.pdf. If it makes you feel any better we just paid $12,000 on the birth of our second child. I see you have Gianluigi Buffon as your avatar. Being a former goalkeeper myself I must admit my right hip and back have good and bad days. As a political economist I find it interesting that Canadians support National Health Care 86.2%! http://www.pnhp.org/...shows_canad.php. This polls very similar to Americans feelings on Social Security - 92% say this is a very important government program. http://assets.aarp.o...curity_75th.pdf
  23. Remind me again what prosperity the Bush era tax cuts gave us?
  24. Better bring your voter id. How's that health care eh?
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