Take LA for example, they would buy the Bills slightly north of 1 billion and have to pay another billion for a stadium??? Good luck making a profit. They will need an incredible sweet heart loan with a low interest rate (good luck) or an ownership group that has 2 billion in liquidity. You are either talking about a multi-billionaire or a group where 1 guy will need to front 30% equity, and have 29 other partners chipping in the other 70%.
The Bills staying local is more viable given the long term debt situation. Factoring in what should be $100 million in stadium debt (assuming the county & ny split the tab & the bills pay the other half) the new local ownership could still outbid the LA investors and save hundreds of millions due to not having to build a stadium.
They could further offset the purchase price with a 5 or 10 year Toronto deal that would give Canada 2-3 home games a year and net the Bills $200 million. The new owners would have a winning cash flow position that no other market could possibly offer.