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Everything posted by BiggieScooby

  1. Did anyone see Rivers throw that awful pick? I also saw Flacco get lucky on GW drive lifting a pass way too high into double coverage.
  2. When someone gets killed this will end....naw
  3. Emmitt Smith played with this injury just fine. My guess? Spiller plays in 2 weeks.
  4. It's hard out here on a pimp.
  5. I have a new business "Rent-A-Dad.com" and this is going to put us under. Damn activist judges and ACLU, always putting people above profits.
  6. Dear "Barry", STFU. I won't sit in a chair and sit idle as you destroy America. Our freedoms are being assailed by your brand of Communism. Why don't you go back to Hawaii smoke more cannabis, hang ten with your old "Choom Gang"? Dick Cheney was a great American and still is. His time as CEO of Halliburton and then as President....err Vice President saw some of the best times in our nations history. As Cheney said deficits don't matter, and I see you've certainly taken that to heart by not repealing the Bush Tax Cuts and then doubling down with Obamacare. When Cheney wasn't busy playing Jack Bauer and water boarding to save American lives he found the time to shoot people in the face hunting. If you really cared you'd focus more on the real America and dole out more corporate welfare to Exxon & Wall Street. These job creators are being hampered by your regulation. The air we breath and the water we drink soon will cost money. It will be like that move "Out of Time" with Justin Timberlake - piss me off and I will end your time. I have close to 150,000,000 or 47% who will be running out of time once I assume my seat as CEO...um President of the United States of America. The Real American, WMR PS, stop eating dogs.
  7. 3rdning, While John McCain was being water boarded (a nice bath i've heard) and eating slugs from his dirt floor (high in protein) in some north Vietnam POW camp, I was in France learning how hard it is to sell people on a false religion. I believe my missionary service was integral to the development of my character. It is where I first learned rejection and it taught me the skills I will need to deal with defeat come November 7th. Do I regret missing out on Vietnam? No way! Look at what the swift boat veterans of truth did to the other guy from Massachusetts who ran for president. John McCain is a two faced ass & and left his first wife when it was time marry up. John's infidelity is what I call a scorn on the Republican pilar of virtue. Ask Ann, I have never cheated on her and even if I did it wasn't because I was looking to "marry up". I like McCain with the exception of when he made me look foolish in the 2008 primary. I guess I am still harboring some sort of resentment he choose Sarah Palin over me as his VP running mate. After reviewing 20 years of my tax returns supposedly the McCain team thought I was more dangerous than the funny talking moose hunting hockey mom with pig lipstick from Alaska. Sigh, WMR
  8. Chef Jim, you'll be head the FDA and then I'll eliminate the entire dept and put you in the unemployment line. Remember McCain? That crippled bastard didn't even know how to email. I'm trying to connect with the youth vote being all techie and what not. The Messiah Signed, Will
  9. This song will substitute for the Shout Song in 8 days.
  10. Go to YouTube and type Cleveland Browns factory of horrors.
  11. No doubt a 6'5 225 to 235 would be a great asset. Nelson needs to add 10-20 and if he does be could line up in slot and motion to an inline blocker and wreak havoc on linebackers or safety's who would try to guard him.
  12. I approve that message Doc. Or should I say, the new Secretary of Health? Mittens
  13. Dear DevNull, Ann is all the woman I need. I LOVE WOMEN! Imagine if she gets that excited about women how excited she gets when she sees me in my birthday suit. Ann loves my robotic nature, orange spray tan and black hair dye concealing all my grays with the exception of prominent "silver temples". Ann likes my spray tan so much she somethines thinks that my dad found a real Mexican woman and had me out of wedlock, which we know can't be done anymore in our faith. Damn activist judges and their religious intolerance. Ann is a lady on the street and a freak in the bed. All kidding aside she really wears the pants in our house, which is kind of odd for us being in such a male dominated faith that is Mormonism. I like you DevNull, you are always looking on the bright side of things. Perhaps I can make you my chief strategist of outsourcing when I take back my company Bain. Call me "Will" from now on. Doc, People are real dumb! That is the theory of my campaign. Joseph Smith damn Jimmy Carters grandson for video taping my "honest hour" with Mitt. Your Governor
  14. Dear TheNewBills, You didn't get the memo? Those pesky programming jobs have been outsourced to China. I hate IO6, no Google Maps!!!! Your "Governor", Willard Dear DevNull, Come November 7th I will be in the Cayman Islands on the way to Switzerland. From there I'll meet with Ann in France. Suppose I will be watching her ride stallion's. Then it'll be back to San Diego where I will probably sit in my favorite foreign luxury car and ride up and down the car elevator for a week. Then maybe I'll visit my old friends at Bain Capital preemptively declare myself CEO and take some of my aggression out on the 47% by buying up what's left of the 7% of private sector companies that are unionized and shipping their jobs overseas while racking up ridiculous debt and raiding their pensions. Signed - Worried About The Direction Of America, Willard
  15. Dear GG, I'm on an iPhone 5. I will buy the assembly plant in China and force them to fix the UI. Respectfully, Willard
  16. What we do on the road, defines 2012. We have now lost 8 straight. We will need to at least win 3 on the road to have a chance.
  17. Dear GG, Mormon's don't do comedy, they do hostile takeovers! Respectfully, Willard.
  18. Nelson is a good player. If he dedicates himself to rehab and gaining torso and upper body strength (he has all the time in the world now) he could be a beast.
  19. Dear Tom, Since you are "DC" I will take you on your word Tom. You see I've never been in Washington. Just been a Strongly Conservative Governor in a Strongly Liberal State. I also ran Bain Captial & I'm sure you heard about the hookup gig I got from my Mormon friend in Salt Lake City getting to be the "MC" of the Winter Games. Maybe when Obama trounces me I will change my avatar to MCWillard or in the unlikely event I win DCWillard.. Damn 47ers! I personally told Pawlenty that this was a bad week. Damn evangelical baptists, can't win without em can't stand working with em. Respectfully, Willard
  20. Dear Fellow Two Bills Drive Republicans, Unless you've been under a rock the past 7 days you might already be aware of the sad shape my campaign. Paul Ryan booed at AARP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ny_dX6OHnas Herman Cain "I'd be ahead if I were the nominee." http://www.salon.com/2012/09/21/herman_cain_id_be_beating_obama/ Tim Pawlenty leaves Romney mid-race before finish line http://www.boston.com/politicalintelligence/2012/09/20/tim-pawlenty-leaves-mitt-romney-campaign-head-financial-lobbying-group/5T98oIDNLtduDFHJ1U99OI/story.html Romney's 47% comment sinks ship http://www.forbes.com/fdc/welcome_mjx.shtml 2012 Election odds: Obama 76.1% Romney 23.9%. Ouch those were the numbers that the Democrats were trying to make up to recall Scott Walker. http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/20/sept-19-a-wild-day-in-the-polls-but-obama-ends-up-ahead/ As you know I am a betting man, and I know you are too. That's why I'm advising you 53%ers to put a fresh $10,000 on Obama. Any of my supporters out there wanting to hedge their losses on donations given to my campaign should put money on Obama. Additionally this might make more sense to also calculate your additional tax hike and try and offset this with more money on Obama. Regards, Willard Mitt Romney
  21. Obama furnished his Birth Certificate thanks in part to these birther's. 5 Reasons why Obama released his BC - http://theweek.com/article/index/214670/why-did-obama-release-his-birth-certificate-5-theories Now it's Romney's chance to show how out of touch the Senate Majority leader is. Romney, we are waiting for you to call our bluff........ the carried interest deduction is a real boon.
  22. I don't care about 2011. Romney is not an idiot of course that tax return will make him look good. What I am interested in is seeing Romney call Harry Reid's bluff and release his taxes for the past 10 years - just like Romney's dad did when he ran for President. Romney released a statement of his past 20 years. I can release a statement too, but that ain't as good as the real thing. Just ask Donald Trump and the birther's.
  23. "We are the 14%! Freedom isn't free!" Mitt Romney on his patriotic tax contribution.
  24. BMW has a factory up in Greenville. Why did they come? Some anti-union guys would point to the fact that the average auto worker in Germany make $40 an hour. Here in South Carolina, not so much. Regardless i realize it is a global economy that being said the German's still make a ton of cars in Germany, and moved the SUV plant to here in America because we like SUVs. It's called localizing your supply chain, and manufacturing to your consumer base. Why would Boeing setup a plant in Singapore or Mexico - the majority of these people from these countries make so little they cannot afford to travel 25 miles from the place they were born. Boeing is such a high tech, high skill company it would take years to get an efficient plant up and running in Mexico. Notice high skilled manufacturing in the US is thriving. Catepillar, Boeing, GM, Ford, thanks in part to our engineering schools, but also our government for investing in high end manufacturing. The Boeing Dreamliner project has been mired in delay after delay, due in large part to their foray into the "Old South". In the end you have France's Airbus moving a plant into Alabama to tap into cheap Southern labor and to compete against Boeing.
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