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Posts posted by chicot

  1. Yeah, those rockets aren't that bad. Just a minor inconvenience really. Those damn Jews should just STFU and deal with it, right?


    Or do you have a suggestion for how to make Hamas stop in an "acceptable manner"? :D


    Never said that they were just a minor inconvenience. Obviously, they can cause death and injury and are terrifying to those affected by them. Nevertheless, there's no chance they will destroy Israel.


    What Israel needs to do is what it has always needed to. Obey international law, dismantle their illegal settlements and withdraw from all occupied territories and allow the establishment of a viable Palestinian state. In the long term, the biggest threat to Israel is not terrorism but simple demographics. Sooner or later, the Palestinian population in Israel and the West Bank is going to be the majority. At which point, the Palestinians can simply say "fine, you won't give us our land back. Annexe the West Bank and give us the vote then."

  2. Simple- stop firing the rockets.


    I am so sick of the press not saying that Hamas has ben shooting rockets for weeks before Israel finally did something and not calling the Palis and all Islamofascists cowards for hiding in the middle of civilian areas.


    Is Israel supposed to just let themselves be destroyed?


    Destroyed? I don't think there's much chance of Hamas's rockets doing that.


    What I'm getting at is whether or not the Israeli action will actually achieve the aim of stopping the rockets. I don't think it will. In fact, I think it's pretty likely that Hamas actually wants a ground operation - all it needs to be able to do is survive in order to claim a victory (of sorts).

  3. Practice what you preach. It's probably over your head anyway. It's like the Mayor of NYC Bloomberg calling himself a Republican , running on the Republican ticket while practicing liberal princiciples. Just calling yourself something doesn't make it so ,or even being born into it.


    You're comparing apples to oranges. Membership of a political party is not the same thing as religion. I doubt very much that unconditional support of Israel and every action it takes is a prerequisite for Jewishness, which seems to be what you're implying. Not all Jews live in Israel (not even a majority) and not every Jew has unconditional support for Israel come what may.

  4. I wouldn't dismiss the idea out of hand. I doubt that he could be any worse than Jauron. His time with the Jets, while ultimately unsuccessful, was hardly an unmitigated disaster. As others in this thread have pointed out, other coaches have failed early on in their careers and gone on to later success. At 37, he's young enough to learn from his mistakes and do better second time around. Sure, we'd all like to get Cowher, Schottenheimer, (insert name here) but we all know that Ralph is cheap and is unlikely to spend the money to get them. Having just been fired, Mangini may actually be available at a price Wilson is willing to pay.

  5. Boy that is setting the bar low.... I must ask are you so blind as to think all that matters is winning and that translates to entertainment????


    Did you not find the Denver game entertaining then? (After all, that is what this thread is about). 53 points were scored, the lead changed hands quite a few times and the Bills won in the end. You could hardly call it a boring game yet you still choose to winge about the magical 300 yd barrier not being breached.

  6. Oh yea I forgot we are 11-4 and going to the playoffs!!!!! We have a 7-8 record and are 0-5 in the division and even if we beat NE Sunday miss the Playoffs by 3 games.... 300 yards vs. SF, Miami, Cleveland and the Jets and we are in the playoffs....


    Let's use 250 as the benchmark if you wish..... Edwards has 4 this year and we have as many have pointed out been trailing the majority of games. You chose QB's on teams that have winning records and have led the majority of games. When we are 11-4 then you are welcome to throw those stats at me. Sorry to tell you I enjoy passing offenses and like to see gaudy numbers..... Does that make me shallow or a non-football fan???? Boy being entertained is a terrible thing.....


    So, you like watching passing offenses. Fair enough. All things being equal, I like watching passing offenses as well. However, most of all, I like to watch the Bills win and whatever it takes to put the W in the column is good enough for me. Maybe I'm misinterpreting you, but it seems to me that you are trying to use the lack of a 300 yd passing game as a knock against Trent. The thing is there are plenty of other things that impact how many yards a qb throws for other than the competency or otherwise of the qb in question. Perhaps, the opposing team is focusing on taking away the passing game, in which case the logical course of action is to run the ball. Or, as happened against Denver, the return game is working well and drives are starting at midfield. To just focus blindly on 300 yards passing as a yardstick, regardless of context, is shortsighted.

  7. Wasn't meathead demoted from OC to TE coach in Miami?


    Amazing that people here did there best to run Wade out of town. How poor is your memory? Remember how poorly he handled the Johnson / Flutie QB situation? Remember his poor hiring of coaches, and how he wouldn't fire a guy that deserved it? Remember the "punt catcher"?


    People have selective memory.


    I'm not sure how fair it is to stick all the blame on Wade for the RJ/Flutie situation without knowing exactly how much interference there was coming from Wilson. My guess (and it's no more than that) is that if it was solely down to Wade, Flutie would have started the playoff game against the Titans.

  8. I have not read or searched all the posts, but thought I'd give my thoughts on Sunday's game vs Denver.


    Again one of the worst defenses and we again basically sleep walk through the first half. TE looked good from late in the second quarter and loved the win (especially because I want to see SD win the division).


    But why oh why is the offense so bad overall. Against some of the worst defenses this year we have struggled or put up mediocre #'s at best.


    Do people think this is okay? Saw a lot good from Edwards Sunday, but again where is that 300 yard game? Any other team not throw for 300 this year (probably Raiders and the Titans is the only team I can think of)?


    I really don't understand your obsession with the 300 yard thing. Bottom line is that the Bills scored more points than the Broncos and they won the game. The offence put up 30 points and that is not bad by any standard. I don't give a damn whether Trent throws for 300 or 3 yards as long as the Bills outscore the opposition. Would you rather he had thrown for 300 yards and they lost the game?

  9. Holyfield fought last night. B-)


    I guess he did.


    Disgraceful. Absolutely disgraceful.


    What Evander Holyfield did in the ring Saturday night didn't conjure up memories of 45-year-old George Foreman's electrifying knockout of Michael Moorer in 1994. Holyfield wasn't impressive. He did not rattle Nikolai Valuev's enlarged cranium nor did he dazzle the capacity crowd in Zurich, Switzerland, with impressive flurries.


    Instead, Holyfield was a human carousel, dancing around the 7-foot Valuev (who ably played the part of the post) and occasionally pausing to throw a meek punch or two.


    But he absolutely, positively won the fight.


    That three professional judges could score the fight for Valuev, and thereby deny Holyfield his fifth reign as heavyweight champion, is embarrassing. Valuev was awful. He didn't land one effective punch, much less a combination. He dispassionately allowed Holyfield to dictate the tempo of the fight while showing a complete and utter inability to use his long jab to keep the challenger at bay. He was sluggish and at times looked fearful of an opponent that had no possibility of hurting him.



    God the state of boxing is pathetic. Does anyone own all three belts now? I can't remember the last time a unified champion walked the earth unless it was Lewis for a brief time. Didn't he throw one of his belts in a trash can?


    I think you're thinking of Riddick Bowe. I remember him throwing the WBC belt into a trash can so that he wouldn't have to face Lewis.

  10. The day the official schedule was released and revealed us to have all of our tough games later in the season. Seriously, we were never good, we just looked it against powder puffs. We are about the same level as we were at last year. Won't get much better till some QB, somewhere, steps up, and till we get a pass rush, and till we get a serious center.


    I don't really buy that theory. Was Cleveland that good? Was San Francisco? And yet the Bills lost to both. Something has gone wrong with the Bills - they are clearly not playing to anything like the level they were earlier on in the season. I don't think it can all be explained away by the schedule getting tougher.

  11. That's just not true. The Bills had no pressure on O'Donnell at all during the game (despite the presence of supposed Defensive Player of the Year Bryce Paup ... he owed that award to Bruce) but had pulled within 26-21 early in the 4th quarter and had all the momentum ... Pittsburgh had a big 3rd-and-long from inside their own 10 or 15 yard line ... and again, no pressure, O'Donnell throws up a prayer on the sideline and Thigpen makes a crazy catch and gets his feet in ... they scored on that drive and it was pretty much over at that point ... but a punt there and you never know.

    Granted, they definitely could still have lost with Bruce ... even if they get the ball back there Kelly was playing with a cracked sternum that happened earlier in the game ... but to say he would not have made a difference is crazy ... the guy was still the best defensive player in the game at that point and won defensive player of the year the following season. ANY pressure on O'Donnell could have made a difference ... they were right in it in the 4th quarter without him.

    Say what you want about Bruce as a person, he comes off as a selfish jerk and I am in no position to doubt that. But he was a GREAT player and I believe they find a way to win that game if he plays.


    Think you're selling Paup a bit short there. Yes, the presence of Bruce on the other side helped Paup a lot but 17.5 sacks is still 17.5 sacks.

  12. I remember the game was far closer than it appeared. I recall Van Pelt coming in when Kelly was hurt and connecting with Tasker and a big drive. Only at the end did Pittsburgh pull away.


    I remember it that way too. I think Pittsburgh jumped out to a big lead, but the Bills came right back. Van Pelt came in but then Kelly came back in to finish off a drive. I also recall Paup having a very big game - I think they were moving him around to create favourable matchups. The fact that they were managing to get a decent pass rush with Bruce out makes you wonder what might have been had he been there opposite Paup ...

  13. I would like to see a replay of the pass to Royal.


    Look, Trent gets a certain amount of blame for sure, but from where I sat, Royal was stumling around like a drunk at a saloon in an old western movie.


    Certainly, a select few here want to blame not just that pass, but every mistake the Bills make on Trent, for strange but obvious reasons. Far be it from me to stand in your way. :o;)


    The pass was too high but Royal didn't seem to make any effort at all to go for the ball. Whether that was because he had no chance of getting it or it was just another of his all too frequent gaffes, I don't know.

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