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Posts posted by chicot

  1. Trent was awful tonight. It may sound like excuse making, but I really think his head is not right from that concussion. If he was just having bad results, I wouldn't say that. But it is the way he has been playing for the last couple of weeks. He looks frozen out there. It could be that defenses have caught up to him, but his reactions are so slow, it is pretty uncharacteristic of the way he has played...even last season, when he wasn't great at times, holding on to the ball forever, and not seeing open guys were not his problems...


    I have never trusted Rian Lindell. He was not very good when he came to Buffalo, and eventually, it seems, the coaches protected him, and rarely put him in pressure situations. He has made a few pressure kicks, and missed a few...but he really hasn't had to kick a lot of them. Tonights miss was no gimmie, granted, but great kickers don't miss that kick.


    Finally, I think Ko Simpson is a liability. The guy doesn't react fast enough, and is a poor tackler. What am I missing on this guy? Why do people think he is good? Even when we were winning this year, week in week out, Simpson was terrible...I give him an A for effort on the near int, but down for down, he is not very good...


    Bah. I can remember Steve Christie missing game deciding field goals. Would you not consider him a great kicker?

  2. I admit readily that the playcalling at the end was the one major error from the coaching staff. Why in the world would you rely on a 45-yarder, against a wind that was a major factor in special teams play all night long? They had plenty of time and two timeouts, and Edwards finally looked confident on the pass to Royal. There's no defending their decision to set up a tough kick from Lindell, rather than trying to make it a chip shot.


    Still, that call never would have existed if Trent played better, or Jackson didn't fumble, or McKelvin or Simpson stepped up, or Corner connected on the sack. This team was put in a position to win the football game, and the players repeatedly allowed this game to slip through their fingers.


    And ya know what? Yes, the field goal may have been shorter, and the outcome of the game may have been different, if the playcalling at the end was more aggressive. But that doesn't change the fact that Lindell is perfectly capable of making that kick. One more example of players failing to make the plays this team needed to win.


    Lindell is certainly capable of making that kick but to rely on him to make it when you have every chance to make it shorter is just plain stupid. A 47 yard kick is never a certainty, far less so when it's into the wind and the game decider. Yes, Trent had had a terrible game but he'd just completed his best pass of the night to put them in range. He's shown he can win the game in the 4th quarter in the past and he should have at least been given the opportunity to do so again. If Jauron doesn't trust him in that situation then he should have been pulled - there's no point in leaving him out there if you're not going to let him throw the ball.

  3. I recall 1 catch...over the middle, pretty much uncontested. Were the other two the same, or in traffic, fighting a defender?


    I can't really remember the ones that he caught as well as the drop. The drop stuck in my mind as nothing up to that point was working and, for once, Trent throws a perfect pass for a 1st down and it's dropped.

  4. Yes it would have. Still a rookie WR (taken in the 7th round) getting 3 receptions for 41 yards when the QB was absolutely terrified to throw down-field is nothing to sneeze at.


    I completely agree. Johnson's performance was very encouraging, even with the drop. I can't agree with writing off a drive-killing drop as a "no-gainer" however.

  5. Expels Human Rights Watch activists


    So now Human Rights Watch is a puppet of the Bush administration? Yeah, ok.


    I know Chavez has some big fans among the left wingers here on PPP (TPS, chicot, etc.), so I'm sure they'll explain why this is a logical and reasonable move and why the Human Rights Watch report has no validity. By the way, here's the article on their findings:

    Article about the findings in the report




    Yep...Democracy is alive and well in Venezuela!


    Nope, I'm not going to defend it. I think it's a daft move by Chavez.

  6. Remind me which UN sanctions Georgia was in violation of? Was it playing games with UN inspections, targeting UN-approved coalition planes? And what was it's track record as an international trouble-maker?


    The following editorial might very well have been talking about you in their close:





    Remind me again whether or not the US invasion of Iraq was UN-approved. All this huffing and puffing about "UN sanctions", "UN inspections", "UN-approved coalition planes" but when the UN refuses to let the US have it's stupid war, it's to hell with the UN.

  7. Saddam did do whatever he wanted to the Kurds, while the civilized world watched. Millions have died in Africa, and the civilized folk washed their hands after the candlelight vigils. Russia is now avenging its embarrassment by the west because the civilized could no longer stand the butchering in the Balkans by the well meaning slavs & their tribemates.


    Good to see you being consistent in standing up for the rights of the world's tyrants.


    PS - you may want to send a note to BBC to check their sources. Russians were inside Georgia when I posted last.


    ? The issue in contention (which you raised in the first place) is not whether or not Russian troops were inside Georgia (they are) but whether or not they entered Gori (even the Georgians now admit they didn't).

    Your original quote:


    What's Dimitri's justification for entering Gori?
  8. Attack is a strong word, since S Ossetia is recognized to be part of Georgia. What's Dimitri's justification for entering Gori?


    So, by that logic, Saddam could do what he likes to the Kurds since the Kurdish region of Iraq was recognised to be part of Iraq?


    The Russian justification for attacks beyond South Ossetia and Abkhazia is that the areas were being used as staging posts to attack these regions. Incidentally, even the Georgians are now admitting that the Russians have not entered Gori:


    "Later, a spokesman for the Georgian interior ministry told the BBC that there had never been Russian troops in Gori."


    BBC report

  9. Self-determinantion of former tribes is obviously not confined to the Black Sea shores. I believe that the UN has a policy for that. Of course since S Ossetians & Abhazians want to shortcut the process, they can get the eager Mother Russia to help out. Russians have a long standing record of helping people achieve self-determination. They should be applauded for standing up the Georgian aggressors.


    (And don't for a minute think that this has anything to do with a pipeline deal Georgia cut with Turkey & Kazhakhstan to deliver oil & gas to Europe.)


    I'm sure it has plenty to do with the pipeline. None of which changes the fact that it was stupid of Georgia to think they could attack South Ossetia without this sort of response from Russia. Did they think that Putin was so busy watching the Olympics that he wouldn't notice?

  10. You may be right. The Caucasians deserve to go through the same type of European border settling practice that the Balkans' have experienced. That's why Dimitri's boys are there to help.


    You are of course, the more enlightened lot than the ugly stupid fat Americans.


    Thank you, we are :huh:


    Do you believe that the South Ossetians should be part of Georgia whether they like it or not?

  11. You are no doubt aware that South Ossetia is part of Georgia, and that there were already troops there, right? And that despite a Georgian cease-fire, their troops were being attacked by Russian-backed insurgents? And that the Russian 'peace-keepers' were either doing nothing or actively supporting the insurgents?


    What should the Georgian's have done? Let the attacks continue unanswered?


    If you've been following the news these past few year, you are aware that Russia reacted poorly to the Rose revolution and the possibility of Georgia joining NATO; fuel deliveries from Russia to Georgia have been 'disrupted' over the winters; several Russian military personnel in Georgia proper were arrested on spying charges; Russia responded with a complete economic embargo; cyber attacks have ben shutting down Georgian government services; and that Russian planes have been buzzing Georgian airspace all year.


    Yeah, Georgia fired the first salvo. I think it is no coincidence that by agreement the last of the Russian bases in Georgia were supposed to have been vacated in 2008. It sure is suspicious timing that Georgia has embarked - according to Putin - on a campaign of genocide against Russians right now. I don't think we'll see the Russian troops withdraw for a long, long time.


    Borders are not set in stone. They can and do change over the course of history. Why should the current borders of Georgia, established by a certain Josef Stalin (a well-known Georgian) be somehow considered sancrosanct? Riddle me this: if Kosovans have the right of self-determination to decide whether or not they want to be part of Serbia, why should the same right of self-determination not be applied to South Ossetians as to whether or not they want to remain part of Georgia? Or are separatists somehow considered "good" if they happen to be pro-western, "bad" if they aren't.

  12. Norman in the lead after his 2d round


    Holy crap...53 and currently the only guy not over par at The Open. Chris Evert must be the anti-Yoko. :D


    Just caught the tail end of his round in my lunchbreak. Drove it 314 on the 18th. 30-40 yards past both of his playing partners who are probably a couple of decades younger. Not bad at all for 53!


    Always loved watching him play. All the talent in the world but the mental side just let him down. If he had the mental ability of Faldo (far less naturally talented IMO) I think he'd be pushing double figures for major wins rather than the measly two he ended up with (so far!).

  13. Good lord, from an article on the match:


    This marked the 18th meeting between the two rivals. Nadal now holds a 12-6 advantage, including 4-0 this year. He is also 10-4 against Federer when the two meet for a title.


    I think you'll find that most of Nadal's victories are on clay, where he is undoubtedly in a class of his own. Also, that stat is somewhat skewed by the fact that Nadal has never managed to do anything of significance in either the Australian or US opens - he normally gets knocked out before he actually gets to meet Federer.

  14. Besides me? :thumbdown:








    Just to name a few. A few others also.



    They've already stated that's what would happen...An attack by Isreal would be considered a defacto attack by the USA. Granted it could be all talk. At the same time..You gotta be ready for it.


    And no doubt the same esteemed sources were telling us what a massive threat Iraq was a few years ago. Call me sceptical but I'm not going to take all this for granted. Is there some Iranian involvement in Iraq? Undoubtedly, but at the same time, it wouldn't suprise me in the slightest if it's being exaggerated to soften up the US public for the next half-baked adventure.

  15. Maybe you should listen to someone who knows.


    And who would that be?


    My take, and this is simply my opinion...Isreal will attack with a surgical air strike....Iran may or may not respond...If they do...They will attempt to close off the straights...We will then engage in an Air War to disable their SAMs and ASMs. Then the Navy will clean up the mines and Kilo class subs. Any attack on troops in Iraq or Afgahnistan will be met with similar air power. Remember they have the same Soviet junk armor that Iraq had. They won't risk a ground war but reply asymetrically.


    In the event of an Israeli strike on Iran, there will almost certainly be a response from Hizbollah (which would in effect be the Iranian response). I doubt that a surgical strike by Israel would lead to Iran closing the straights as that would represent quite a considerable escalation on their part. I'm also uncertain as to how much an Israeli airstrike is likely to achieve as any nuclear facilities Iran may have are likely to be deep underground and highly dispersed (it's not as if an Israeli attack would exactly be a suprise).

  16. Iranian Qods Force commando's are the special groups you hear about causing trouble in Iraq and yes killing American troops with EFP IEDs.


    Maybe you shouldn't believe everything you hear.


    The 320,000 graves will be for Iranian troops not ours.


    Yeah, I'm sure a war with Iran would be a picnic and no graves at all would be needed for American troops :)

  17. Neither are the Iranians or the Afghanis. "Moslem" would be a much better label to use than "arab", as the Koran is the one common denominator (despite shia/sunni friction over hadith).


    Exactly. Just being a muslim does not make someone an Arab. Otherwise the Pakistanis and Indonesians would be classed as "Arabs".

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