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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. To quote your man LSI, " "
  2. Thought Cleveland would be alot higher than they are. Denver is up there ... teeheehee, it is to laugh. Fuggin stupid azz front-runners!!!
  3. Free Hat? Where? BTW, Beer-o-sphere, I'm having mine sent to your residence, make sure you get that sent out to Colorado post-haste!!!!
  4. Not too concerned with Uwe Boll, but your avatar is fuggin rockin like dokken!
  5. No he wasn't! I'm at LEAST 15 times more sincere (even though I'm late) when I tell you: HAPPY F-IN BIRTHDAY KRC!!!!! (does this stand for Kenny Rogers Chicken?)
  6. My son (the one that I have to work on his hitting with) and I watched that Friday night too! My son was a HUGE fan of his over-the-top acting skills. He was laughing his non-hitting arse off and his line delivery. RIP Col. George "Bright eyes" Taylor. I have, what I consider to be, a pretty good Heston impression and my wife aboslutely HATES it and doesn't really agree with his NRA stance. Hope she's ready for a solid week of Heston line delivery from me!
  7. Great friggin post... I'll echo BLZFAN, it's wierd to feel young at 37 sometimes. The Courier-Express, man that brings back memories. Tom Toles got his start there. We used to have his "gas-crisis" board game somewhere at my mom's house.
  8. My point being, it was soooo overacted and over the top, it made it one of my favorites. Like a bad B-movie that becomes a cult favorite, I guess.
  9. Bryan Cox! Followed closely by the Marino and then the rest of those fuggers.
  10. Where is the "I'm stabbing you in the eye with an ice pick emoticon?"
  11. I know, that's what's confusing to me... thus my original post. Am I the only one not getting this?
  12. Use them as in "using" a magazine ala' the movie Vacation? How do you use a protiein supplement? ... okay so sue me, I've been knockin back a few beers tonight, gotta do somethin since the MIL is staying here this week!
  13. Although I don't normally watch the show anymore, I guaran-damn-tee that will go down in history as one of the most most in-tune-with-the-times shows ever. Truly a show that had a major impact on modern TV.
  14. Or quit hittin the whiskey before layin it down with Mrs. Beerball? Aww who the hell am I kiddin, I STILL gotta slow it down wif' Mrs. Bullpen (note: STILL not Tanith Belbin yet )
  15. Seems like this should have been a common sense rule to begin with... huh, maybe I never paid that close enough attention, but I didn't realize this WASN'T a rule.
  16. Jack Nicholson - Joker Val Kilmer - Doc Holliday (so overacted it was good) Bill Murray - Carl Spackler Robert DiNero - Jimmy Conway, Max Cady, Al Capone and Sam Rothstein Danny Aiello - Sal (Do The Right Thing) oh yeah and Paul Lynde as Templeton in Charlotte's Web
  17. I had you pegged as a Fredo type myself. (Just gettin ya back for the "ask Bullpen" post).
  18. Nappy DUGOUT, you mook!!! DUGOUT!!!
  19. It really is. That. Bad. Trust me.
  20. YEAH Beerball, that's what I meant!!! Is IT swung at me, I'd have to fight back... yeah that's it...
  21. That's pretty much how I'll deal with it once he either A: gets tired of it or B: gets cut from the JV or Varsity squad. Thing is, they are opening a new high school in our neighborhood next year that he'll go to and they will "gradually" build their academic and athletic programs as the years progress, so each year he'll be in the highest grade. IE: 09 they'll only go up to 10th grade, 10 they'll go up to 11th grade, etc... so there is a good chance the sports program will also build accordingly and he will continue to "make" the teams as he goes on. If so, it's a nice situation for a marginal athlete, but chances are, they will get there hats handed to them by "real" high schools.
  22. Not.... clicking... on.... link. Must........... fight urge............. to click..... Oh what the hell, I'll be right back.... JESUS H. CHRIST ON A PONY!!!! Why did I click that!?!?! (quick, where's that Olympic cyclist link again?)
  23. Good rule. When I coached youth baseball back home and when I was stationed in Texas, I had the same rule. They are my kids for the 2 hours during practice and games. If you want to coach them, you have the 22 remaining hours to do it. If they want to disuss (read: not politic for more playing time) baseball-related issues, I would talk with parents AFTER practice. I've said it here before, baseball (or any sport for that matter) is a great activity that adults only tend to screw up.
  24. ... and that would come in handy to by him some hitting lessons and me some new golf clubs. I mean lessons. By the way, I didn't score many points with her or my wife when I informed them that I would probably miss Saturday's game to play golf. (first game of his I've missed since 2001 by the way) + 1 for Apuszczalowski! Very true... after the open-forum therapy here today, I think with a sixer of Shiner Bock beer and the knowledge gleaned here I should be able to tolerate MIL tonight.
  25. I was after I sobered up. I'm tellin ya sphere I'm on a roll today. WOOOOOO!!!!
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