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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Your avatar is too distracting... what did you say?
  2. Well that's all I need to know right there. If Richie Rich (and I assume Dollar Dog too?) rolls as a Crip, then Bullpen rolls as a crip! KD if you start a Crip "franchise," I would like to join up with your crew, my good man. "We be rollin 30-deep as the TDB Crips!"
  3. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/15851207/detail.html Really? Wow... End of days my friends... end of days.
  4. Uncle Silly is sending us some money, but we get to turn that right back around and send a good portion of it to the lovely State of Colorado, so they can continue to not have a snow-removal plan.
  5. Happy birthday fellas. Can I interest anyone in a fake Kobe Bryant Youtube clip with their cake this morning?
  6. Wow! How did I end up in your cross-hairs with only one post? It was meant as a joke.
  7. didn't see that. We're back to duece then.
  8. That normally costs ya a good 4 er 5 hunerd dollars fer a fancy lady in NYC to do that to yer hide. (at least accordin to Sketch) BTW, I notice you don't deny your "jerkwater high" roots either..
  9. Wow John, that's EXACTLY the pithy type of quote I've been looking for for my sig line... I take internet message boards VERY seriously and because of that, I have no choice but to put you on ignore for the rest of the week! Good day to you sir!
  10. Guilty as charged, but SCCS seems a little "jerk-water" backwoods too Mr. Sphere! So I guess he ain't a fixin to git me a mit?
  11. Ding, ding, ding... we have a winner! Indeed fake.
  12. Wow!!! Can you whip-stitch me a first basemen's mit then?
  13. Happy B-day Cincy whenever your b-day is. As a birthday treat, will you tell us a story about the "good-ol-days?"
  14. Jeeziz, I don't know whether to laugh or be shocked. Aww hell with it, that was funny... damn funny dib!
  15. Well top o' the mornin Sphere o' Beer! Thanks for joining the fray. (I'm STILL working OT today! )
  16. Happy Birfday guys... (notice beerball couldn't even be bothered to post his wishes here? So who is more sincere him or me? ) Enjoy the day. Chef, still waiting on the chip dip...
  17. Ah well we agree to disagree on the Ducks. Next time I see you at the Lincoln (although being in my late 30s I'm too old to be in there) I'll buy you a beer and we'll discuss.
  18. I've gotta say the some of the worst logos I've seen (in no particular order): Mid 90s Brewers (interlocking B and M) just think about that for a moment. Current Sabres Slug/Trump hair flip THING Flaming Thumbtacks 1950s/60s Cleveland Browns. That elf just sucked. Current Broncos (somehow that logo just reminds me of something Ford would come up with) Jamestown Jammers (the tasmanian devil thing they had in the late 90s. (WTF were they thinkin?) Anaheim Ducks (they should just dump the ducks name, nothing good is going to come of it) Which brings me to my next point. Worst current uniform regardless of sport: Oregon Ducks (no matter what sport, those unis just SCREAM "Back To The Future") they're trying too hard to look "edgy" or "futuristic"
  19. Thanks for the link Huuuuge. I'm a big uni-junkie myself. One of my very good friends say I put too much stock in uniforms, logos, how players wear a uniform (do they wear the uniform like a slob), etc... Can't help it, it's one of my guilty pleasures I guess.
  20. I'm ALWAYS behind the person in line who's paying with a check at the grocery store. Two things that irk the hell out of me: 1. Waiting to fill out the check information until the very end. They are scanning 75 items. In that time fill out the "to" part, sign your name, fill out the other pertinent info they need (phone number Drivers Lic #, whatever) and just leave the amounts blank until you get your total. 2. You can CLEARLY see they have a debit card in their check book, they just aren't using it because it's "hot check day"
  21. Probably Doug Drabek (he was just big enough of a name to entice some interest, but ultimately sucked). You think that's bad a buddy of mine from Jimmytown just emailed me about giving one of our friends the scroogie back in the day for a Mike Schmidt rookie. He traded a Tony Fernandez rookie card for Schmidty!!!! Straight up!!! WTF??? I had/have most of the 80s and early 90s cards. I was suckered into the great Vince Coleman farce as a kid. Somebody send up the Dean-signal!
  22. I fell for all of those plus the great stampede for Kevin Mitchell, David Cone, Todd VanPoppel and Wally Joyner cards too. If you mention UL Washington, you MUST also throw in the "standard issue" disclaimer each announcer made to us "kids" everytime he came to bat. "Now for the younger viewers at home watching, we don't recommend you imitate UL Washington's toothpick in the mouth. That's definintely NOT safe." Of course that's back when kids actually WATCHED a game from time to time on TV, now they just PLAY them on the TV. (jeeziz, I must be challenging Cincy this morning)... back in my day! No, in fact I hated that fugger even before he went to Duke. THE Nichols School was a Class C team and they killed us in some holiday tournament when I was a senior. I'm told even his own teammates didn't like him. Could have been/be petty jealousy on his teammates (and my) part, but once he went to Duke, I never claimed him as WNY's-own. I never really got into NBA cards as much as baseball, football and some hockey.
  23. I only got 7 right, but that’s not what I’m depressed about. I would have done just as well to stick those fuggers in the spokes of my bike as a kid I guess. http://www.mentalfloss.com/quiz/quiz.php?q=276&p=1 This is the basic market saturation rule of economics at work. Boy am I depressed… I need a beer already and it’s only 8:30. The one bright spot is Maddux's porn 'stache
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