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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. I'm not chipping in for THIS paver. (in honor of LSI)
  2. Exactly... As Mr Lipton said, "Well played." (emoticon used in honor of LSI)
  3. Must have been there for the "throwin the guy through the window" episode down on the Flats huh? If I didn't hate the "new" NBA, I would probably watch him more often.
  4. Loved that commercial. Charles still cracks me up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRYeqGZRo9Q
  5. Very nice, he'd be proud.
  6. I read this one yesterday and thought the same thing. Really nice story. (in honor of the suspended LSI)
  7. I've got her as a dark horse pick in a celebrity deadpool...
  8. "Talking to Janitors" By Buffalo Billdo "How to Spot an Arsonist" By Big Green Weenie "Ken Hitchcock, Gary Bettman and Bryan Murray-- All Stand Up Guys" By Lindy Ruff "_______ is Good. We Need Him To Play Well to Win. " - By LSI "Skating With My Head Down" - RJ Umberger "My Life With Tanith Belbin" - Bullpen
  9. Happy B-day Nick! (In honor of LSI's suspension, I'm ending all my posts with until he returns)
  10. I saw the topic and for a second thought it was about LSI's possible TBD suspension that is being kicked around over on the baseball forum. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=65740 Miley Cyrus... meh, the fuse has been lit on her own rocket towards Brittany-dom.
  11. I didn't realize that, I'm not that up to date on the viral website stuff, but I will tell you I hate when salisbury steak gravy gets in my brownie. (wow that doesn't sound so good now that I reread it.)
  12. Click on "The Gotham Times" in the upper right corner and it takes you to the newspaper. Click on "ha" in Gotham and it takes you to the hahaha times. There's a lot of random words circled throughout the paper's four pages which I assume give you some more clues. Haven't messed with that yet.
  13. I went to the whysoserious site and noticed the instructions for participants in each city were given yesterday and the "numbers" people were supposed to get would allow them to open a "safe" on the website that I assume would allow them to see the new trailer? I'm hoping it shows up on Al Gore's in-her-net today.
  14. Yeah, but I bet your son can hit a baseball! And your mother-in-law isn't nagging YOU about single-handidly turning him into the next Teddy Ballgame either. Seriously though, my brother-in-law works for a glass shop and a lot of those sliders are easy repairs, just don't take the first price you get. If you have the time, shop around for a decent price.
  15. Mingia dude, that's too funny... I know this is a serious topic and I understand completely why it was posted here. But I have to admit to laughing when I saw stojans post. On a serious note, I read this article on Fox News this morning and it kinda creeped me out, particularly the part about the one body found frozen with hands folded over the chest. If this is a well organized group just seeking out victims who match a certain age, race, demographic, then it makes things really scary.
  16. Happy Birthday! What better way to break the news to your buddy than over a birthday-celebratory beer? It's like asking the Godfather for a favor on his daughter's wedding day, he can't possibly refuse or get pissed.
  17. "I have to drop the kids off at the pool." Great friggin commercial.
  18. I didn't own an NES, I was well into high school by then and spent very little time at home so I was always at a friend's house playing the NES. Played Castlevania a whole lot, not sure why, but I loved that game. Double Dribble... the top corner three-point shot was always money! Blades of Steel (the penalties were based on who lost the fight... great feature) Dusty Diamonds Softball... was actually a really cool game. Didn't come out until we were in college, but really fun as I remember.
  19. You sure? This has S. Soland written all over it, if ya ask me.
  20. Happy Birthday to each and every one of you. I'm sure you are all equally charming and wonderful in your own special way.
  21. I can change the hat, but you're never going to live down your callow performance at a Bills/Patriots* game recently. Mingia, can't you hold your liquor at least a little bit?
  22. You're cruisin pardner...
  23. Understandable. My son had a similar experience with my grandfather who had passed away before my son was born... I took some comfort in that as well.
  24. That's a really cool story Phil. Kinda creepy, but since it is family it almost makes it somewhat "comforting" I guess.
  25. And there's a lot of 'em around these parts too! I swear you go north past Denver or South past Colorado Springs and it's like a high school lab experiment gone terribly wrong. Lots and lots of "free-thinkers" around these here parts.
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