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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Thanks Boss! Took care of the equipment request also. (in honor of the "let's just say I left" LSI)
  2. Great find... gotta order me a set. No Greg Cater, no Rodney Bellinger, no Jeff Nixon?!?! WTF? (in honor of the "let's just say I left" LSI)
  3. 15 of 20. Didn't really ever watch much Miami Vice or Golden Girls.
  4. She doesn't look like a recovering meth addict, which is a good thing I would say. The Olsen twins never did a thing for me... too emaciated.
  5. Wow, I just noticed that after reading these posts. You can see that he's already become two-face. Can't wait for this movie.
  6. +1 for Pete! Well placed obscure Paul McCartney reference! (In honor of the "let's just say I left" but was really suspened LSI)
  7. Too bad LSI isn't here to rail against and generalize this as "all yankee fan" behavior. Waaaaaaaaaiiiit a minute... Red Sox fan hit by car... LSI not around.... nah. (In honor of the "let's just say I left" LSI)
  8. HFBD fellas! Fez can Crank Shaft get a raise? (I figure asking a guy for a raise on his birthday is like asking the Godfather for a favor on his daughter's wedding day? ) (In honor of the "let's just say I left" LSI)
  9. Is that Uncle Pat's farm from the Sopranos, where all the dead bodies are buried? So LSI and Spiked are diggin up the bodies to get rid of 'em again?
  10. HBD to each of you. to Gord and ch19079! Since band wagon doesn't drink... LSI, if you're lurking around here, I'm honoring your suspension I mean you with a at the end of each post I make. (in honor of the suspended LSI)
  11. After viewing that, I'm sorry I ever bought any of his books now and lined his pockets with my cash. Next time I'm in Denver and see that d-bag, I'm gonna fight him! (in honor of the suspended LSI)
  12. Out here (Colorado Springs): Frankies (Frankie married a girl from Fredonia) Indigo Joes (sports bar chain) Back East Bar & Grill (owned by a former WNYer) Old Chicago (sports bar chain) Squatting Chicken (now closed but owner married a girl from Dunkirk) I knew Back East had a WNY tie, but didn't know about the other two until after going there a lot of times... kinda strange huh? Back home: Miley's (Jimmytown) Cherry Lounge (Jimmytown) Good Time Saloon (Jimmytown) College Inn (Jimmytown) The Office (Kennedy) (in honor of the suspended LSI)
  13. According to her, she makes as much in two days of fishing as she does teaching for a week AND she was doing what she loved... so what's the problem? (In honor of the suspended LSI)
  14. Just more hick-fodder for my golfing buddy who's from Oklahoma. (in honor of the suspended LSI)
  15. Jeebus, that was funny! by the way, it's "two" not "too" Edit: (in honor of the suspended LSI)
  16. I thought it was kinda funny... How 'bout this one then:
  17. Ahem. *assuming role of nervous guy* "This topic has previously been discussed in another thread:" http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=65841 "Please consider using the site's 'search' option in the future. Thank you." *un-assuming (? ) role of nervous guy* (in honor of the suspended LSI)
  18. Wow, there's a lot of dust flying around in my office this morning. It must be gettin in my eyes. Nice post Tip. (in honor of the suspended LSI)
  19. Ten zeros?!?!? TEN?!?!? Really? Holy placemarkers Batman! (In honor of the suspended LSI)
  20. They missed Miley's and The Cherry Lounge in Jimmytown. (in honor of the suspended LSI)
  21. Doctor Bunson Honeydew from Muppet Labs... http://www.flickr.com/photos/57779144@N00/360889523/ (in honor of the suspended LSI)
  22. Never got to the Ginger Man in Austin, but I hit the one in Dallas. Loved that place too.
  23. I was at that bar about a year or so after that happened. A buddy of mine who lives there told me that was where it "allegedly" happened. (in honor of the now suspended LSI)
  24. Nine down 114 to go! (in honor of the suspended LSI)
  25. "Our Lives in the TBD Witness Protection Program" - Dean and Sketch Soland
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