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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. I think we've found The Dean!!!!
  2. I moved to your hometown, so I wouldn't be picked last anymore... ... no where is that fug you emoticon?
  3. Somewhere in the house I still have my first 13 inch TV I got for my 14th or 15th birthday. Still works as far as I know. A couple years ago my son was still using it for his video games. Nope, nevermind. We have a this thing called a "turntable" in our garage, that is from at least 1976. We got it at a yard sale for $5.00 and my son and I tried it out a couple weeks ago to see if we could still play these things called "albums" on it. Once I get a new "stylus" for it, I'll hook it up and use it again to play our "big CDs" on.
  4. You should "live in the past" like me and just get throwback jerseys from now on...
  5. Yeah it's kinda like when the last kid picked for whiffle ball moved away that one summer and you kinda wanted him back because at least you had a even number of kids and the teams were "even." In honor of LSI: "Whiffle ball is good, we should play it more often in the summer. "
  6. You've outdone yourself with the latest avatar! Perhaps you should market some rubber-type "bracelets" we can wear in support of our little buddy LSI.
  7. For the crusading part, I wonder why the hell he's here pleading his case? About as useful as promoting the Al Queda cause at a American Legion Convention, no? Meh, he'll go away, just like the Bronco fan from Oklahoma last summer (see, I already forgot his name). Making an arse out of himself... well hell we would all have eachother on ignore wouldn't we? But who am I to rationalize and judge.... IGNORE AWAY PEOPLE!!!!!
  8. Ah yes, after more than 5 years of lurking and 1 year of posting, I'm finally the beneficiary of Darin's caustic wit! I think I'll treat myself to an Alaskan Amber Ale next time I'm down to the pub! Thanks Darin, I feel like part o' the gang now!!! Bullpen (Lupus): "Thanks. Nobody ever stuck up for me before." Bluefire (Tanner): "Well Bullpen, if you wiped yer nose once in awhile people wouldn't give you so much crud all the time."
  9. Oh for Christ sake, you're all a bunch of wise acres t'day ain't ya? Mingia, I didn't think too search the coach's name, the batter's name, the pitcher's name, the interim player/coach's name, the author's name... Now on to more pressing matters, what's the deal with your sig line... that's fuggin awesome! You gotta PM me the link to that story!
  10. Does this have to do with the many Hardy threads, the Bledsoe thread or does he prefer ranch instead of blue cheese? (like billnutin, I'm too lazy to do the research myself).
  11. He can be quite the nuisance can't he? Tween me pissin you off 'bout Silver Creek and him sidin' with Eryn, you ain't got too many friends left aroun' here duz ya? 'Course wit friends like us, you ain't got much to begin wit?
  12. If he had been riding his lawnmower, he probably wouldn't have fared much better.
  13. I did a search for Oswego or SUNY (didn't do St Johns Fisher because I didn't want 57 training camp threads) and didn't find anything... So in my defense, I did check first. Wait!!! Did you even say something, your latest avatar is kinda distracting...
  14. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/news/story?...mp;lid=tab6pos2 Nice display of sportsmanship and being just a decent bunch of guys in general... Go ahead beer sphere poke fun at the sentimental Bullpen thread...
  15. Funny you guys mentioned that, I just bought a 12er of Shiner Bock last night. Slow cooking pork ribs on the smoker grill tonight... perfect beer for bbq.
  17. Well that's it folks... SDS might as well shut the site down now. I don't think, humor-wise, we're going to top that post. Between NASA's forthcoming announcement and finally a LOL-worthy post it's gotta be the end of days. And all this time I thought Silver Creek was America's own 3rd world country?
  18. Actually, ahem... I am "the dean."
  19. (that should suffice) jesus... words escape me when things like this happen.
  20. Yeah like Bemus Point is Lakewood's annoying little brother across the pond huh?
  21. Knowing the Silver Creek types, I wouldn't doubt it a bit. Probably taking his "niece" to the prom, you know so the girl wouldn't be dateless and all.
  22. This stupid fuggin state has a speed trap fetish I swear. The whole fuggin state is on giant speed trap and DUI saturation check point. Meanwhile down town Colorado Springs is a friggin battle ground every Friday and Saturday night when the bars let out. Where's the police? Running speed and DUI checkpoints on the outskirts of the city. Hey beer sphere... fug you I don't owe you any stinkin money!
  23. Good one Matty! How 'bout "STAY IN YOUR FUGGIN LANES!!!" in Tennessee a few years ago?
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