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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. I have to say mike, I'm on board with what you said exactly. I read this Saturday in the paper, and as much as it pained me to say, I agree with Porter. I've hated that fugger since he was bumping his gums at Colorado State and I still hate him, but in this case I have to say right on Porter take it out on the Pats* and call out the league for the sham that it is. Goodell's "nothing to see here, move along" approach is a bunch of bullshat.
  2. So that's why LSI doesn't post anymore, he's moved on to trading real baseball players for BATS now? Whoda thunk it?
  3. Twizzlers work great as a straw for a soft drink, especially Strawberry Fanta...
  4. High up in dee sky! Because it is very useful!!
  5. Very nice post Gringo! Well thought out, sincere and poignant. Thank you!
  6. meh... it hasn't gotten that obnoxious yet... How 'bout if I change it to "conversely" or "on a contrary" followed by the LSI " "
  7. Rated just right... Great as Lex Luthor in the first two Superman movies. Great in Royal Tannebaums, Hoosiers, Unforgiven, etc... Meh in the Replacements. What makes him great is he can really make you hate him in Unforgiven, but love him in Hoosiers and really like him when he's telling you about Lowes.
  8. "Hehehehe, it is to laugh." - Bugs Bunny
  9. If he isn't he's sure giving Bud Selig a run for his money.
  10. My crystals seem to be the color of poop! Roopy-toop, loops of BERRY poop!!!!!
  11. And I thought it was the Cabela's "Carhart Jeans for Husky Men and Fancy Lads" Catalogue!
  12. I know I feel like such a Newb. Maybe I can go on the main board and start a topic about "who's your favorite Bill" "Second best QB or RB (fill in football position here) in Bills History" or "What will you do if the Bills move to Toronto" THAT will really solidify my newb status won't it? BTW, got the hat in the mail yesterday. Thanks for the help. (I'm trying to convince my wife we need the UT bed set of our bedroom... I'm failing miserably).
  13. It's a dirty one... Two pigs fell in the mud. Three came out!
  14. See what I mean Sketch? Since LSI ain't around he's spews is venom in my direction all the time. There's a tremendous amount of muck and gunk around here thanks to beersphere.
  15. I'm with Chef on this one. We're going to get a steady diet of pro-Crosby calls for the next 10 years. He's already learning the art of the flop and he'll be getting calls for the rest of his career. The NHL wants to prop this guy up as the next Gretzky and if that mean's putting him and the Pens in the finals routinely, so be it. It's going to be a long drought for the rest of the teams in the east.
  16. wait a minute... you're crackin the wise at my expense ain't ya?
  17. He's fixing the trigger on the gun... it's a little too tight still.
  18. I wasn't around that weekend, thank god. I did see the damage he wrought though. He had some kind of ridiculous single-day and weekend post count. Basically blocked up the site with his and and senseless drivel. I imagine "he's all but given up on TBD now" kinda like the Red Sox last year. Sense he's not here to unite the masses against one poster, there's been a lot of infighting. I say they bring him to bring balance back to the board! (heck beerball and I are barely even speaking to eachother anymore since we don't have LSI to pile on.)
  19. Sketch, they got one of those old fashioned toilets in the bathroom, you know the one with the chain hangin down. I could have one of my men a gun up behind the tank where no one will think to look. You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and get the gun. You come back out you shoot him once. Then you just let your hand drop to your side and the gun slip out. Everyone will still think you've got it. They're gonna be staring at your face, Sketch. So walk out of the place real fast, but you don't run. Don't look nobody directly in the eye, don't don't look away either. They're gonna be scared of you, believe me, so don't worry about nothing.
  20. +2 for cincy!
  21. Huh... imagine that. My imaginary friends said they are with you in signing this imaginary petition. I don't imagine myself having any problems joining you and your merry band of men in this crusade I guess.
  22. "I can't believe LSI is still banned, and the worst part is I've totally given up on him."
  23. No Shat... gave up chewing tobacco for like 8 months. Never bothered me after the first couple weeks. The night before Thanksgiving 2007, driving to meet some friends for a couple beers. I pass a Farm Crest Store (kinda like Sugar Creeks back home) figured aw hell one ain't gonna hurt. BAM! Hooked all over again. Gotta get motivated to quit again. Back on topic: That is a sad story. I've heard of rip tides, but never encountered one when I was on the coasts. Can't imagine actually being witness to something like that and I can't honestly say how I would react either.
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