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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. What's goin on in 'dis here thread? Do I have to pick sides or can I just pull up a chair and a cooler of cheap beer and watch the fur fly? See what happens when you ban LSI, there isn't a single focal point for everyone's angst and it results in in-fighting, PM-snipper fire and "friendly fire."
  2. JFK Tommy Lee Jones Sissy Spacek Gary Oldman Joe Pesci Donald Sutherland Kevin Bacon Michael Rooker (underated actor IMO) Lots of bit roles given to some decent actors: Walter Matthau Jack Lemmon John Candy Ed Asner Vincent D'Onofrio I omitted Costner because he gets a lot of flack for being a two-bit actor.
  3. Crisp got exactly what he deserved. He took the shortstop out with a cheap slide into second the night before. He was stealing a base, not breaking up a DP. He slid like three feet from the bag and tried to hurt a guy in a 5-1 game in the 8th inning. I have no sympathy for the cheap shots he took on the bottom of that dog pile.
  4. Fuggin hilarious!!! A week later, actual horse walks in the same fuggin bar... bartender says, "I thought the radio would never stop playing that 'my heart will go on' song you sang for Titanic." Well I tried...
  5. I think everyone's kinda given up on the "free pinkie" parade. What with all the real horses taking place in the Belmont this weekend, bad timing to be a kidnapper on Steely McBeam's Dan's part I guess.
  6. No kiddin Mead, that's like me saying, "I'll have beer in your honor..." oh wait, I DO say that huh? As you were... Congratulations Lew! Have a great weekend. Do what my dad did when my sister got married a couple years ago. Everyonce in awhile after the reception gets a little more "relaxed" and people are just having a good time, just look around the room, don't really talk to anyone, just take in the whole scene. How happy people are, the faces, the people who came together for the special day, the family that traveled great distances to get there, etc... take it all in inbetween dances, hand shakes, toasts, etc... it will likely be a memory you'll cherish almost as much as your little girl growing up. Jeebus, did I just say all that?!?!? Somebody get me a beer huh?
  7. That and the Rolling Stones concert episode were two of my favorites growing up. Oh and when WKRP played WPIG in a softball game and Nessman makes the last out of the game on the fly ball to right field... classic show and episodes.
  8. Maybe he changed his name to Steely McBeam?
  9. Steely Dan is taking care of the body (LSI) after Dean shivved the mofo. That sounds about right?
  10. I see you've taken a healthy dose of your ghey pills again today...
  11. Happy birthday fellas!
  12. Well played eball! Patrick the piss-drunk mick from East Aurora.
  13. Sulpher-Smellin Stanley from the Southtowns Easy Elaine from Eden Brake Dust Donnie from Black Rock Sterile Ned from Love Canal Nickle-Bag Ron from Ra-cha-cha Chimney Sweep Stuart from Cheektowaga Louse-ridden Louie from Lewiston Scraggly Haired Herbert from Henrietta Gonzo Gowanda Bill Gin Blossom Bradley from Sunset Bay Rusty Hinge Frank from Ellicottville Muddy Mop-top Pete from Perrysburg Alge Crumpler.... jesus, that's funny and don't even know why?
  14. I have to admit once you start coming up with them, you find yourself having a little too much fun for something so utterly ridiculous.
  15. Silver Creek Sam, the strung-out hobo Flatulent Falconer Felix, the lonely hobo Mingia Mikey from Jamestown, the number-runnin hobo Lackawanna Tawanna, the overly friendly female hobo Social-climbin Hamburg Hank, the uppity hobo Loonie Eunie from Lily Dale, the bat-sh*t crazy hobo Ten-ton Tony from Ken-Ton, the portly hobo
  16. Thanks, it's nice to read something somewhat complimentary and positive around here. What with Beersphere runnin around here goonin' it up all the time. Usually I'm a half full guy, unless it involves beer, then it's mostly empty when I'm around.
  17. -2 (not your best body of work there Mr. Sphere) +1 (now that's more like it) How's 'bout Ol' Scab-eatin Gringo Starr? Foot Fungus Fezmed?
  18. I disagree, I believe it was a long weekend.
  19. Isn't beerball by it's own nature a hobo name? Garbage Gut Sam Swamp-azz Jim Saggy Pants Phil Soot-faced Willie Flea-bitten Fred Limpin Gene Scroggins
  20. Makes me so proud to live in Colorado sometimes. Wack-jobs, should move to the Republic of Boulder.
  21. yer so ghey...
  22. Happy Birfday AJ... be sure to take AND give your spankings like a man!
  23. Yeah in fact, that's normally the brand I get! I ate there back in the 90s and it's definitely in my top-three. Was thrilled to finally find it in the stores up here a few years ago. For a change of pace I have friends from different parts of the country bring me a local favorite sauce or sometimes if I'm really industrious I make my own... (haven't made my own in about 8 months ) .
  24. We I got my assignment to Colorado, I had my going away luncheon at Tom's Ribs, ironically enough... dammit all to hell!!!! A friend of mine is coming up from SA this weekend for a retirement party, I didn't ask for sauce from Tom's Ribs, went with Rudy's instead.
  25. Jimmy woulda been a breath of fresh air in today's PC politics. RIP Your Honor. I'll raise a beer in your honor tomorrow at the ball game.
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