Holy $% Poojer!!! I know you have a thing for her, but isn't this a little over the top? Maybe you can teach her to tap dance or something and make some money off this "project" of yours.
Sent this to my cousin who lives in the Elmwood district and told him kayaking down by the grain elevators has just been added to my bucket list. Those things always intrigued me so much as a kid, to see them up close would be so cool. Thanks for the link.
"Texans do not know good “comfort food”. Comfort meaning pizzeria style of food."
Son, if this is your idea of "comfort food," I'm not sure it means what you think it means.
So, subs, wings and pizza are his interpretation of comfort foods?
Haven't thought of OV Splits in years!!! Remember getting a "case" of 'em with a buddy of mine at the Brick Bar back in the day.
They also could have mentioned the longest continually running evening news lineup in television history with Irv, Rick and Tom.
And MISL soccer... wait was that ever a thing or did I just dream about a team called the Buffalo Stallions?
What he said... Music fan first and foremost. I like some of Sammy's stuff and dislike other, I try not to blanket my like or dislike of any musician exclusively. Only a sith deals in absolutes...
It's probably happened many times, this is just the first time it's been brought to light. And yes, after years of his tomfoolery, she can't be blamed.
Man, I loved that show. Anytime I saw Ken in anything after 1981, he was always "that guy from The White Shadow."
If he had only not blown out his knee. The things Ken Reeves could have taught that young Jordan when he joined the Bulls just a few years later. Jordan might have a longer lasting legacy.
I'll leave this here:
I hear this same story more and more often from my friends who still live in the southern tier. The drug use, exploiting the welfare system, etc... sad all the way around. Hopefully, the victim lives and this guy's death wish is granted.
I would have blamed the non-story story on it being a slow sports news time, but the NCAA tournament going, there's plenty to cover. I've heard a heck of lot more about than I ever thought I would though, that's for sure.
I, personally, don't think he looks like a hero, but there are certainly those out there (to include some teammates) who obviously do think he is. I don't have enough invested in this to have much of a HOT TAKE on it.