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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. It's happened to me twice today and it drives me fuggin nuts. Me: How are you doing today? Him: Well it's Friday! I didn't ask what day it is, I asked how are you doing. It's just a annoyance to me. "It's Friday!" (just shoot yourself)
  2. I don't want no big welfare green pepper burger on wonder bread.
  3. Oh yeah, you mean that wackadoo from Singapore, Malaysia or Thailand? Yeah him too, he's clear in this one I guess.
  4. That explains the sound I heard a couple hours ago, thousands of Colorado TVs being turned off simultaneously when this "news" story hit the air waves. How 'bout letting us know when they actually DO find the killer instead? So that's two down and millions left as possible suspects I guess?
  5. Here he goes again, with the drinking and posting. Obviously the bars opened early today huh?
  6. For once in my life, I have agree with the Boston ball-washer Bill Simmons... it must be a sign of the end of days.
  7. Coming to America was probably my favorite. I'll admit that Harlem Night's is a guilty pleasure of mine though. As bad as it is in parts, there's little nuances and one-liners that just kill me. As a teen it was probably Cop I, but as I've gotten older, Coming to America's characters just crack me up. All that being said, I'm kinda looking forward to him going back on stage... as long as he isn't going to try to revive his singing career.
  8. Actually, wtf do you say so much in the first place?
  9. WTF are you cussing at Eryn?
  10. The Police - Synchronicity Wore the groves right off the vinyl I played it so much.
  11. All three?
  12. Oh hellllllll no, I haven't shot at a deer since there was a Clinton in office dude and haven't actually killed one since George the First. Any resemblence between a hunter and me is strictly coincidence.
  13. *bump* WTF did this thread fall to the second page? WTF is responsible for this? WTF is the Dean?
  14. Don't know why, but for some reason Nancy Travis has always done it for me. http://l.yimg.com/img.tv.yahoo.com/tv/us/i...70717105514.jpg Nothing "drop-dead-gorgeous" about her, she just has a real natural beauty to her or something. (go ahead beersphere start slamming me for this selection too)
  15. And for that short distance they sure make a whole helluva lot o' noise too! Many years ago when I still went deer hunting back home with my dad and uncles, I must have rousted one from it's cover. When that thing "tried" to take off, it sounded like a fuggin bull mastif falling out of a tree. Made all kinds of racket, and scared the bejesus out of me. Flop is a good word to use to describe what they try to do.
  16. I've pretty much used up most of my GI Bill already! For the first time in my life, I'm proactive about something and it still burns me in the end.... sigh.
  17. Not the game I live and die for but PRACTICE?!?! Common man, we're talkin 'bout PRACTICE... WTF are the mods going to step in a shut this thread down?
  18. Your write Chef you have ben posting hear along time. Alot longer then I halve that's for sure.
  19. Ohhh, so "we" wont loose alot of games this year?
  20. I wuz gone yesterday, wtf are we talkin 'bout here? Practice?
  21. I can't here what your saying be cause I didnt moot my TV!
  22. Happy Birthday McBeam!!!
  23. Happy birfday Sketchy! I hope you and pinkie have a poopy-loop-loops-of-poop day!
  24. Happy belated Gringo. I'll drink an extrey beer in your honor at the ball game this afternoon!
  25. HFBD fellas!
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