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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Dood!?! Glad to hear you guys are okay out there on the coast. Not quite ready to list my home and ocean front property.
  2. HBD to all three. Mill, hope you are getting better. Jack, I hardly knew ye... actually I don't know ye at all. Cajun, enjoy the day, have some mud-bugs in honor of this special day.
  3. B*%ch better have my money!!! Doesn't look like Ralph the doorman to me!
  4. Yeah his poster name is "Beerball" Haven't seen the movie yet and have a pretty decent job of avoiding spoilers (thanks to those of you who have posted here). Will probably go in a couple weeks after the buzz has died down.
  5. All that needs is a giant sphere rolling on a track beneath the pillars and they could call it the Buckner Building. C'mon it's a slow day here, I'm struggling...
  6. I took some lessons a few years ago and it also helped me a lot. Dropped my handicap about 7 strokes. You can go to the range everyday until your hands bleed, but if you don't know how to fix something, you end up experimenting to point of not even knowing what does work and what doesn't. I've found if I'm at the range when it isn't very busy sometimes, if the pro is out walking around, he'll come over and give me a couple free tips to help my game also. I agree with FiP invest in some lessons and see if that doesn't work. Often times a new club is a "band-aid" fix. But if you do try to the R7 Draw, let me know just the same!
  7. Hit it right on the screws (golf term) D-bag (I guess could be a golf term also) Filthy (describing a pitcher with great movement on his pitches) Fug, Fuggin, Fugger (picked it here and have since passed it on to my friends who use it to avoid the email-police at work all the time)
  8. I too have played with a slice on and off for the better part of ten years. I've managed to find away to control it a little bit better (read: more of a fade now), but at the expense of distance, I've wanted to try one out since I saw them a year or so ago. Although a lot of golfers play with a slice (fade) I've yet to see one at a pro shop that I could try out. I would like to try one. Please post if you get to demo one and let us know how it works (or doesn't as the case may be). As a side note, I've found when I roll my right hand over a bit so I can see the about half of the back of my hand I tend to hit it straighter, but as I said before I lose some valuable distance. (it's probably a vanity thing, but I used to love being 20 to 35 yards longer than the other three in my regular foursome.) Looking forward to hearing your results though.
  9. Soooooo glad to hear that. I was fully expecting we would lose him. Too bad they couldn't do that with Briere or Drury.
  10. I hope he plays well this weekend. Would love to see him build some momentum tomorrow. He's coming out here in a couple weeks for the Senior US Open. Plan on following him on Friday and Saturday. Steering clear of the place on Sunday though.
  11. I gotta get me one of those! Two-hundred large is a pretty steep tag though. Maybe I'll just paint my Buick black and paint some bats on it?
  12. It's gottta be Burgard's fault then... they're pulling everyone else down. IIRC, Marcus Whitfield wasn't the brightest bulb in the string... of course that's one random sampling from the late 80s also. I'm sure they have a fine science and math department.
  13. For the lack of "star power" in the derby last night, this was a perfect opportunity to get this guys incredible story out to the casual fan. It really was fun to watch. Mrs. Bullpen (no, not Tanith Belbin, the REAL Mrs. Bullpen) and I watched it last night and she's a casual fan at best and she really seemed into it and wanted to know more about Hamilton. She mentioned something that most people haven't yet, that Morneau really handled the night with a lot of class and recognized that regardless of the winner, Hamilton was the star of the show. Side note: everything was better when Morgan played ball, that's a long standing given, but it seemed like Boomer kind of toned his schtick down a bit last night.
  14. I suppose, you're right, but look at ol' Jimmytown over-achieving down at No. 86. Sorry TomCat, et al... They must be the ones spelling Reedickyouluss wrong.
  15. We're 57 for cryin out loud! WTF? At least we still own you fuggers in football and baseball? Randolph is 69!!!
  16. Stone Temple Pilots shirt burnt orange Jimmy Buffett 2004 Concert shirt 2005 Univ of Texas National Champs shirt
  17. Nice Cincy!!!!
  18. And how are you today ol' chap?
  19. Most Washingtonians think the Walgreens slow-pitch softball team is playing in that new ball park, that's why no one goes. Check out the logos! http://allpharmacyjobs.com/images/walgreens_logo_lg.jpg http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/03eCb70fyk0Me/610x.jpg
  20. Spelled it wrong dummy! It's rye-donk-u-lus!
  21. That mechanical dude that wobbles around the stage at Iron Maiden concerts? http://www.massey.ac.nz/~mwilliam/Images/I...aidenEddie8.jpg One of those crazy broads on the view? http://www.diamth.com/blog/whoopi.jpg A wrassler? http://library.thinkquest.org/05aug/01280/...ie_guerrero.JPG Former ball player, Cal Ripken's drinkin buddy and conesiour of fine champale? http://www.baltimoresun.com/media/photo/2008-01/35014581.jpg
  22. Like shat, thanks for askin! Actually, it's not too bad. Basic Cadet Training is going on here at the Academy right now, so there's about 1300 fledgling fourth class cadets running around here makin all kinds of racket and after three weeks of it, it's starting to get old already. I keep hollerin at 'em to git off my yard, pipe down, and quit makin such a ruckus. (obviously I'm channeling Cincy today)
  23. Soon to be Colorado State's gameplan!
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