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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. "Let's play two!" - Ernie Banks
  2. Sorry man, when the contractor I work with kicks down a couple comps to me I gotta take it. Granted the golf is obviously not as great as the regular tour, but you get to see some greats still carving out shots that most of us STILL can't make and they're doing in their 50s and in some cases 60s. ... and then of course there IS the whole free booze and food.
  3. Can't do it Ray, I've got VIP passes to the US Senior Open this weekend, and since that includes free booze and food, I'm taking full advantage of it. I may be home in October, that's going to have to be soon enough. Seriously though, aren't there things back home that you skipped out on or didn't do only to move away and think "why didn't I ever do that, eat there, see that?"
  4. You and I, Blue. Never really occurred to me to eat there when I was growing up, I kinda took it for granted I guess.
  5. Judging from that preview and other things I've read, I think it's going to be so "over the top" and ridiculous that both Dems and Republicans will probably laugh at it. I do imagine it's going to score pretty high on the unintentional comedy scale also.
  6. If our 'rents were around it was Kill the Carrier. I had the neighborhood "record" for consecutive tackles without missing one. What a bunch of dorks we were for "tracking a stat" like that.
  7. An American armed with a DIVESTICK!!!!
  8. No that would be me! Going back to the 90's it goes a little something like this: Conlan (signed with the Rams) Paup (signed with Green Bay) Bryce Fisher since matriculated here and I knew him I turned the Paup Jersey into a Fisher (he signed with Rams) Sabres LaFontaine (consussed, career ending) Sabres Hasek (we know how THAT ended) Bledsoe (duh) Spikes (now an Eagle) Only jersey I didn't jinx was a Tony Gwynn one. I'm not a fan of that either, I have to say. Live in the past like me, get a throwback jersey from the glory days and you won't ever have to waste money on another jersey again.
  9. I rmember sitting in class at Falconer back in the mid 80s and feeling a light rumbling and then finding out later that night that it was the aftershock of some quake in the midwest or something. Obviously nothing like what you felt.
  10. If the attacker says a prayer to Saint Barbara, he may have been save though... http://www.cracked.com/article_16509_8-mos...ron-saints.html Not sure if Estes rockets are covered by "St Babs" or not.
  11. If the one of more of the passengers on the bus had a 'dive stick" or a "jart" this probably wouldn't have ended so bad.
  12. Point 7: Dive Sticks Could Potentially Impale Children I too said WTF when I read that, not so much because of the advisement, but THIS bit of info: "In the 70’s we didn’t worry about impaling ourselves on dive sticks because we knew that if you dove hard enough into the shallow end of the pool that you could impale yourself on a dive stick, then dive stick or not, you’re pretty much fugged in the impending battle between your neck and the bottom of the pool." Dive sticks? I never even heard of these things in the 70s OR 80s? AHEM *channelling the spirit Cincy* I don't remember any dive sticks, if we wanted to play "fetch" in the pool we dove after a rock, a Star Wars action figure, or something else that sunk, not a specially designed fuggin "dive stick!" I guess the Zayres and Hills in Jamestown didn't carry "divesticks." Dive stick...
  13. That's pretty much what I told my wife last night. I don't really think I'll watch much (if any at all) of this year's Olympics. I predict the US will not win gold in basketball, we'll dominate women's softball, the opening ceremonies will take for-ev-er, Bob Costas will wax poetically about all kinds of stuff, the chick from Fredonia will win some sort of medal in pole vault and in the end most won't care about any of it anyway. Oh yeah and Sketch will be "glued" to the TV watching the equestrian competition thinking "what if I had actually saved Pinkie Pie, that could be ME!"
  14. I thought that was just a Mini-me version of Seth Rogan? You know like how gremlins spawn other gremlins if they get wet? I figured the same principle was at work here.
  15. Here's ya go! http://www.groundround.com/home/ For nostalgia purposes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkCCiOqwZBg
  16. Why is He often found in prisons?
  17. I haven't really enjoyed too much of his stuff after "Freaks and Geeks" to be honest. Seems like he's kind rehashing the same schtick in each film now. I know what you mean, Mr. Rogan is dangerously close to becoming a Jack Black-type "actor" where he's esentially playing himself everytime with different costume changes. "Hi I'm Seth Rogan, playing myself in a movie about a 20-something slacker. (insert sarcastic, smarmy line here to re-enforce the Rogan-esqueness of my 'acting')" Yep bitter old man @ 37... that's me.
  18. This one is for my good friend Beerball: Well and probably a few more of us on TBD...
  19. +1 for Beersphere!
  20. As Don Henley once sang: "We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who Comes on at five She can tell you bout the plane crash with a gleam In her eye Its interesting when people die- Give us dirty laundry" For you videophiles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E90vqso1dM0 Glad to hear your are all doing okay. Now watch out the "Big One That's Coming Soon"
  21. No more Phoney Mahoney pubs? The only time I ever saw the one out here packed was on amatuer night (aka: St Patricks day) when all the rookies go out to celebrate their "heritage of the moment."
  22. "If I ever catch you actin like a crazy fool again, your gonna meet my friend PAIN!" That what had me spitting water across my office.
  23. Uh oh... someone had sourball soup today.
  24. As the Our Gang kids used to say, "yoooouuuuu said it."
  25. DIdn't know the reservation casinos has gated entry parking!
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