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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Love the FF version as well. It's definitely in the top three most played on my MP3 player. # 1 on mine is God's Gonna Cut You Down by Johnny Cash.
  2. Andy Capp Hot Fries guy myself.
  3. (I'm sure I AM one of them) Happy bday Gavin!
  4. Happy belated KD... ... Tim Tuefel sends his best.
  5. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years...082hammer1.html
  6. Always stealin my thunder Ramius... please add your own name to your signature line for the next to be run out of town.
  7. Here's a complete list of all the covers for you! http://www.holytaco.com/2008/08/06/20-year...-madden-covers/ God, I remember seeing the first version when I was college and thinking video gaming will NEVER get any better than this! Notice one (94 I think) cover has the turf of The Ralph in the background.
  8. wow. I'm kind of speechless after reading that... a wide-range of emotions running around in my head. Thanks for the post Blue...
  9. *ahem channeling the spirit of James Lipton* "Well played Mr. Bills, well played."
  10. Anyone go over to the Packers or Jests Boards and see what kind of hari-kari (or in the Jests case, premature jocularity) is going on?
  11. Jesus, they're interviewing Rachel Nichols on ESPN right now about the Green Bay reaction right now. She sounds like she's pounded down a few sympathy PBRs or Shotz Beers with Lenny and Squiggy tonight. Mingia, if "rode hard and hung up wet" had a sound, it would be ol' Rachel right now.
  12. The Wisconsin Jarheads are blowing up their Packer/Favre paraphanalia!
  13. Watch the Dolphins pick his fuggin arse up (assuming he gets cut). Of course, Chicago could use more chaos in thier QB revolving door.
  14. How will Hank steal the spot light back from the Jets and put it back on the Yanks!?! Better yet, how long before ESPN declares the Jets a "legit" contender in the AFC now? Just when we thought the "sexy" pick of "the Jets are going to surprise a lot of people this year" was done... now we can dust that same old tired script off again.
  15. Thanks Brad... ... my Dolphins fan wife will love that when she fires up the computer tomorrow morning before work! If I run into you when I come home in Oct, I'll buy you a beer, but my wife will likely give a punch to the temple.
  16. I had just mentioned to a co-worker not too long ago, (back when Brit was REALLY wacked out we placed bets on who would check out first, I took Winehouse, he took Brit) I bet it won't be long before some one starts putting her in movies again. The fact that it's Tarantino doesn't surprise me in the least... him, Joel Schumacher or Tim Burton were likely bets in my book. OT: While I like a lot of Tarantinos early stuff, IMO, he's becoming Spike Lee-ish in that he's becoming bigger than his movies, and he seems to be "over-directing" now? Like he's become so obsessed with 60s and 70s B-movies that he can't help himself anymore and his movies become one big "tribute" film to the genre? I don't know maybe it's me... maybe Tgreg can explain it better than me...
  17. So THAT'S why this guy is in town then? http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/408110.html
  18. Tour of the Taylor Shellfish farm near Olympia in the town of Shelton. We did that last summer when we were there and it was really cool. You can also buy directly from the farm and a decent chunk o' change versus buying them from the Pike Place Market and getting the "tourist gouge." http://www.taylorshellfishfarms.com/
  19. and then Harold McGee steals from Dane Cook who steals from Louis CK and a bunch of other comedians. Oh wait, wrong topic...
  20. You know I saw Bobby Flays version of wings this winter and that was pretty awful with the breading and all, but (let me preface by saying I actually like some of his shows) when Alton Brown decided to make semi-authentic wings. This somehow turned into an hour-long process (I know he explains the science behind what he's doing and sometimes that's actually pretty cool), but he STEAMED the wings and then baked them. I don't know it may be the WNY-er in me, but let's not convolute the issue, if you have, wings, fryer, franks and blue cheese, you're pretty much all set I thought.
  21. HFBD bobble! Do the first 10,000 fans get to purchase you a beverage of your choice tonight?
  22. It's going to be fun to see how long a leash he gets in Fort Collins this year. Two-yards and a cloud of dust! My wife went to CSU and I work at the Air Force Academy, so we agree to disagree whenever the Rams and Falcons play.
  23. Congratulations! Here's to a long and happy life together for you both. (and if not long and happy, just stay out of the way, show up when you're supposed to and keep your opinions to yourself unless asked). Seriously enjoy your new life together.
  24. Haven't seen him in a while. Last time he pulled this was right after the loss to the Eagles and we didn't see him until almost February.
  25. Sketch, you really gotta stop taking dating tips from Beersphere... "Knock-knock. Who's there? Sex."
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