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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Kaint say as I really know ya, Tx, but happy birthday anyway! Head on down to the cantina tonight and order yerself a shot of ol gut rot on beerball and me!
  2. Ummm, everyone KNOWS skwerls HATE water (well except for that water-skiin' one) anyway, so there's no way Sandy would be under water in the foist place! Sheesh... peoples is so stupid.
  3. There ya go. With that new avatar, you're a force to be reckoned with now!
  4. Seriously? A guy with a scary avatar like that shouldn't youse terms like "thank you", "please" or "if you don't mind." That's a very serious avatar you got there beery! Take advantage of your new found "scariness" and just tell people what you want. No thank youse, no pleases, just embrace your innner ogre and say what you mean and mean what you say.
  5. If Google begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head. Google may stick to certain types of skin. When not in use, Google should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration. Failure to do so relieves the designers of Google and its parent company, Global Chemical Unlimited, of any and all liability. Ingredients of Google include an unknown glowing green substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space. Do not taunt Google.
  6. Happy B-day FISD! Don't worry, we all wish BB was dead from time to time... especially when he rigs his slot machines so friggin tight.
  7. Brady is obviously irrelevant to that discussion, but we ARE talking about ESPN, which panders to the lowest common denominator, right? None of this will probably happen, as one or both will probably play anyway, but it IS getting awfully easy to guess ESPN's next move before they make it, no?
  8. http://msn.foxsports.com/golf/story/8520266?MSNHPHMA Strangely enough he doesn't condone throwing a club, but he might be most famous for this photo: http://img.timeinc.net/golf/i/news/March07...gry_299x300.jpg
  9. One or maybe even BOTH networks would give us that stupid pop-culture reference factoid: "The last time there was a week in NFL regular season that didn't have either Tom Brady or Peyton Manning at quarterback, gas averaged a 1.19 a gallon, Sarah Palin was a mayor in Alaska, first-round draft pick (whoever) was in 5th grade, NSync topped the charts with, blah, blah, blah." You know those clever minds at ESPN would do it.
  10. Happy belated to your much better half. You really outkicked your coverage when you married her didn't you? (didn't most of us?)
  11. Sorry Hoppy, don't mean to give you chills. We had one in Jimmytown growing up. Don't remember a lot about it, except their toy department was a rip, Tom Jolls did the voice-over work for the commercials and my dad did a lot of Christmas shopping there I think. I think it got a lot of these: ... then probably some laughter.
  12. A bunch of us were playing in college and playing County/Grape-Belt league baseball in the summer. It was right before the 4th of July and after the game a bunch of people were discussing plans for the holiday. One of the girlfriends chimed in with this beauty... "Can you imagine if the 4th of July ever fell on Friday the 13th? That would be kind of creepy" Seriously, I'm not making this one up... she actually said that. You could ALMOST give her some slack if she had said Independence Day... maybe. But to use the actual date?!?!? ... no I never played baseball with Tony Romo or Nick Lechey so I'm SURE it wasn't Jessica Simp.
  13. What's really funny about this is my son's first car IS a 62 Ford Fairlane. He picked it out with his grandfather, bought with his own money, did most of the work to get it running and everything. He's kind of a "throwback" I guess you could say. Thing about his car, you can actually get at the plugs to replace them without putting 11 swivels on the socket and you can actually get in there to work on the engine. Can't do that with most cars now.
  14. We were talking about that exact same thing this past weekend. It used to be fun to make a whole day out of opening Sunday. Have a bunch of friends over, smoke some bbq ribs, make some wings, lots o' brew... kind of a end of summer/NLF kickoff party with Monday to recover.
  15. A White 76 Caprice Classic 4-door (used to be plow snow with that thing in the mall parking lot) Rode great though. Like John Adams said it's like riding around town on your couch. http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/chevro...pala-1976-2.jpg 1983 Dodge 024 just about exactly like this one: http://www.davisengineering.net/Jet_files/image002.jpg Didn't really plow snow as well as the Caprice.
  16. Any post-holiday football that actually meant something to me would be a marked improvement over anything we've had recently. .... speaking of holidays, don't forget Brand Names is your place for Christmas Shopping.
  17. And of course the ESPN Page 2 D-bag Bill Simmons, he'll be coming out with his picks next week and in typical fashion, he'll drop a bunch of 80's pop-culture references, linking teams to former Celtic players or some such nonsense.
  18. Happy birthday to all three of youse! I ordered gifts for all three of you from Brand Names... they should be shipped to your house any day now.
  19. HFBD ya bastages!!! dib, thanks for the avatars!! How bout creating a link to your top 10 of all time?
  20. Veronica... We had a thread (lost in TGC of 08) about hot cartoon characters, she was my pick.
  21. Nicely done LA... +1 for you on this Tuesday afternoon. Why do I suspect (like KD) the backlash for this "guideline" is going to be unbelievable?
  22. Who knew Billdo spawned an offspring who was just as adept at pitching as he was? Perhaps Billdo should teach him to throw a few gimme pitches to the kids who aren't as talented as him. I miss his hyperbole... I really do.
  23. had to go and mention Troyer Farms didn't ya? Just when I think I can't crave anymore foods from back home you bring that up. Down in Chautauqua County they have Hartley's Chips in the stores... fuggin awesome with Bison.
  24. Bandwagon jumping (depending on the relative success of the Bills or Sabres) Camaro drag racing Cow tipping (you'll have to venture down to Cattaraugus Co for that) Texas Hot eating contest (with the works of course)
  25. RIP Gene. It's too bad this happened at a time when he's the center of so much controversy... not that there is ever a good time for it to happen, but it would have been nice for him to go in peace, knowing his job here was complete. Just barely old enough to remember him in his playing days, but what I do remember he was among the best at his position.
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