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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Some things we probably don't want to know the answers to.
  2. Ding, ding, ding! WINNER!!! Man, do I miss those places. We have a version of it in Colorado, but still not as good.
  3. "I'm mic'd up and I can't speak and all the world keeps lookin at me." WTF? That dude is hilarious! Yeeeeeaaaaah!!
  4. Happy Birthday Berger Meister Meister Berger!
  5. Bills_fan, your post is probably one of the most powerful and impactful, I've ever read here in my long history of lurking and over past two years posting. Being in the military I know the whole "service before self" mantra, but your post about staying behind and pitching in when it was not "demanded" of you really exemplifies that mantra. Hat's off to you. USMC, although I no longer wear "Mother Blue's" uniform, my thoughts and prayers are with you if/when you ship out. Godspeed to you.
  6. If I never see another image of a person leaping from those buildings, it will be fine with me. I like to think I've got a pretty thick shell, but those images above all others from that day, still cause some strong emotional and even physical reactions in me. Watched an interesting show on The History Channel last night about the attacks called "I Witness" and everytime they showed footage of someone jumping, I conveniently decided it was time to get up to grab a beer, let the dog out or check on the grill. Great show though, completely uncensored. You get a real feel for the sheer anger, fear, sadness, helplessness people there felt as it was happening. A couple times, I caught myself thinking "would I have reacted any differently?" If it's on again, it's a powerful show.
  7. Please don't encourage me bart, taking shots at a person's physical appearance is low-brow comedy at it's worst. It's like making fun of a geographic location because of its weather or resorting to jokes about losing a lot of championships, or a sports team possibly moving to a different city... it's really in poor taste. Dean good to see you again... how was the summer sabbatical? Restful, I hope?
  8. Boy he sure is a handsome lad also!
  9. Sweet Jesus, that's got to be something you'll remember in vivid detail for the rest of your life. I was here in Colorado, had a friend who worked across the river from the WTC and he was emailing me to get information because they were having all kinds of technical problems. It was strange that he was getting word from me in Colorado as to what was going on. I remember by Friday or Saturday night I finally told the family "that's enough, we've been glued to the TV every night, we're going out to dinner to get away from it all and talk to eachother rather than stare at the TV." Seems like forever ago sometimes... and other times like it was yesterday.
  10. Happy birthday all yall. ... and you other guys too.
  11. How is that airport? I think we have a 2 hour layover there next month when we fly home to WNY.
  12. Is that a Sunday? If so who do the Bills play? Wow, I'm in quite a predicament whether to start my christmas shopping before then or hedge my bet and wait until the 22nd...
  13. So that's why the locals used to call it the Dunkirk Disturber and the Jamestown Post-Urinal? That guy muct have typed that article directly onto the page layout in their desk-top publishing software, that's the only way I can think of that spell check wouldn't catch that second screw up.
  14. I think they are looking to see if I still have "laurels" my boss says I'm resting on them... If I have 'em, I think I'm getting them removed.
  15. Naw, I was kidding. I'm in too good a mood this week. The Bills rolled, my fantasy team won because of the fake field goal play, Karma is biting the Patriots* HARD and my insurance finally approved my MRI next week, so life is pretty good right now. I completely take back the "slappo" comment. Mea Culpa Mr Ball....
  16. I took my anti pall medication this week, so I too am immune to it.
  17. Oh no we don't if you listen to the talking heads at ESPN the Jests barely beating a 1-15 Dolphins are the class of the division now. We (with the "chosen one" injured up in Bahstin) are still just an also-ran. God, I love the drive-by sports media pandering to the dumb-azz.
  18. Loved that joint... Good times man... good times.
  19. I hate when I'm home on vacation and we go to the Seneca Casinos and I hit a jackpot and I have to wait for some slot machine slappo to refill my machine so I can collect my winnings!!! Dammit Beerball, pay attention when they're paying you an honest wage to do a job!!!
  20. Chas, your passion is admirable. You have some valid points to your post, I don't absolutely agree with every single one, but you do have some points.
  21. Same, same isn't it? Second verse, same as the first. Deja vu all over again?
  22. Happy birfday you magnificant bastages!
  23. I hate when I spit Coca-Cola out my nose when I read posts like that. ... and yeah, that is a pretty creeepy avatar Big Man.
  24. I just gave my boss a fore-arm shiver and she's got snot bubbles forming around the nostrils. I did shout "Three days to game day biotches! Buckle those chinstraps!"
  25. And the stupid fuggers think John Hannah had something to do with the Boston Tea Party, was a character in the Johnny Tremain book or signed the Declaration of Independence.
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