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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Happy Birfday Dante!
  2. Obviously Rob Zombie is voting for Lexi...
  3. Elaine: "Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake..." another Elaine: "Maybe the dingo ate your baby." (with exagerated aussie accent) Not sure if this is posted or not:
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqHcD6tv2po Exactly what I was thinking.
  5. Done... although it appears that Jennifer #21 is racking up some guady numbers from some spirited ballot box stuffing. I have to admit tater, it was hard for me to vote for Tracy when someone like "Lexi" # 24 was on the ballot.... I KEEEEED, I KEEEEEED!!!!
  6. Haven't had a burger from there in years, but I DO remember how good they were! Man, now your making me miss SA (which I swore I never would). Another good place down there for burgers is Chesters. There was one on Pat Booker Rd by Randolph AFB and another on loop 410 (I know Blue, that's pretty vague). Next time your on the northeast side of SA, check out Chesters.
  7. "Say hi to your mother for me okay?" I missed this week's episode, that Mark Wahlberg skit is hilarious. They need to use that imitation more often.
  8. HFBD Ramius, knock and couple back today. In honor of the big 2-7, I shall send you a Coy Wire #27 jersey!
  9. Happy birfday Scribo!!! Many, many more. Thirty-two huh? Treat yourself to multiple quarts of beer tonight to honor the 3-2.
  10. Despite the fact, it will be narrated by Alec Baldwin, I'll still watch it... up until it's time to line up the kick. Then I'll suddenly need to get another beer or let Thurman (our greyhound) outside.
  11. Yeah it actually was pretty funny.
  12. PPP forum, here we come!
  13. Not fallin for it McBeam... sucker.
  14. I think I've already seen some duplicate numbers posted... I'll say: 84
  15. He... err I mean, I was too in the military Civil Air Patrol , and I only like a couple songs by the White Stripes.
  16. I'm actually Mark Brammer!
  17. Please excuse the thread-jack: I think it is. I pulled it from Google Images a couple weeks ago. It came from the Staff Announcer webpage. The one we had in Jimmytown was a friggin rip-off, hardly had any toys, had to ask at the counter for everything you wanted to buy (I didn't realize at the age of 8 what a catalog showroom was.
  18. I eat pain and heartache spread on crackers like potted meat!
  19. Oh I'll definately watch it, up until "the kick." To this day, I've never watched that replay all the times, it's been on, I'll either look away, leave the room or if I'm at home turn the channel for a few seconds. Just can't watch it.
  20. Simmons hates hockey because the Bruins haven't been relavent in years. He's a fuggin front-runner, just like the rest of the Mass-holes. The minute the Bruins start flirting with hockey in May, he'll bore us with 17 pop culture-references (90210, Swingers, Ferris Buellers Day Off, etc...) to the hockey team and tell us about the phone conversations he and his dad had about the team... I'll give this to him, he's so polarizing, he's always among the top searches on ESPN's website.
  21. And don't forget AM Buffalo personality Brian Kahle!!!
  22. My irrational hate toward the "Sports D-bag" is well documented on this board plenty of times. At least now I can take the word "irrational" out when I describe by hatred towards him. It's good to see Simmons take some though with this video: Fuggin D-bag...
  23. You guys made the Hot Clicks section of SI.com today as well. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/extr...ates/index.html Scroll to the bottom of the page. Nevermind the typical smarmy Norwood comment... Nice job NYC Bills Backers!!!
  24. Mark Brammer. If you watch the Youtube clips from the other post, he was the work-horse with Fergy's 10-step drop! http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=72597 Git 'im signed Ralph!
  25. Same as the sphere said, I cant see anythin neither.
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