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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. And two more bags of candy corn for Mr. Fine (courtesy of Beerball) if he does catch 2 TDs!
  2. Agreed... can't we go back to bagging on this broad for making the d-bag face and her obvious lack of common sense in the age of "everything I do must be recorded and put on Al Gore's interweb?
  3. That's our craaaaaaazy Mr. Beerball!
  4. The thing that struck me about that article on Lil Miss Tw*twaffle is that the amount of community service the cheerleaders do was one of the things that inspired her to tryout? WTF? Last I checked if you want to do community service, you can simply DO IT! You don't need to belong to a organization to do it? Point being, she's a kid and did something stupid... it happens I suppose, but I loath people who can't just be honest and say "I want to be on the cheerleading squad because it want to be on TV, the field," whatever... don't insult our intelligence and sensibilities by telling us your doing it because of community fuggin service! Wow, I need to lay off the soda so early in the morning.
  5. I was just talking about this game with a friend of mine the other day and how ESPN couldn't remove the camera from him or thier lips from his ass the entire night. His return from a steriod-induced stoke... Was this not the evening when we were all exposed to "miracle-like" capabilities of douchenozzle? Walking on water, parting seas, healing the sick and turning gatorade tubs of water into wine? God I hate that guy... irrational as my hate is, at least I've recognized it.
  6. Castillo, 45, struck a flight attendant on the buttocks with the back of her hand during Saturday's flight, FBI Special Agent Peter Carricato said in a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Charlotte. She was simply giving the air waitress a back-handed compliment on her shapely figure. I'm with you Steely... road trip!
  7. Oh look in the first photo she's got the official "douchebag" face on! The pouty face look has become so over-used it's become it's own punchline... much like this young woman's desire to do "community service."
  8. Somehow, I just can't get past this gem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Feiw_etAra0 sorry...
  9. I know, I kept waiting for Wolf Blitzer to announce Palpatine was going to beam a transmission to us. "The time has come. Execute order 66."
  10. RIP kind sir... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,447384,00.html
  11. That's right! I forgot about Serch... well maybe today the two can come together as brothers and forget the past and move forward!
  12. Well that's one angle I didn't think of. I heard Spike Lee for the first time EVER say, "America is the greatest country in the world" and he's "proud to be an American."
  13. I don't think it's a swear, but it's probably considered in bad form to use it in everyday conversations. That being said, I use that word with the word nozzle added at the end quite often to descibe someone who has fallen in poor favor with me. It kind of replaces D-bag.
  14. Does Rob (Vanilla Ice) Van Winkle count? He's 41. In order: (oldest to youngest) Michael Rapaport 37 Mark Walhberg (lost most of his in mid-90's) 37 Marshall Mathers 36 Justin Timberlake (when he's not getting punk'd on MTV) 27 * yes I'm a little bored today.
  15. Just one question: When things are good in Billsland, don't "we" go other team's fan sites and make fun of them for turning on their teams like this? Just wondering. I told Beerball, if we're storming the castle, I'm grabbing a pitch fork this year instead of a torch. Last year I took a torch and got hot ashes on coals on my burlap sack.
  16. Or the kids that go to the "And1 Super Dope Travel-And-Carry-A-Thon Basketball" shows? Yeah we'll have to check with them, Michael Rapaport and Madden Nation to get a pulse on riot-potential. Dean, I agree with you FWIW, it's a Crayonz thread absurdity reigns and anyone who posts her normally isn't carrying an umbrella.
  17. If my chair didn't have casters on it, I would be standing on my desk applauding your efforts. You're definitely on top of your game today! I wish I could share your "optimism," but regardless it's posts like this that me reason to laugh through all the gloom and doom forecasters out there. ...Washington crossing the Rappahannock.
  18. Cheers and happy birthday to each one of you!
  19. Obscure reference of the morning, Mr. Ball. +1 for your Election day efforts!
  20. According to Michael Rapaport, yes.
  21. Jumpin Gee Hossafat, if you were to blindly listen to the Versus announcers, the Sabres are lucky not to be down 10-1 after the "momentum swing" in the second period. I'll give you that NJ came out and played better, but after allowing 20 shots in the first period anything is an improvement. Give me Jenneret's unbias announcing anyday!
  22. The first thing I thought yesterday when he caught that touchdown (no kidding) was, jeez Beerball better send that guy a big ol' honkin bag o' candy corn and candy pumpkins!! Perhaps I do spend too much time on this board if that's the first thing I thought...
  23. Good there will be something else to watch tomorrow night then. I'll get a sixer of Budwieser (red) and a sixer of Labatt's Blue to keep the theme going out here in "swing state" land. * already did my civic duty today and dropped my mail in ballot off during lunch.
  24. Now that "song" is going to be running amok in my head for the rest of the day... thanks for that.
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