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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Cincy has a DeLorean that reaches 88 mph, he travels back and forth through time, how do you think he was at the Gettysburg Address?
  2. I remember listening to it on the radio, me and some of my friends were camping/hunting/doing some underage-drinking at my uncle's cabin in Catt Co. It was actually pretty cool in retrospect to be listening to it on the radio with a few of my friends from my HS days. As I remember my older cousin was at the game and he had some small hand in taking the posts down.
  3. You beat me to it Crayonz... Seriously, what very powerful statements. Those who don't read it and reflect on what those words truly mean have no idea how precious freedom is and how powerful a nation of people the US was or can be. Never been to a civil war battle field site, would love to go sometime though.
  4. Quite an amazing story... although based on the circumstances, it shouldn't be amazing that a team did the right thing. I'm surprised I never heard of this until today. Nice find...
  5. Wow sorry to hear that you knew him personally... I know it's a cliche, but thoughts and prayers are with his family.
  6. And to think I was going to get Beersphere a gift card from Fashion Bug... actually Fashion Bug Plus.
  7. Oh God, the visuals... too much... can't... handle... much more!
  8. Wow, that's horrible. Can't even imagine what his sons must be going through. Kind of puts things in perspective.
  9. Happy friggin birthday gents! Once NG hits the 5-0, shouldn't he be referred to as "Nervous Elder Statesman" or "Nervous Gentleman" at the very least?
  10. Exactly, I mean really is this seriously a "record?" Seems more like an interesting factoid. Whenever someone gets close to breaking this "record" will Welker start talking about some reciever "moving into his neighborhood" or popping champagne when he doesn't break the "record." How would you like to be the slappo who has to track this crap for CBS?
  11. Good God dude, you never cease to amaze me... friggin hilarious!!!
  12. The Dean is normally the "Retard Wrangler" around here. I vote for Retard Rodeo as well.
  13. Especially when said by a waiter or waitress?
  14. Don't really know Mr. Bad, but nevertheless (alwaysthemore) Happy Birthday STRONG!
  15. Most important thing: sense of doing something that actually mattered, invaluable job experience that has helped since I left active duty and a group of friends that I'll have for life and were there for me during some really trying times. Least important thing: About 17 different "official" Air Force uniform combinations that changed with each chief of staff change. This was especially popular during McPeak's tenure.
  16. Good Lord Ball, you know what I meant by "methy." I approve of Miss Monk, she is what you might call "boner-inducing."
  17. $1.91 in Parker, Colorado just outside Denver. $1.99 in Colorado Springs. I just told a friend of mine out here, who is also from WNY originally and he couldn't believe gas was more in B-lo than California. I told "well at least we lead the nation in something."
  18. One would think with all the money she has, she could do something so her arms and fingers didn't look so "methy."
  19. Beerball's so old, when he went to Antique Roadshow and they started appraising HIM! *thank you, I'll be in town all week... try the veal*
  20. I kind of liked the Doctor of Style... he had that wierd lisp when he talked and he called everyone "baby." Mr. Fuji was another classic manager. I tended to like the bad guys in wrestling I guess. Saturday Night's Main Event on NBC was always a big deal as a kid.
  21. Beerball's so old, he thinks Amish people have modern conveniences! Oh, sorry in keep on topic: Roddy Piper, Paul Ordorf and Ric Flair.
  22. Here's what the local fishwrap says about the "near incident." http://www.gazette.com/sports/racial_42982...land_glove.html I couldn't care less either way... just passing along the information.
  23. YEAH!!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!! Beerball, grab a cooler of beer, I'll get the lawn chairs, this should be a good one!!!
  24. Great news Pooj... keep your resume updated though just in case. I learned that lesson the hard way. Again, congratulations.
  25. Again, BRAVO! BRAVO MR. BALL!!! (Bills losses don't do much for most people, but your best posts seem to come after a defeat for our beloved Bills)
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