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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Nice tie-back to last week's thread. You don't have many of them, but every once in awhile you do have your moments.
  2. I did the same thing, and then last night a buddy of mine called and told me he's got sky box passes for the Denver/Buffalo game this weekend. We get the whole deal, free drinks, food, indoor/outdoor seating, etc... I won't be rabid Bills fan this weekend, but I guess I'll still represent B-lo somewhat.
  3. Did you check out the guy at the podium with Bush? Watch his half-hearted attempt to "catch" the second shoe!
  4. From my seat at Buffalo Wild Wings out here in Bronco-land, it seemed almost comical how this game was given away. You know what? Fug 'em, they're my team and I back 'em, but I'm done for this season. I can't believe they can find new ways to lose week in and week out.
  5. Amazing how winning is the ultimate elixer for all the pains isn't it? Since the Bills can't do anything relevant, I'll enjoy watching this inplosion. Rot in hell Dallas!
  6. Unfortunately, you are almost 100 percent correct too!
  7. Go fuggin figure, they keep marching out the same 8 to 10 actors over and over again and then wonder why their "shelf life" is about 27 minutes!
  8. Nice catch. She actually did though. She would ask where were her papers, who moved her papers. I thought it was a joke from the movie too, until I found out she was serious. I think Mike Myers stole material from my ex-MIL.
  9. Let me guess... romantic comedy? Probably has either a Vaughn, Wilson, Stiller or one of the Apatow clones?
  10. Might wanna check with Mead... the whole mouse thing didn't work out too well for him, since he forgot to dispose of the thing after he caught it.
  11. She's getting alot of attention lately for not really doing anything but being hot isn't she? It's not like her being hot is new development, but I'm noticing her in the newspapers* by the checkout lines alot lately. * my ex-mother-in-law from many years back actually called Star, The Enquirer, etc... "newspapers" or "the paper."
  12. you get award for Bullpen's favorite post of the morning (it's only 11 am out here). Congratulations, now tell eveyrone who you are wearing while accepting this award.
  13. Great news. So very happy for you all. Rereading Chevy's story caused the dust in my office to kick up a little bit and get in my eyes I guess.
  14. Agreed, I still pull that CD out every now and then when I'm feeling like I need of some "street 'cred" Another good one, I forgot about, I've got that one somewhere. After I read that I had to find The De La Soul/Teenage Fan Club video on Youtube. Cited many times on this list and I agree anything with an wide range of music styles makes for a great soundtrack. Was never a fan of a soundtrack with only one artist throughout (Purple Rain being an exception of course). Wow did that song take me back in the day as well! The Malcolm X soundtrack is pretty good. Lots of old Jazz on it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104797/soundtrack
  15. Five words: Sand in the gas tank. (someone disputed the "sugar in the gas tank" myth a month or so ago).
  16. Maybe so, but I've seen even some fairly new posters come on here and just start blastin away at people who don't agree with their opinions or dispute their points. It certainly seems like everyone is a bit more chippy around here lately though.
  17. Who pulled your fuggin string howdy-doody?!? Fuggin 'tard.
  18. SEE!?!?! Fan on fan violence!!!
  19. Great stuff Mead!!! Thanks for starting my morning out with a laugh!
  20. Although I lurk, more than post, I would say this is the most "fan-on-fan" violence I've seen on here in a long time. Like RJ said, part of it is due to internet annonymity, but we've also got more "johnny-come-lately" posters who come in, drop their two-cents, insult a few people and leave for a week or more. I think the place has dumbed down a bit, but I also think more posters have an "edge" to them that defies explanation.
  21. Wow, talk about Dewey beats Truman. Teeheehee, it is to laugh. Sorry Lv-Bills, this one's gonna sting for awhile. Looks like they wrecked it all. Keep your chin up, you guys had a great season. Wow Turner Gill is kind of speechless... proud of him and the team.
  22. Sitting here in Colorado and loving it, even though I have nothing but a regional tie to the school! Boy the announcing crew (Spielman, I'm looking at you) certainly were giving Ball State enough excuses early on. "Well 2 of the 3 turnovers really weren't earned turnovers by Buffalo." Only thing is, I'm already sick of the "looks like another Buffalo team will be playing in Toronto soon."
  23. 8th grade, this was back when Jr and Sr Highs were in the same building so everyone went to homecoming. I went to her homecoming dance (she went to another school... not like Rusty Griswold she wasn't from Niagara Falls). I remember exactly where it was at my friend's house, it being kind of a rushed/awkward thing because her mom was in the driveway to pick her up and she was honking the horn. She ended up living out here in Colorado not too far from me, with much more leg hair now, because she's kind of "granola" and living in Boulder. (won't be long before Beerball is ragging on me for making out with a future granola chick.)
  24. We may not agree with Zim, but by God, he isn't namby-pamby, he doesn't mince words and he's a breath of fresh air in this world of tabloid sports journalism. All my best Z! Get well and start writing more stuff that pisses me off!!!
  25. Whoops!!! Nice catch! Attention to detail must be one of your strong suits... or you were just staring at her barnacles.
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