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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. "You're gonna love my nuts." "If I can do it with one finger, you can do it with your whole hand." The only thing missing was "It's made by the Germans, you know they make good stuff." Fuggin Vince... if I ever see that dude, I"m going to have Beerball fight him.
  2. It's too big to be a space station.
  3. And if memory serves me correctly, LSI was completely done with the Bills and Red Sox only about 511 times? Deep breaths my man... deep breaths. Think happy thoughts... shiny fire engines, roller coasters, cotton candy, cheerleaders... it's all going to be okay.
  4. Still going eh Chalkie?!?! Does s/he have "manish hands." Along with the Dean's original reply, this one just about says it all. Oh really? Well I'll have you know that in addition to being "ivy-league caliber" I also used to serve up gimme pitches to kids in little league who really weren't that good, so they could at least feel good about themselves.
  5. http://www.drbbq.com/bigtimecookbooks.php The Big BBQ Book. Really good stuff in there. Not just the recipes, but also the hows and whys behind slow cooking BBQ and smoking various cuts of meat. Most of the recipes call for stuff most backyard cooks would have on their shelf, which is nice as well. Trying to decide what to make for for a New Year's meal based on what's in this book.
  6. I agree with you, anytime I can watch Dallas implode in December and miss the playoffs, it's great theater. So TO should start his post-game theatrics in about 30 minutes right? My wife is a Dolphins fan, so at least someone in our house might be happy tonight. That's fine by me... I'm not a high-character guy I guess. I rather enjoy watching front-running NE fans wallow in defeat and love to hear the excuses they'll start belching Monday morning.
  7. My son uses that line all the time. I agree the best lines are the obscure references. Best gift this year... I guess a BBQ cookbook and a book on the history of the AFL. Everything else was just schlock.
  8. Jesus Chalkie, you're on fuggin fire today!!! Maybe I'm just a little punchy from this horrible season, but your irrational hate towards Linda Booogerrrdan is killing me today!
  9. Post o' the day IMHO. Nicely done. Linda Bogdan Vice President/Assistant Director of College Scouting - According to Chalkie isn't this Ralph's lipstick pig tranny dughter? I'm thinking Chalkie's voting for her to get axed.
  10. The 2009 Buffalo Bills... we'll even throw in tickets to the Section 6 playoffs, so you can see some real football."
  11. Shouldn't we be taking a high-motor guy or a blue-collar guy it will be an odd-numbered year after all.
  12. "lipstick pig tranny daughter" holy crap that's funny!
  13. 68 Torino GT http://www.dearbornclassics.com/torino.html 69 Shelby GT 500 http://www.mustangdreams.com/Shelby-GT-500-1969.htm
  14. Hagis? Korv? Scrapple? Blood Pudding?
  15. Need away to cut through all the fat though.
  16. Additionally the festivus meal that preceeds the AOG is a meal of some non-holiday comfort food, you know like meatloaf, pulled pork sandwiches, maybe some stew of some kind?
  17. Jesus, everyone's in rare form today. "The Sphere" is hitting me up with PM insults, you're over here flippin' your lip. I must be channelling the spirit of Buffalo Billdo or something.
  18. It was a 133 pages ya mook.
  19. Only a matter of time before Mr Beer Sphere arrives with his gratuitous joke at my expense.
  20. I hope they don't mean year as in "the rest of 2008 year." Sorry, I'm probably stealing Poojer's line huh?
  21. A few weeks ago, I was the winner of Hammer's "Guess the yardage of the game" contest. Part of the prize I was awarded was a singed copy of the book "Buffalo Soul Lifters" by our very own Chevy Van Miller. Had the book all of two days and I've already read it cover to cover (and also noticed coincidently a large amount of dust flying around in whateve room I was reading it in ). I'm sure it's been posted here before, but this is a fantastic and inspirational book. It would make a great last-second gift for someone with ties back to WNY or a gift for yourself. I just wanted to thank Hammer for putting on these contests and paying the shipping costs for the prizes, and I wanted to tell Chevy what a great book he's written and what a tremendous talent he has. Thanks to both of you...
  22. Welcome back Millbank! Good to hear from you again. Hope all is well with you too!
  23. Beerball's favorite song!!
  24. Surprised no one opted to shiv her.
  25. Believe me dib, I'm a "Free food and free beer fan" first, based on the way this season unfolded. I'll have some gear on, but I'm not going Puddy and doing the face paint or zubaz pants gear. Probably a Bills golf shirt and cap.
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