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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Nor a sense of accomplishment either.
  2. Like they say, "You Learn..." Ooooo, you betta hope the women of TBD don't click on this thread pardner... * note the views expressed by my main man WVU do not necessarily reflect those of TBD or its posters.
  3. Isn't it ironic that you posted that link? Don't you think? Wow, I think she's gotten hotter as she's gotten older!
  4. Wow, thanks for sharing Bill... I'm going to have to get after that cleaning lady, she definitely isn't cleaning the dust up in my office. It seems particularly bad this morning. I don't think people believe they represent anyone really... I certainly don't at least. For once Dean, I truly hope you're wrong about this. (I hope you understand my meaning). *Ahem, putting on rose-colored glasses* I like to believe that most of us here have the moral decency to see that no matter what funerals they protest, what they are doing is stupid and reprehensible.
  5. Happy Birthday Sacto!!! Have a Chester's Hamburger and a cold beer on Blue Fire today!!!
  6. Why oh why must you constantly follow me around this board and criticize my posts?!?! I suppose you're one of those "We-need-more-blue-collar-players" type of guy huh? Yeah, let's get some more slow, block heads with sub-par talent... harrrumph! I want short, underappreciated, former child actors on this team!!! Bring me Soliel Moon Frye, Emmanuel Lewis, Raven Symone and that creepy broad who played the robot kid from "Small Wonder!!!!"
  7. Me too I guess. Quick let's delete this thread so we don't look like dummies!!!
  8. Wow, Brad Van Pelt and Mitch a day apart... RIP Mitch, thoughts and prayers with your family.
  9. Hey if you all want to have a little fun, there's a nifty thread over on the main board about Mike Tyson as a halfback for the Bills!!!
  10. If that damn Phil Leotardo hadn't a kilt 'im we could got Vito Spatafore, he knows plenty o' those types, all we would have to do is pay 'im in "Johnny Cakes!" (I tried to keep it relevant Matty... I tried.)
  11. Ooooo, I don't go over to that board, that's a scary place. Those Mofos over there play for keeps! They would knock my happy-go-lucky ass to the ground and stomp on me!
  12. *Queue Rimshot* You forgot to add at the end, "thank you, you're a great audience, take my wife... please."
  13. How 'bout Immanuel Lewis?!? Remember how that little sucker used to scamper around the Papadopalous household on the show "Webster?"
  14. You have no idea how much it pains me to admit I agree with a person (I'm looking in your direction WEO) who accused me of having peenis (sic) envy for Tedy Bruschi, but I can be the bigger man (even if I have penis envy I guess ), I was just going to say, I think we've seen this one-trick-dog-and-pony-show before. (yes I know I screwed up the saying it's for beerball's benefit)
  15. I know! Like this place hasn't been chippy enough lately! *grabbing a lawn chair and cooler o' beer to sit back and watch the fun* Now Beerball's right in the mix, this is gonna get fun. Where's Sketch when you need him?
  16. THAT'S THEM!!! I just couldn't think of the name. As a side note, I ran into a group of them later on that summer at a local watering hole after playing golf (me golfing, not them) I sent over a couple pitchers of beer and soda and told them thanks for what they did at my neighbor's funeral. It still gives me chills to think about driving out of the cemetary that day and seeing them all lined up along the perimeter. Better men, I'm not sure I've met yet.
  17. Dammit I know Matty and I'm going to to add something semi-useful here. (I think... ) The charlatans from the Kansas Welcome wagon have been trying to disrupt military funerals out here in Colorado for troops from Fort Carson (including one I attended last summer for a neighbor). A local biker club composed of many vietnam and desert storm/shield vets formed a human/motorcyle wall around the cemetary and church to shield the family and other attendees from Westboro's venom. It seemed to work pretty well too, because they haven't bothered coming back out here to "protest" for at least a 8 to 10 months. Perhaps some civic-minded folks in WNY can do something similar... let's hope.
  18. I think I answered his rhetorical question just fine, thank you. No need to basically reiterate what I said. perhaps I'll protest you!
  19. You know, I bet they would. Seriously, they would probably say that God is now taking his own flock to show his disdain for our choices. They've demonstrated they don't really have a moral compass. Nothing these d-bags do would surprise me... nothing.
  20. Oh this is going to go REAL WELL for the folks from Kansas. I can't wait to see the fallout from this.
  21. Happy birthday to both of you!
  22. Ugh... no way and I've lowered my standards.
  23. Great stuff! I found this to be so unbelievably true: "Western New York is a community separated by three degrees at most. The term "close-knit" could serve as a synonym for the Niagara Frontier." Thanks for sharing.
  24. It was sarcasm... making broad assumptions about someone's dick size, how very original. By the way, learn how to spell the genitalia in question before accusing someone of having envy, D-bag.
  25. That's awesome Dev! You'll probably discover so many interesting bits of trivia, character development, continuity mistakes, etc... I'm jealous. I dropped that hint to my wife for my birthday (as well as the Ken Burns Baseball box set). Didn't get either, but I guess Christmas is only 10 months away.
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