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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. It'll be interesting to see how he feels about that shortly after the end of October, normally the season has shaken itself out and teams know what they have and what they are at that point.
  2. "Just because your name is Lady Heroine, doesn't mean you have to sell it." - Richie Vento (Harlem Nights)
  3. If yesterdays three-ring circus didn't bring him outta hiding... I'm not sure what's going on with him.
  4. No bout a doubt it!
  5. Happy birfday LewPort! Enjoy your day to the fullest.
  6. KO Simpson!!! Word around town is he's worth MILLIONS!!!
  7. Leeeeeeeeeeeeroooooooooooooooy Jenkinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns!!!! Sorry folks... couldn't resist.
  8. Thanks Senator... now I guess it's ribs and waffle fries for dinner tonight instead of ribs and tater salad... I really should avoid this place when the topic changes to food.
  9. Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with Honest John's waffle fries... although that's about the only thing I would eat from there. (Since the Buffalonians always get to talk about all their restaurants, I'm turning this one into a Jimmytown one... only it will only take about five minutes unless Tom Cat joins us.)
  10. They probably do, but since they can't point with their fins and they have stereoscopic vision, it probably isn't as obvious.
  11. Just because it has a great vibe and reminds me of spring time during my college years: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X343J4Zu05o If I'm going to be spending a good part of Friday evening on the grill (as I will tonight), for some reason this and a decent beer like Shiner Bock just feels right: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GSpbuFSr2o
  12. Back in the late 80s the golf course in Randolph, NY had the best natural-cut-russet-potato fries. I'm not sure what they did in preparing them, but unlike other "real" fries these didn't get soggy after 5 minutes out of the fryer. They were really crispy, had just the right spices on them and weren't mushy on the inside. Back then they were the "Gold-standard" for fries for us kids. To this day when I get together with my buddies back home for beers (normally at Miley's), when the conversation enevitably reverts back to food we still all agree "Best. Fries. Ever." Boy that got off topic... bastage... Like I said, tough to get really good wings here. Now if you had said you walked to Duffs for wing and then walked down to the golf course in Randolph for fries, you would have really been on to something!!!
  13. No, I actually fully stopped. Alluding to what the Sphere said, I wish I hadn't, but I was riding with someone else and didn't have much say. I agree Wing Stop does suck, but in Colorado, there aren't a lot of authentic options short of making them at home, which I resort to most Friday nights. Wing Stop does have pretty awesome fries. Anytime you can get "golf course fries" you can't go wrong.
  14. You mean they don't serve you steak while they change your oil?
  15. I know... that always bugged me too. I went to Wing Stop and actually got wings today!
  16. No kidding! It is getting very "Witness-protection-program-like" isn't it?
  17. As always thanks for the update Mark. Kind of looking forward to seeing "Last House on the Left" and generally speaking I don't see any horror movies really. Looks like it might be along the same lines as taken with a bit more of an "edge" to it. How do Jason Segal and Seth "One trick pony" Rogan both have movies out, yet they aren't starring with each other, I thought these two were a cheap version of "Abbott and Costello" or "Cheech and Chong" you can't have one without the other... and of course the mini-rogan Jonah Hill, where's he come into all this? Now that I've got my snide remarks about the Apatow crew out of the way, the list of voice talents for Monsters vs Aliens looks pretty entertaining actually. Watchmen is going to be a renter I think if it's 2:43... of course anything with Kelly Leake in it, has got to be good!
  18. I have about the exact same feeling about him Pete. He's had some moments when he wasn't too bad. When I was a kid and only knew him from Mork and Mindy I didn't think he was too bad. The other day I tried to watch a rerun of it TV Land and couldn't last 10 minutes. Dead Poets Society, with all it pretentiousness was pretty good I guess. I too, wish him well and hope he pulls through.
  19. I have no doubt, if and when Sketch Soland ever comes back, Pinkie Pie will most definitely be replaced with the pink dolphin. Hell, he may even have something to do with this thing to begin with... he has been on hiatus for quite a while you know.
  20. When the girl scouts came door-to-door selling cookies, Suckeye Mike slugged one to the girls in the gut, took her cookies and slammed the door! That's the kinda guy we're dealin with here folks... yep, slugged a 10 year old girl in the belly. c'mon beerball, here's your chance... come and get me you gruesome sunuvabitch!
  21. Because of your avatars... one can only assume you are a chickie-baby!!!
  22. Oh there's no doubt in my mind that I'm going to have to see that movie! Something about hearing Bale's voice makes me only think of Batman now... that's unfortunate.
  23. Winner!!!! Well played Dib... nice avatar too!
  24. It's really no wonder older generations laugh at this generation... And the worst part is stupid people breed with one another.
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