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Everything posted by Bullpen

  1. Well of course, you don't want Mayo getting hot for crying out loud!!! I suppose you're the type of guy that eats raw hot dogs too? That's how you get worms dummy!!!! Random thought for the day: Why is it illegal in baseball to commit a balk (which punitively is defined as intentionally trying to deceive the baserunner) when that's what you are trying to do when you use a pick off move in the first place? Oh yeah, and if you had a package of instant water, what would you add? My friend Steve asked me that about 20 years ago and I still don't have the answer.
  2. I think he should get a corner locker for sure! (You know like how buying a corner lot in a development is a good value?) We should do the same, give him some prime realestate. Not too close to the shower, because no one wants to end up with a front row seat for the meat parade (not that there's anything wrong with that). Not right next to the beverage cooler, because people congregate over there constantly opening and closing the door; it's the defacto place where people have "water cooler talk." Not directly underneath a ventilation duct... forced AC can cause colds. Get him a corner lot off by himself, but not too far away... Give him the full Barry Bonds treatment in the locker room, with a recliner, his own TV, etc... let him have it.
  3. There it goes!!! That should do it Beery my boy!!! Well done.
  4. Oh that bastard snuck into my house and replaced the TP in the master bathroom with that crap the other night during an "emergency-we-ran-out-and-it's-too-late-to-go-to-the-store" moment. He left that cheap shat for me to use... out of my own neurosis, I must have washed about 4 times.
  5. So Tim don't like you neither huh?!?!? HIGH-LARIOUS!!!
  6. Damn dude... sorry to hear that. Fuggin economy.
  7. Oh yeah Beeeeeeeeeerbaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwl, what did they say? They ran out of YOU!!?!?!?!
  8. According to the old HBO show "Not Necessarily the News" and host Rich Hall, when you have that ratio, you have "Excess wienerage, as opposed to excess bunnerage." Somehow, I wish I hadn't posted that now...
  9. Considering the past decade of success? I can't see it happening just yet and with New England and suddenly Miami having a resurgance, I don't think it's so much being negative as it is being pragmatic. Sorry... just my opinion... I realize having one is cause for public ridicule and scorn around here after this weekend.
  10. Fug! You and Beerball are coming right out of chute on fire this morning!!! Mingia, you guys are killing me! By the way, the other one, looks like a poor man's version of a Tracey Gold look-alike, impersonator, body-double. (In which I mean if you tilt your head juuuuuuust the right way, she looks like someone who might know the former Growing Pains star.)
  11. Jesus, you're on a friggin roll this morning ain't ya sphere?!? Gotta admit that was pretty funny though.
  12. YEAH!!!! Take somadat Beeeeeeeerbaaaaawwwwwwwl!!!!
  13. Best: "Bringing in TO is no big deal because we have an authoritative coach with total job security." Worst: "No matter what happens, T.O. will never be the most reviled player in Buffalo history." (Typical, these jokes are about as old and played out as Hennie Youngman... I don't expect much more from ESPN.)
  14. D-bag... (nicely played MISTER D-bag.)
  15. Jesus, I kept waiting for the pay-off on that video... good God Steely what is WRONG with you? (Jesus when he was a kid before I started seein' dead people he sure did have some choppers didn't he? Looked like he had tombstone teeth! Like he had a graveyard just chillin in his mouth!
  16. First night in the house we had built (before we actually moved our furniture and stuff) I sat up in the living room with the gas fireplace on in the dark drinking a beer alone, while Mrs. Bullpen was sleeping and thought to myself over and over... "holy shat, am I going to be able to do this... holy shat, this is the real deal, I'm officially an adult now..." It'll be fine Ray... congratulations by the way!!!! The house we live in now (not the same as the one mentioned above) was built in 2000, so this past year, we've run into these exact issues with dishwashers, sprinkler systems, garage door openers and other appliances that were installed when the house was built. Fug, it's been an expensive 18 months at the Chateau Bullpen. You're right Joe, still better than renting!
  17. Definitely Natalie... I like me wimmins like that. Not all waiflike and fraglie... Who's that broad? I think I would give her "the treatment" as well.
  18. If you make instant coffee in the microwave, do you go back in time? Are you kiddin me? I'm of feeble mind, word searches even make my head hurt... I buy maze books to pass the time!
  19. Another week of buying donuts and bagels for the AM meetings!
  20. I've seen that date and wondered what the significance was. Thanks for the info. Wow, now I can say I was a part of the largest retard wrangling in TBD history!!!
  21. And that loud-mouthed charlatan Jim Kramer!
  22. I absolutely HATE supposably... to the point of violence... VIOLENCE I tell ya. A couple years ago I always used to "jump the pump" when I was filling up my tank (aka: squeezing the nozzle to get your purchased price from $19.67 to an even $20.00). Now that I'm in my late 30's it doesn't bug me anymore and wherever it stops, it stops and I'm done.
  23. That's really not a bad analogy at all SKOOB. Well said, however I think Jauron and Edwards are kind of tandem driving this vehicle.
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